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Temat: In the news...

I thought this would have been an interesting thread to start...

Here is some news that caught my attention today:


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I find it sort of disgusting, I'd say. This kind of thinking doesn't become people in modern and civilised societies,IMHO.

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Temat: In the news...

Perhaps Obama likes this as it would give him the sympathy vote.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: In the news...

Sorry, I only saw the first 30 seconds, is it because he drives a Chevrolet?

Temat: In the news...

I don't think so. It is more serious than it seems, alas! :(((

My reply is to Warren of course.Alicja Efejska edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.02.08 o godzinie 20:49

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Temat: In the news...

Keith Byrne:
Sorry, I only saw the first 30 seconds, is it because he drives a Chevrolet?

no, it's this guys fault


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Temat: In the news...

Some more interesting news..

Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

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warren whitmore:
Perhaps Obama likes this as it would give him the sympathy vote.

Well, I think it can go either way, perhaps people wouldn't vote for him for fear of his life? After all, they might think it's better to have a white president alive and kicking than a black one who's dead...

I've always seen this unusual combination of a woman and a black man, both strong and distinct characters, against a somewhat dull and old-fashioned but 'safe' white candidate as a chance for the USA to start thinking outside the box and allowing for some changes in their collective mentality, even at the price of initial shock. However, if, suppose, Obama was elected and then assassinated, a long time would have to pass before another black person committed such an eccentricity as standing for presidential election.

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Temat: In the news...

Honestly I don't think it will make much of a difference who wins. Changes in gov't hardly ever effect regular people. However, choosing a person of color or of opposite sex, will definitely present the US in a different light. A black face will be a sign of change for the rest of the world, sign of progress. Something that is very much needed right now. Obama is a very outspoken and eloquent person. A strong candidate with a personality vs. the puppet theater that we have been exposed to for the past eight years. Woman candidate as much will also be an excellent change of pace. Unfortunately we still live in an exceptionaly sexist world, which has been proven during this campaign over and over again. A woman president could be seen as a weakness. At one point Hillary was someone who cared, she was the tip of the spear when it came to healthcare reform. Eventually she too fell victim to lobbyists and finally succombed to political, and financial opportunities that open many doors, siding with pharmaceutical companies.
Bottom line is this, no matter who wins, economy will remain in a steady down fall, national debt will keep it's increase and I am still going to pay astronomical prices for health insurance.
Meanwhile the fact that I live in a two party system will also remain unchanged. No choice = no future. Sad.

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Temat: In the news...

Would anyone care to comment on this statement:

"NEW YORK (AP) — For the first time in U.S. history, more than one of every 100 adults is in jail or prison, according to a new report documenting America's rank as the world's No. 1 incarcerator. It urges states to curtail corrections spending by placing fewer low-risk offenders behind bars.

Using state-by-state data, the report says 2,319,258 Americans were in jail or prison at the start of 2008 — one out of every 99.1 adults. Whether per capita or in raw numbers, it's more than any other nation."

Temat: In the news...

Woman candidate as much will also be an excellent change of pace. Unfortunately we still live in an exceptionaly sexist world, which has been proven during this campaign over and over again. A woman president could be seen as a weakness.

Unfortunately this is true. Something we Europeans don't understand. I wish her well but I fear she has no chances in the world dominated by men: America :(>
Bottom line is this, no matter who wins, economy will remain in a steady down fall, national debt will keep it's increase and I am still going to pay astronomical prices for health insurance.
Meanwhile the fact that I live in a two party system will also remain unchanged. No choice = no future. Sad.
No, Rafal, it does matter who will win this election. Either of them will be percived differently by the public of the whole world. Perhaps I am wrong, but I feel the world expects change in America. However, it is America that must decide. If you decide to continue the old way, the world will continue the old way, I believe. Change might bring hope for new and better relationships.

Temat: In the news...

Rafal Wolk:
Would anyone care to comment on this statement:

"NEW YORK (AP) — For the first time in U.S. history, more than one of every 100 adults is in jail or prison, according to a new report documenting America's rank as the world's No. 1 incarcerator. It urges states to curtail corrections spending by placing fewer low-risk offenders behind bars.

