Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

Have you been to/Would you like to go to Canada?
Would you consider moving there?
Have you got any family or friends there?

What are your associations with this country?

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Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

Blame Canada! LOL
I'm indifferent. Never been there, but have got a few Canadian friends, and I know the country's beatiful.

Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

maple syrup

sorry, that's my main Canada association
I still dream of real pancakes with maple syrup and lemon juice

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Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

I could make pancakes for you but I ran out of maple syrup and it's expensive here boo
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

My uncle lives there since almost ten years. But to be honest I don't know anything about the country, treat it as the US, only more "European" ;) Besides, Canada is like three cities and a lot of "empty" land, that's my feeling. Hard to talk about it, it's like talking about Chicago, Detroit and Seattle and what's between...
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

I heard they drink a lot!

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Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

1. It's easy to go there from here - countless times, so I'm disqualified about the travel because it's only a 45 minute drive from the "thumb" of Michigan. I can see her across the river many days.

2. When you're mad about here, you fantasize about moving there.

3. We have extended family members there. I have competed there for prize money and had fun doing it thanks to nice people.

We don't value generalizations here, but give me this one indulgence. They're more nationalistic than they would care to admit.

They have an interesting content quota law, for example, about what music they play on their radios. At least they used to. It was quite skewed...something like: for every ten songs you hear on a Canadian radio station, 6(?) have to be from Canadian acts. Money, money, money. I don't blame them, coming from just north from where all the power lives.


Canada takes care of what must be some of the most beautiful places on the planet.

I can relate to what Rafal D. wrote. :)Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.07.09 o godzinie 04:34

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Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

Wayne Gretzky.

Moose burgers.

Toronto Raptors.

late Vancouver Grizzlies.

Never been there, would love to though.

Had this convo before.

What the reason for bringing it back to live, L? Any fancy vacation plans?

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Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

Canada is truly great, especially British Columbia (Jasper(!:)+ Vancouver(!:)+ Victoria island which looks like Great Britain:)
Toronto is just a big city,although nearby you have many (great)lakes:)
One remaining place I've got to check out is Quebec:)
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

They speak French there, can you imagine?

Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

Jarek A.:
Had this convo before.

What the reason for bringing it back to live, L? Any fancy vacation plans?
It was their national holiday so I thought why not.
Care to link the other convo, pls? I had a vague feeling but couldn't find it (I tried)

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Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

Rafał D.:
They speak French there, can you imagine?
somehow I can:)although it seems 2 be a bit different from the one we have here in EU...
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

I bet it is.

Daughter of the uncle I mentioned about speaks three languages, Polish, English and French. It's fun to see videos when in different situations she mixes the languages, for example is speaking Polish but suddenly notices an airplane and says "oh, an aeroplane!" in English. It was when she was about 6.

They live in Montreal by the way.

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Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

Lidia K.:
Have you been to/Would you like to go to Canada?
Would you consider moving there?

Most definitely - to Halifax, NS or NF. Will do in a few years' time.

Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

Leonard Cohen

(Celine Dion, Garou;)
ice hockey

Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

translating Canadian documents is a nightmare... :)
the most detailed ones I've ever come across

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Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

Lidia K.:
Care to link the other convo, pls? I had a vague feeling but couldn't find it (I tried)
I'm a lazy git and my GL time is down to almost zero, so I hope you will exsqueeze me for not wasting it on looking for old convos :)

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Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

Canada is a great place. My favorite by far is Montreal. Very culturally diverse place, lots of art and music. Graffiti is legal there so you have some amazing pieces all over the city.
The music scene is absolutely unreal.

There are about 28 million people that live in Canada, most of them on the US/Canadian border, where the rest of the country is pretty much an impenetrable ancient forest.

Since there is so much open space there, the gov't set up places called "queens land" where citizens can enjoy nature free of worries about payments, permits etc etc... you can pretty much camp out at any of those sites for up to 21 days. Good stuff.

The province of Quebec is actually the only place where French is used.

"it's not even a real country anyway!"


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Temat: July 1st, Canada Day

this building is on St. Cathrin street, right in the middle of Montreal





also, A-trak - the youngest kid to ever win the DMC Technics championship is from Montreal


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