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Temat: It's ok to help banks, but when it comes to the little...

Los Angeles Times

January 17, 2009

The state will suspend tax refunds, welfare checks, student grants and other payments owed to Californians starting Feb. 1, Controller John Chiang announced Friday.

Chiang said he had no choice but to stop making some $3.7 billion in payments in the absence of action by the governor and lawmakers to close the state's nearly $42-billion budget deficit. More than half of those payments are tax refunds.

The controller said the suspended payments could be rolled into IOUs if California still lacks sufficient cash to pay its bills come March or April.

"It pains me to pull this trigger," Chiang said at a news conference in his office. "But it is an action that is critically necessary.

The payments to be frozen include nearly $2 billion in tax refunds; $300 million in cash grants for needy families and the elderly, blind and disabled; and $13 million in grants for college students.

Even if a budget agreement is reached by the end of this month, tax refunds and other payments could remain temporarily frozen. Chiang said a budget deal may not generate cash quickly enough to resume them immediately.


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Temat: It's ok to help banks, but when it comes to the little...

Basically - no comment. Maybe with one addition: where are these $700bln spent to help US banks? Surely not in pockets of little man...Tomasz Krzal edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.01.09 o godzinie 11:10
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: It's ok to help banks, but when it comes to the little...

I am absolutely not pro state-interaction, but there is something I do not understand:
- At least in Germany, well in Poland too, the state likes to show his strenght and wrestles preferably with the poor and weak men. For instance with smaller companies when they evade taxes, with people not upholding the law on weekends etc.pp.
- But the big douches, the ones who got us all into this crisis, why, for a change, why doesn't the state seize their damn assets? They do it with the little man all the time! They could easily get a couple of billon together if done so!

PS: This whole topic enrages me the more that my parents make quite little money and might be worse off even more with this crisis. My dad recently had an accident and is still in rehab and my moms pay isn't just enough...

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Temat: It's ok to help banks, but when it comes to the little...

Bernd Schreckenberg:
PS: This whole topic enrages me the more that my parents make quite little money and might be worse off even more with this crisis. My dad recently had an accident and is still in rehab and my moms pay isn't just enough...

I can relate, my dad was in an accident few years ago he lost his job and was on disability for almost 4 years. Since state decided to cap the compensation on the so called frivolous law suits, he is still waiting for his money... and not really in the hurry, knowing that it won't be nearly enough. (16 screws in his right arm for the rest of his life, slipped disk and two metal rods, on top of that the dr. left a needle in his arm after the operation). Meanwhile these douche bags are getting monetary injections simply because they've fucked up! I understand - banks are what's keeping the economy afloat... well... if they are doing a bad job, maybe it's time to look into changing those in charge and not feeding them more $.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: It's ok to help banks, but when it comes to the little...

Rafal W.:
Bernd Schreckenberg:

I can relate, my dad was in an accident few years ago he lost his job and was on disability for almost 4 years. (...) 16 screws in his right arm for the rest of his life, slipped disk and two metal rods, on top of that the dr. left a needle in his arm after the operation).

Ha, maybe your father should meet mine. They could have a talk from Robocop to Robocop :))
I understand - banks are what's keeping the economy afloat... well... if they are doing a bad job, maybe it's time to look into changing those in charge and not feeding them more $.

I guess in such a crisis on such an unexpected scale the state governments have been to soft on the perpetrators. In other centuries we could have accepted a stronger state reaction. But what our elected politicians do seems a bit too much like ass-licking to me. No backbones, no concepts, no clue.

(And, again, a giant middle-finger to the people who elected them.)

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Temat: It's ok to help banks, but when it comes to the little...

Bernd Schreckenberg:
I guess in such a crisis on such an unexpected scale the state governments have been to soft on the perpetrators.

In 2004 the US gov't decided to cap the amount of money that you can receive for physical injuries do to what they call "frivolous law suits"... meanwhile that money was given to people after a court ruling.. so is it the frivolous law suits or simply trying to protect the corporate assets? Now if the gov't doesn't trust the legal system of its own country why should we? Just a question that came to mind.

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Temat: It's ok to help banks, but when it comes to the little...

(OT: Patients exhaust their capped benefits before they are even discharged from acute care in many of the catastrophic injuries. By nature they're injuries that require long rehabs. The frivolous law suit rational is a thinly veiled plan of deceit by US insurance companies, whose only goal in life is to not pay).

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Temat: It's ok to help banks, but when it comes to the little...

Joj Y.:
(OT: Patients exhaust their capped benefits before they are even discharged from acute care in many of the catastrophic injuries. By nature they're injuries that require long rehabs. The frivolous law suit rational is a thinly veiled plan of deceit by US insurance companies, whose only goal in life is to not pay).

Amen... my dad's hospital care was $7K / day... so after 10 days he would have exhausted whatever money he was appointed. He was in the hospital for 14 days... 4 years of physical therapy.Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.01.09 o godzinie 23:34

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