Using state-by-state data, the report says 2,319,258 Americans were in jail or prison at the start of 2008 — one out of every 99.1 adults. Whether per capita or in raw numbers, it's more than any other nation."
Where there are no values, there are no rules- just as simple as that, I guess.

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Temat: In the news...

Alicja Efejska:
No, Rafal, it does matter who will win this election. Either of them will be percived differently by the public of the whole world. Perhaps I am wrong, but I feel the world expects change in America. However, it is America that must decide. If you decide to continue the old way, the world will continue the old way, I believe. Change might bring hope for new and better >relationships.

See, the problem is, change takes place from within, not from how someone perceives you. The only way anything will ever change with the way US world policy is being handled is if the winning party has an actual plan of action. A new fuel policy, or education, anything that could help this falling giant. Meanwhile, none of those people have anything interesting to say in those fields. How about, less military spending and more money towards those who need it. Nothing of such.

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Temat: In the news...

Alicja Efejska:

Where there are no values, there are no rules- just as simple as that, I guess.

No, it's not as simple as that. Obviously you have never spend a day in states and never mingled or have talked to American people. They have many values and many rules that they follow, family and others. They are great, good people. Living in a two party system that was set in place ages ago. If you realy analize the voting system in US, the single vote does NOT count. It is pretty funny that it would be considered the DEMOCRATIC way.
Nothing is ever as simple as that...

Temat: In the news...

See, the problem is, change takes place from within, not from how someone perceives you. The only way anything will ever change with the way US world policy is being handled is if the winning party has an actual plan of action. A new fuel policy, or education, anything that could help this falling giant. Meanwhile, none of those people have anything interesting to say in those fields. How about, less military spending and more money towards those who need it. Nothing of such.

Are you telling me that Americans are living in some sort of oblivion? If it is so, they are to blame for what's happening in there. We are living in the age of information revolution, which means the information spreads faster than anything else. Of course you decide about your policies but you can't ignore the fact that the world doesn't trust America and that there are lots of people who don't wish you well. It seems Americans have to learn to think globally when they make seriuos decisions about their future.

Temat: In the news...

Rafal Wolk:
Alicja Efejska:

Where there are no values, there are no rules- just as simple as that, I guess.

No, it's not as simple as that. Obviously you have never spend a day in states and never mingled or have talked to American people. They have many values and many rules that they follow, family and others. They are great, good people. Living in a two party system that was set in place ages ago. If you realy analize the voting system in US, the single vote does NOT count. It is pretty funny that it would be considered the DEMOCRATIC way.
Nothing is ever as simple as that...

I still insist that it is Rafal. It's not only other nations who don't trust your political elites, there are lots of people in your country who don't trust them either.
Obviously I have had lots of contacts with Americans, I have lived with them, worked with them, worked for them and they were people from different walks of life. I have a few American friends here. Also, I have studied America. I think I know your country quite well.
What have always amazed me is the fact that many of the people on your political scene are so terribly xenophobic ( I'm not talking here about the policies but them as private people )

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Temat: In the news...

Rafal Wolk:
Alicja Efejska:

Where there are no values, there are no rules- just as simple as that, I guess.
Alicja, try not to make sweeping categorical statements about other nationalities; soften what you say a little.

Unless you are interested in provoking arguments, that is.

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Temat: In the news...

Alicja Efejska:
Rafal Wolk:
Alicja Efejska:

Where there are no values, there are no rules- just as simple as that, I guess.

No, it's not as simple as that. Obviously you have never spend a day in states and never mingled or have talked to American people. They have many values and many rules that they follow, family and others. They are great, good people. Living in a two party system that was set in place ages ago. If you realy analize the voting system in US, the single vote does NOT count. It is pretty funny that it would be considered the DEMOCRATIC way.
Nothing is ever as simple as that...

