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Temat: Is proof reading necessary:

Mamy sporo tlumamaz we tym forumie. Wiem że nie umiem pisać bardzo dobry po polsku. Wiec czy 'proof reading' przez nativ'a jest potrzebny?

Pytan Steviego od inny forum:

Dyskutuj (po angielsku):

Redirecting Steve's question from another forum. Is it necessary for Polish translators to use native speaker proof readers?

Discuss in English please:
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Is proof reading necessary:

warren whitmore:
Mamy sporo tlumamaz we tym forumie. Wiem że nie umiem pisać bardzo dobry po polsku. Wiec czy 'proof reading' przez nativ'a jest potrzebny?

Well done, Warren ;) For such an irritatingly difficult language as Polish, you're doing really well. Plus, your message is completely comprehensible, so I wouldn't worry about proofreading this.
Pytan Steviego od inny forum:

Dyskutuj (po angielsku):

Redirecting Steve's question from another forum. Is it necessary for Polish translators to use native speaker proof readers?

Discuss in English please:

However, I believe it is highly advisable to have a text proofread by a native, if the translation is for professional purposes. I said highly advisable, because in real world a native speaker may not always be available, so anyone with a high level of competence of the target language would have to suffice. But if a translating agency can afford it, this should go as a rule.

I occasionally proofread texts into English, but most of the time, they're 'friendly' proofreading tasks, however, I have had a few paid assignments too. I am aware that my results would never be on a par with those of a native speaker, but I always work to the best of my ability. Sometimes this is enough, especially when the recipient is also Polish and would probably never notice the difference (a lot of EU-funded project documentation has to be bilingual by law although nobody ever reads it afterwards). My rule of thumb is never to make a translation worse than the original ;))

When I translate into English I sometimes have my English friends check it - although again, they're also treated as 'friendlies', so I have to watch it I'm not pushing it too far. So this pretty much depends on how important the document is.Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.05.08 o godzinie 23:35

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Temat: Is proof reading necessary:

Sylwia Łubkowska:
warren whitmore:
Mamy sporo tlumamaz we tym forumie. Wiem że nie umiem pisać bardzo dobry po polsku. Wiec czy 'proof reading' przez nativ'a jest potrzebny?

Well done, Warren ;) For such an irritatingly difficult language as Polish, you're doing really well. Plus, your message is completely comprehensible, so I wouldn't worry about proofreading this.

Does what I wrote sound a bit 'odd'? I've no idea whether it was correct or not.

I would say that to be a good translator you have to be a little more than comprehensible, wouldn't you?

Especially if you are hoping to sell something to someone.

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Temat: Is proof reading necessary:

warren whitmore:
Mamy sporo tlumamaz we tym forumie. Wiem że nie umiem pisać bardzo dobry po polsku. Wiec czy 'proof reading' przez nativ'a jest potrzebny?
Does what I wrote sound a bit 'odd'? I've no idea whether it was correct or not.
It was completely comprehensible, but there are a few errors in it that make it obvious beyond any doubt the author isn't a native speaker.
I would say that to be a good translator you have to be a little more than comprehensible, wouldn't you? Especially if you are hoping to sell something to someone.
Yes, obviously people paying for translations expect a certain quality level. I would say, though, that I personally could accept "medium" quality translations in some cases. Official documents, certificates, contracts, publications and similar paperwork of course need to be proofread by a native, but if I received, say, a letter from China, written in Chinese I wouldn't probably take it to a sworn translator, but would ask a random Bruce Lee to translate if for me, or even to give me the gist only.

I get all my Pl to Eng or Ita to Eng translations (I don't do any translations that require signing non disclosure agreements of any sort) checked by a native. Luckily I know a few good chaps that have nothing against doing me that favor. The same applies to all the official documents that I write directly in English.

Just one thing Warren... didn't you by any chance write the Polish part with errors on purpose, to trigger a debate?Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.05.08 o godzinie 08:28
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Is proof reading necessary:

warren whitmore:
Sylwia Łubkowska:
warren whitmore:
Mamy sporo tlumamaz we tym forumie. Wiem że nie umiem pisać bardzo dobry po polsku. Wiec czy 'proof reading' przez nativ'a jest potrzebny?

Well done, Warren ;) For such an irritatingly difficult language as Polish, you're doing really well. Plus, your message is completely comprehensible, so I wouldn't worry about proofreading this.

Does what I wrote sound a bit 'odd'? I've no idea whether it was correct or not.

It wasn't entirely grammatically correct, but was completely acceptable when it comes to the contents and style of the message (well, I suppose grammar mistakes affect the style too, but you've made a right choice of words, so if the grammar mistakes were corrected, I suppose this message could pass for being produced by a native).
I would say that to be a good translator you have to be a little more than comprehensible, wouldn't you?

Especially if you are hoping to sell something to someone.

If you're trying to sell something, then yes, having your text proofread by a native is essential. Even if it incurs extra cost on your part (I'd treat it as an investment in the future repeat business). However, when you work for an agency, and your assignment is for translation only, that's what you do (again, to the best of your ability, because a clumsy translation means more work for a proofreader / editor, if there is any - and this si just bad practice).

Big agencies (or any that call themselves good) usually include native speaker proofreading in the cost of their services, though the client can always opt out of it to bring the cost down - since this should always be deemed extra cost. So, if you can provide it for free, then go ahead - it will always be to your advantage (eh, I remember the time when I had a live-in proofreader, that was just luxury ;)). But if you can't - and that means either not having a bunch of native friends around, or having too much work to expect them to do you a favour every time, then you aren't obliged to do it, unless you charge the client more to cover the proofreading costs.

As Jarek pointed out, there may be situations where 'working translation' would suffice. I sometimes do translations for a Polish company doing business with a German one and they've agreed to communicate in English. But their English is 'international English', i.e. influenced by the rules of Polish / German style / syntax / choice of words to a certain degree. Yet, all they're interested in is accuracy - they just want to be understood by each other.

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Temat: Is proof reading necessary:

I think it's all a matter of why a certain piece is being translated, what is it's purpose. Communication wise, what you wrote will be more than sufficient, if it was an excerpt from a book or a manual that would change things.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Is proof reading necessary:

I studied translation, and I know the answer to this. I'm not telling
you, though. I didn't study for four years just to feel equal to others!Keith Byrne edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.05.08 o godzinie 17:04

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Temat: Is proof reading necessary:

Keith Byrne:
I studied translation, and I know the answer to this. I'm not telling
you, though. I didn't study for four years just to feel equal to others!
You're not equal.

I'm taller.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Is proof reading necessary:

Basically, the answer is yes unless your name is Patrycja Pasiok in which case the humble native speaker is reduntant... ;))

Run of the mill correspondence doesn't need to be proofread.

Other than that, material which is supposed to look professional does need proofreading.

I have yet to come across a piece of non-proofread translation which sounds natural and without mistakes. Check out the English versions of websites - you'll see what I mean.

Most translations carried out here are not proofread and the standard is low. My company delivers translations which automatically include proofreading, guaranteeing an authentic product. The difference in quality is well worth the few zloties extra per page...

The intriguing question is why translators and translation agencies by and large ignore the need for proofing.

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