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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

It’s the day after Monday, but also before Wednesday so I’m not in the middle of the week just yet, but right in the middle of getting there, and getting there takes a long time. Mondays… well, the morning is usually pretty dreadful, but over all the day goes by pretty quick… Tuesday however, it comes at its own pace, it hovers and looms giving you the false sense of progress. I remember one time, my friends and I had to drive our tour bus up this hill in the middle of Canadian forest, in order to do so we had to back up and gain a momentum then slowly and steadily climb that dirt road so narrow that branches were hitting and scraping along the sides of the bus on both sides. Our bus was clanking, huffing and puffing but it finally made it up the mountain. Tuesdays for me are that frickin’ mountain.

(oh and Sundays too… but that’s probably deeply imbedded church trauma)

Any particular day that you guys don’t necessarily like very much?
Maciej J.

Maciej J. Konsultant

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

I no likey sunday - thursday :P Sunday being the day before going to work (:S), and the rest beign the time that I have to wait to get to the weekend :P
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

I don't like Sunday's evenings, too.
it gets my mood worsen ;)

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Maciej J.:
I no likey sunday - thursday :P Sunday being the day before going to work (:S), and the rest beign the time that I have to wait to get to the weekend :P

Yea man, something about Sundays just makes me wanna crawl back under covers.

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

I hate Mondays, like (I guess) most people, but must admit that they fly by in no time.

Much like Ania I really hate Sunday afternoons. Hate their guts.

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Wednesdays are very depressing - one finds out that two days have gone wasted and there are still two more to go before they leave you alone for the weekend.Michał B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.12.08 o godzinie 16:10

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

I hate every other Sunday evening.

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Why every other, if I may ask?

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

T is a commuter ;)
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Michał B.:
Wednesdays are very depressing - one finds out that two days have gone wasted and there are still two more to go before they leave you alone for the weekend.Michał B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.12.08 o godzinie 16:10

It works the other way for me:)
Wednesday is one of the best coz your in the middle of the week and time flies till Friday very quickly! ;)

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Jarek A.:
T is a commuter ;)
Or a communicator. ;)

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Ania S.:

and time flies till Friday very quickly! ;)

That's the key part right here... 'cause once you hit Friday, time stops... the last 30mins at work on Fridays are the absolute pits.
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Rafal W.:
Ania S.:

and time flies till Friday very quickly! ;)

That's the key part right here... 'cause once you hit Friday, time stops... the last 30mins at work on Fridays are the absolute pits.

That's why I leave an hour or more earlier :)))

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Ania S.:
Rafal W.:
Ania S.:

and time flies till Friday very quickly! ;)

That's the key part right here... 'cause once you hit Friday, time stops... the last 30mins at work on Fridays are the absolute pits.

That's why I leave an hour or more earlier :)))

I hate you, I wish I could leave an hour earlier on Fridays...
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Rafal W.:
Ania S.:
Rafal W.:
Ania S.:

and time flies till Friday very quickly! ;)

That's the key part right here... 'cause once you hit Friday, time stops... the last 30mins at work on Fridays are the absolute pits.

That's why I leave an hour or more earlier :)))

I hate you, I wish I could leave an hour earlier on Fridays...

so why can't you?

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

probably because he's wasting that extra hour reading endless quoted posts on GL

i mite be rrong tho

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Ania S.:

so why can't you?

haha.. because if I would, I'd get fired. Simple as that.


Just to give you a better idea of the reality at my job. I come in, I login which is timed to the second. I have to be available at my desk 80% of the time and that's excluding lunch and my 15min break. When I go to the bathroom, I have to open my login box and mark "bathroom break"... if I have to speak to my sup. I have to mark "supervisor" etc etc... at the end of each day, I generate a report for everyone at my office in which I have to calculate day/month/ and YTD % of availability per user/dept. and present them to my boss for a review. We also do outbound reports that include the lenght of time that each and every one of us spends on the phone. To give you an example, my average conversation lasts about 88seconds... and I take on average about 120 calls / day.
We mark how many emails we've answered and calculate the average time per email... etc etc... so yea.. try leaving this type of setting early hahahaha...Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.12.08 o godzinie 20:17

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

I can narrow it down precisely - I dislike it from 7:00 am on a monday to around 5:00 pm on a friday. And that last hour until 6 is better than the whole weekend.
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

You do just what you have to. It all depends on the job character.
But I couldn't be working the way you do, though.

Rafal W.:
Ania S.:

so why can't you?

haha.. because if I would, I'd get fired. Simple as that.


Just to give you a better idea of the reality at my job. I come in, I login which is timed to the second. I have to be available at my desk 80% of the time and that's excluding lunch and my 15min break. When I go to the bathroom, I have to open my login box and mark "bathroom break"... if I have to speak to my sup. I have to mark "supervisor" etc etc... at the end of each day, I generate a report for everyone at my office in which I have to calculate day/month/ and YTD % of availability per user/dept. and present them to my boss for a review. We also do outbound reports that include the lenght of time that each and every one of us spends on the phone. To give you an example, my average conversation lasts about 88seconds... and I take on average about 120 calls / day.
We mark how many emails we've answered and calculate the average time per email... etc etc... so yea.. try leaving this type of setting early hahahaha...Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.12.08 o godzinie 20:17

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Temat: I hate Tuesdays...

Please do not quote lengthy pieces of text if not necessary. Some people here often use their phones to access GL. Thank you.

And don't "quote" pictures, by the way.

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