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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Tatiana S.:

And don't "quote" pictures, by the way.

You know that picture,the one with the pussycat with the white fluffy fur,with a small speck of brown on his left ear,wearing the rambo ammunition belt and matching headband and in the picture is a computer on in the background but its too blurred to make out whats on the screen but.... Ah sorry you dont want us quoting pictures.Can we copy them?

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Tatiana S.:
I have two words for you.
Sod off.

Wouldnt it of been simpler just to write "Sod off" without the unnecessary "I have two words for you". But then again if it helps you remember what to write please continue. That was about 30 words but you can count it just for fun.

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

I removed my annoying post. You can still cherish my piece of advice and sod off anyway. Please do.

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

I have two words for you- Merry Christmas.

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

You know guys (I mean everybody), I've noticed that the level of aggression in this group has gotten strangely high lately.

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...


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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Jarek A.:
You know guys (I mean everybody), I've noticed that the level of aggression in this group has gotten strangely high lately.
it's a wrong threat ... Hate ...

It would be better. I love .... ;)

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Lidia K.:
...I may be wrong, though.

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

I am a mole employed by goldenline to keep the level of aggression high as nothing gets people writing faster than good old plain aggression.

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...


EDIT: is the money decent at least?Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.12.08 o godzinie 21:56

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Lars, do you do it on purpose?

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Lidia K.:
Lars, do you do it on purpose?
Yes. You can either thank me or ban me.

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

you've been reinforcing my negative stereotype of a non-sociable Viking!

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Lidia K.:
you've been reinforcing my negative stereotype of a non-sociable Viking!

Can you come up with any positive stereotyping with Vikings..besides raping and pillaging?

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

they're extinct:)

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Lars Saabye Christensen:
Can you come up with any positive stereotyping with Vikings..besides raping and pillaging?
they're who ZZ Top based their stage image on.

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

A family friend played for the Minnesota Vikings football team for a long time. Good guy. Paul Krause. That's my own image of a Viking. :)

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

I used to have Viking brand of rubber boots from somewhere in Scandinavia, very practical

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...


Chopping heads off and playing football with them at the same time - Vikings, gotta love 'em.

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

I wrote this piece once, that I played with my old band (mid 90s). It was about Vikings invading other lands. Too bad I don't have it recorded (pre-home studio era).

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