I still insist that it is Rafal. It's not only other nations who don't trust your political elites, there are lots of people in your country who don't trust them either.
Obviously I have had lots of contacts with Americans, I have lived with them, worked with them, worked for them and they were people from different walks of life. I have a few American friends here. Also, I have studied America. I think I know your country quite well.
What have always amazed me is the fact that many of the people on your political scene are so terribly xenophobic ( I'm not talking here about the policies but them as private people )

You go girl! :) It is good you have your own opinion about what you discuss (clearly based on your experience) and you are not shy to defend it in a discussion. It is simply a fact that economical situation in USA is not too good, to say the least and they need change. I am sure most of the common American citizens crave the change but are at the mercy of politicians who, regardless of what they profess, are not too eager to see this much needed change....
Anyway, Ala, do not let anyone bully you into keeping quiet about how you feel about the elections in the USA or the situation there. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion:)

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Temat: In the news...

Grazyna N.:
Anyway, Ala, do not let anyone bully you into keeping quiet about how you feel about the elections in the USA or the situation there. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion:)

No-one's bullying her here.

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Temat: In the news...

Alicja Efejska:

Are you telling me that Americans are living in some sort of oblivion? If it is so, they are to blame for what's happening in there.

This is a rather narrow minded statement. Are the Chineese at fault for what's been happening in their country for so many years? How about North Korea? Let me guess, you also think that it was the fault of Polish people that the Yalta conference went the way it did and we are to blame for the way comunism just sorta happened in Poland.. right? Anyone who thinks that people in US have absolutely any power over actions of it's gov't is dillusional.

We are living in the age of information revolution, which means the information spreads faster than anything else.

Yes, this is true but what will you do when gov't keeps cutting educational funding? What would you say, if I told you right now, that majority of schools in US do not have computers, that majority of older generations do not have them nor can they afford one. You live with the idea of the great America dream in your head, you have seen too many movies and really have a false picture in your head. What you see is numbers, book knowledge and not facts. Let me explain to you something. According to those studies that you mentioned, an average income per household in US is $70 000... now let me just tell you, that majority of people that I ride on the bus to work, that i pass on the subway platform, or eat lunch with don't make anywhere near that.

Age of information! What a great blanket statement. When was the last time you watched local news on American TV? Do you have any idea what is shown? From your statements alone I can tell you right now, that you have absolutely no clue. The only thing you can find out from the local news is - who got killed, who was raped and who won the lotto. World news? hehe.. good one! Schools - no geography, a year of world history, no political science... all that kicks in while you are in college.
Guess what? Not many Americans can afford the now luxury of College education. Living on $40 000 and trying to pay $30 000 a year in tuition.. yea.. go get 'em tiger!
Of course you decide about your policies

Really? Hold on... let me show you what it looks like when people would like policy change in US:




and these are pics from PEACEFUL protests!

Wake up! Really... this is not a Disney made movie, it's not the "Wonder Years". This is a country where 1 in every 100 men is in prison! There is a damn good reason for that and no, it's got nothing to do with "lack of values or rules" - for someone who supposedly studied this country, you have little or no idea of what this place is really like.
but you can't ignore the fact that the world doesn't trust America and that there are lots of
people who don't wish you well.

The world doesn't trust American GOVERNMENT, but this is nothing new, maybe to you. to the rest of the world it has been something of a thorn for many many years now.
Let's see... since WWII the US has been ivolved in at least one war every year, sometimes more. It is THE biggest distributer and producer of arms in the world!
It would be easier to count out countries that US did not make some deals with and then deliberetaly broke them, then those who still continue to do legitimate business with. US gov't gets caught now and again and the truth comes out. It is much easier to hide those dirty deeds than it is to make them surface. THIS is why America is not so popular on the world scene. Fact that people like the vice president has been doing business with Iran, even during the embargo. Fact that every one in the current administration had their hands in Iran Contra! People who have been indited for actual crimes. Selling arms to Iran and Iraq, while signing dirty contracts with Nicaragua...


recognize these men?



how about those two? No? Let me give you a hint - the one on the right was executed not too long ago due to actions of the guy on the left. Rings a bell now?

Majority of people in US are not aware of these facts, it is not due to ignorance. US media is THE biggest brain washing machine in the world today... period.
It seems Americans have to learn to think globally when they make seriuos decisions about their future.

Americans are too busy trying to pay their bills and feed their families. They don't know much about the rest of the world due to lack of education along with a total lack of outside information in the media. I can assure you, that an average American wishes you well and hopes you have a great life.
I can tell from your statements that this idea is rather alien to you.Rafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.03.08 o godzinie 01:21

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