Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

but I'll do it anyway...


For all of you who own dogs and don't clean after them, I'd like to send a giant FUCK YOU! I can't let my kids run around freely from the fear of getting them stuck in one of these surprises. You are just as disgusting as the excrement left behind by your best friend. If you can't clean after your dog, then you shouldn't own one! Sidewalks are not a toilet... if you are wondering what they are for, the answer is not that tricky, but then again, what can we expect from people who don't even know what to do with waste. So let me explain it to you... just as it is in Polish - chodniki, jak wskazuje nazwa, służą do chodzenia. Sidewalks are meant for WALKING otherwise they'd be called shitwalks. It makes me wonder if you shit all over your rug in your house and hope for someone to clean up after you.
You are a filthy, disgusting, obviously mentally handicapped and seriously inconsiderate waste of human flesh.
I can't even believe that an adult human being can even consider themselves to be a part of a civilized society and not see anything wrong with shitting all over it's own surroundings. Even animals don't do that.Rafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.03.10 o godzinie 12:39

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Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

Couldn't agree more, Raf!
It's one of the TOP things I hate about Poland!!!


Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

Sorry, but it's in Polish


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Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

Much worse are those people who let their dogs shit in the klatka of residential blocks.

Oh, and shit and piss in it themselves.


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Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

But srsly, some people are really convinced that they can walk their dogs so that they can poop anywhere, as long as they pay their municipal dog taxes or cleaning service fees. All inclusive... <facepalm>


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Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

Lidia K.:
Nasty. What. She still has fingers? I would have thought they would have all been bitten, burned, or cut off by now...and if any number of diseases don't get her she'll just drown looking up at rain anyways. :)

Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

Joj Y.:
I don't know about your country but our dog food is very good quality. She'll be fine.
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

shit being defrosted is a sign off spring..


I hate it.

Wherever you go around here, when spring is coming... po chodniku między gównami rajd. It's bloody irritating.
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

http://demotywatory.pl/518216/Idziesz-sobie-po-gownie-Rafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.03.10 o godzinie 15:25

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Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

Rafal, don't you know? Haven't you heard? Are you not following the onet.pl forums? It is the Americans who are planting these dog pies (probably you!). Just like with earthquakes and their special EARTHQUAKE MACHINE and everything else that is EVIL in this world. Down with America!
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

a n d r z e j C.:
Rafal, don't you know? Haven't you heard? Are you not following the onet.pl forums? It is the Americans who are planting these dog pies (probably you!). Just like with earthquakes and their special EARTHQUAKE MACHINE and everything else that is EVIL in this world. Down with America!

Ah yes... HAARP hehe... I don't follow onet.pl.. never really been on it ... maybe I should try. As far as I know, Americans were also responsible for the potato bug invasion in the 60's.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

Rafal Wolk:
but I'll do it anyway...
wow, Rafał, I think this video should be sent to Guiness Records committee for the consideration.

But I hear ya... Poland is crazy. Poles LOVE dogs.
I was amazed in the first month of my touch down... people looked less taken care of compared to their dogs, and every household on my previous apartment block had one of those.

I don't really understand the aficionado.
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

İlter K.:
Rafal Wolk:
but I'll do it anyway...
wow, Rafał, I think this video should be sent to Guiness Records committee for the consideration.

But I hear ya... Poland is crazy. Poles LOVE dogs.
I was amazed in the first month of my touch down... people looked less taken care of compared to their dogs, and every household on my previous apartment block had one of those.

I don't really understand the aficionado.

haha.. yea, I love the reasoning behind not cleaning after their dogs - "there's nowhere to throw the waste" - how 'bout garbage?
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: I'm sure there's no need to bring this to anyone's...

İlter K.:
Rafal Wolk:
but I'll do it anyway...
wow, Rafał, I think this video should be sent to Guiness Records committee for the consideration.

no way man! The walk from the Metro station to my house takes the prize in this challenge. I mean, you can not get your eyes off the ground for a second or you'll pay the price. Now, kids love to splash and joyfully frolic in spring puddles, and I am totally fine with that, the problem however is the fact that someone just let their best friend shit in that puddle and now it looks more like split pea soup!
Supposedly the city is finally doing something to fix the problem, and last week people were being fined in South Praga. This, however is but a drop in this ocean of ... shit.
I'd love to see the same fines being enforced here as in the states - $1000 fine for illegal dumping. Imagine having to pay up 1000PLN for your best friend's shit! That'd make people think twice...

Maybe I should just let my kids do their thing on the side walk... it would save me climbing flights of stairs each time they'd have to go... hmm.. there's an idea.

As per people letting their cute lil buddies do their business in the doorways... I'd pick that shit up myself, follow the person, put that on the mat outside of their door and ring the bell.

It's just so beyond my comprehension how anyone could ever think that this is an acceptable behavior, it's just straight up nasty!

Następna dyskusja:

Movies anyone?

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