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Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

I wish I'd married for money:


When Bill and I got married his relaxed attitude towards money amused me. He's a teacher and enjoys his job. I work in medical sales: more stressful, but it pays well. I have, however, become secretly, overwhelmingly, envious of my friends, who can rely on their husbands as the breadwinners.

Our first home was a tiny flat in a lovely area, which was fine even when our first daughter was born.

Our second daughter's arrival two years later put a strain on space and finances, so we had to move -- and I had to learn to bite my tongue so as not to seem ungrateful.

It was then that I noticed that my best friend Carol's standard of living was better than ours: her husband is a consultant surgeon and their first home was a five-bed, detached house.

We bought a three-bed ex council house in a nice street, but I couldn't help comparing it with friends' houses.

So, is it a good idea to marry for money, or is the woman who wrote the article just a silly cow?

Opinions, please.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.07.08 o godzinie 17:56
Wanda B.

Wanda B. nauczycielka języka

Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

No, for me the conclusions are:
1. have friends whose earnings are on similar level to yours
2. Never compare yourself with anyone to save yourself sufferingWanda Brzozowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.07.08 o godzinie 19:51

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Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

I don't like the sound of her at all. She chose to marry somebody for whom money is clearly not that important. He's a teacher - presumably in a small way helping to make the world a better place. If she'd wanted to marry somebody rich she had that choice.
She should stop whining. Medical sales is more stressful than teaching? Really?

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Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

warren whitmore:
So, is it a good idea to marry for money, or is the woman who wrote the article just a silly cow?

Opinions, please.

Silly cow is putting it really nicely, a certain "C" word comes to mind. When I got married, I was unemployed for a long time while my wife worked due to my legal status in the US. Now roles reversed, she can only hope that her husband still sticks around when he gets a better paying job, which may or may not happen... in any case, she should focus more on a relationship rather than who makes more in it... besides... isn't it "our" money in most "healthy" relationships?

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Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

Silly cow is, I agree with Rafał, a euphemistic term to describe the woman. What if she really had to go through difficult times, and do it on her own? Pfff. Poor guy.
The situation doesn't seem uncommon though, I know a girl who married just for money, hates her husband, but is able to drive a nice car, buy nice clothes, and lives in a dream house. Her husband adores her, and loves the kids, and all she does is threaten him with leaving and taking the kids away. I don't know who's more stupid in that relationship though.

Funny thing is, a lot of people, when looking at relationships or trying to make out why two people decide to stick together, assume it might be for the money (his or, sometimes, hers) - without even thinking that they might simply like each other.

Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

The text looks a bit fake for me.

Assuming it's authentic, the only positive thing is that at least she's honest. Admitting to being resentful is a big step in therapy (if she starts any).

Another question arises whether her husband is aware of her social group pressure. If not, why does she share this with the Independent?
If yes, well...

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Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

Lidia K.:
The text looks a bit fake for me.

Why so?

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Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

Whether the text if fake or not is not the matter. She is simply so stupid that it's hard to believe.....But I know many like this. Men as well, btw.
As simple as this. If I start comparing myself to some of my friends I should simply commit suicide.
Geee, where do they find that sort of women?Maria B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.07.08 o godzinie 20:29

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Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

Some people are stupid.

Some do think in such a way.

There's no good reason to believe the teaxt to be a fake.

Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

The way it is written makes it easy to judge her.

For me it's just a text written to highlight a certain problem. No real photos, no names. Dave would say it's engineered if he agreed with me.

I may be wrong, of course, but I've seen many texts like these in Polish glossy magazines. It's a typical thing to write articles of this kind.

And everybody feels better after reading it because you're not that stupid.

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Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

Lidia K.:
The way it is written makes it easy to judge her.

For me it's just a text written to highlight a certain problem. No real photos, no names. Dave would say it's engineered if he agreed with me.

I may be wrong, of course, but I've seen many texts like these in Polish glossy magazines. It's a typical thing to write articles of this kind.

And everybody feels better after reading it because you're not that stupid.

I don't know that it is a genuine article.

Obviously, if it was, the person concerned couldn't use their own name.

I thought pani Ola's articles so stupid it had to be someone taking the Michael.

Btw, if you believe the article to be a spoof, it's more fun to pretend to imagine it to be genuine.

Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

Warren, I don't think there is any point in discussing its authenticity.

Except my doubt about it, I also said two other things. Can you focus on them instead?
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

She's a silly cow and that's an understatement.

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Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

Is this her?

Sylwia D.

Sylwia D. Człowiek Aktywny

Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

There's many silly women who are impressed with an expensive car, big house or exotic holidays. There's also many silly men who like to show off their money. Maybe money is the only thing they expect to make them happy and they don't need anything else. For me such people are very shallow.
You can call me old-fashioned or hopeless romantic but I think that people should marry each other for love. I would be really unhappy if I'd marry someone only because of his money.

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Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

Money often makes up for other shortcomings, character flaws or inability to successfully mingle in social situations. Either way, money is in no way anything worth being impressed over.
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

Lidia K.:
The way it is written makes it easy to judge her.
I may be wrong, of course, but I've seen many texts like these in Polish glossy magazines. It's a typical thing to write articles of this kind.

And everybody feels better after reading it because you're not that stupid.

I see what you mean. There are a couple of parenting magazines I am subscribed to (free and not by choice) and there are always the "my kids are draining my life!" articles and they seem so shallow and lame. But, they must be satisfying somebody, because they don't stop getting published.
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

Rafal W.:
When I got married, I was unemployed for a long time while
my wife worked due to my legal status in the US. Now roles reversed, she can only hope that her husband still sticks around when he gets a better paying job, which may or may not happen...

What's that now? Is this a ploy to get me to become more deeply involved in your internet life, Ralfi? I'll cut you in your sleep before you leave me.

Oh damn, see what you made me say with a picture of our daughter next to it? Grrrrr. You're gonna get it now.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

Although she is a silly cow, I'm sure many women would feel the same or in a similar way.

It is so human to expect a better house, better car, better life standards, nothing wrong with it. But if one is not able to appreciate what he/she has, then he/she is bound to live a miserable life.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.07.08 o godzinie 10:30

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Temat: I wish I'd married for money, a truly depressing article:

But can you expect that because you married someone who is supposed to hand it to you on a silver tray? She must have married the guy for a reason; if she's so unhappy, and believes she'd be better off with someone else, or on her own, why doesn't she do it? Or... why doesn't she work twice as hard to buy herself the things she needs to make her happier?

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