Anna S.

Anna S. Asystentka Rzecznika
Praw Obywatelskich,
Biuro Rzecznika ...

Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

Steve Jones:
Anna S.:
I think that you all have your rights in that kind of discussion. Some Poles met horrible and false English people and some Poles met wonderful ones - it makes their point of view. Your experiences are making yourself.

We have to keep respect to one another and that's all. You can critisize some Poles and some Poles can critisize some English :) Everyone should be polite in that type of discussions and I think everything will be allright then. Maybe I'm naive ;P

You can criticise some Poles and someBrits, but how would you take it if I was to wite something like this:

Polish people, particulary the younger ones, are a bunch of wankers. Sorry to say this, but Poland is a nation of wankers.

Imagine if I wrote that and meant what I wrote (disclaimer: I don't mean it, it's just an example used for argumentation).

Would you think to yourself:

A. Steve's exercising the right to express his opinion and good luck to him!


B. Steve is at best a tactless fool and at worst a total moron.

Ania, which would it be, A or B?
B and read carefully Steve - I'm talking exactly about this problem. You should be polite and tactful and I'm talking about every native here. Respect should be the biggest value in this type of discussions and speaker You told me about breaks all rulez. That's my opinion and Yours too I think :)

I tried to say in my post that aggression and lack of respect are causes of all these horrible discussions. You're absolutely right.Anna S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.08.08 o godzinie 11:25

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Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

Anna S.:
I know what English people say about Poles in private.

What do they say? It's very interesting for me :)

As you can speak English, you can check it out for yourself on the web.

English people in England tend to be positive.

Usually they say the Poles there work hard.

They compare Poles with lazy English people who live on benefits.

Of course there are some people who are complaining they are taking our jobs.

Also, most English men (and foreigners generally) think Polish women are nice and attractive.

I'm not saying any of this to be flattering. This is what I've heard.

Of course, after Poles have been in England for a few more years, I would imagine some negative stereotypes would develop.

Few English people have been to Poland, so many people don't really have any opinion good or bad.

Regarding English people and foreigners generally in Poland, I've heard many negative things.

For example people complain about bureaucracy, poor service and inefficiency.

I've yet to hear anyone complain that Polish women are unattractive, however.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

B and read carefully Steve - I'm talking exactly about this problem. You should be polite and tactful and I'm talking about every native here. Respect should be the biggest value in this type of discussions and speaker You told me about breaks all rulez. That's my opinion and Yours too I think :)

I tried to say in my post that aggression and lack of respect are causes of all these horrible discussions. You're absolutely right.Anna S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.08.08 o godzinie 11:25

Cool:) I think I misunderstood your original intention, but now it's clear.

Btw, what does it mean exactly "kraj ciemnych ludzi"?

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Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

Steve Jones:
Btw, what does it mean exactly "kraj ciemnych ludzi"?

"A nation of uneducated/ignorant people" (I think).
Anna S.

Anna S. Asystentka Rzecznika
Praw Obywatelskich,
Biuro Rzecznika ...

Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

Steve Jones:
B and read carefully Steve - I'm talking exactly about this problem. You should be polite and tactful and I'm talking about every native here. Respect should be the biggest value in this type of discussions and speaker You told me about breaks all rulez. That's my opinion and Yours too I think :)

I tried to say in my post that aggression and lack of respect are causes of all these horrible discussions. You're absolutely right.Anna S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.08.08 o godzinie 11:25

Cool:) I think I misunderstood your original intention, but now it's clear.

Btw, what does it mean exactly "kraj ciemnych ludzi"?
"Kraj ciemnych ludzi" means "country of stupid and ignorant people" :/ IMO there are stupid people in Poland and in GB as well.
I hate generalisations if it's talking about man and woman or about nationalities. It's just the same problem! I find people who say that sh...ts as a completely ignorants:/
I was in London two times - I worked there - and made some friends in Muslims and that was such a big shame for Poles to see it! It was a nice relation because I could go with them rollerskating in park for example when Poles I knew was sitting in front of tv,none of them was my lover - there were nice way of spending time. I got on with them great - similar sense of humour and want to spend nice time sporting. And many Poles looked at me with true abomination when I met them - it was horrible experience,that's why I'm so nervous when I see here such a "great" speakers :(

konto usunięte

Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

Steve Jones:
You can criticise some Poles and someBrits, but how would you take it if I was to wite something like this:

Polish people, particulary the younger ones, are a bunch of wankers. Sorry to say this, but Poland is a nation of wankers.

That's more or less what someone on the thread in question stated about the English.

And I think it perfectlty fair and reasonable to label the person making such comments as 'retarded'.

But a little unkind to any retarded people reading the thread.

konto usunięte

Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

Anna S.:
You will have an idea of Polish politeness when claiming our being adored by other nationalities.
Anna S.

Anna S. Asystentka Rzecznika
Praw Obywatelskich,
Biuro Rzecznika ...

Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

Violetta P.:
Anna S.:
You will have an idea of Polish politeness when claiming our being adored by other nationalities.
Viola,I repeat once again - without respect and politeness it will be always like this and that's why we can't interrupt this horrible discussion - there are tactful people and tactless people everywhere as well.

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Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

Andrzej P.:
"Come to Poland your car is already there..")

That's pretty damn funny.

What it all boils down to is the 23 syndrome, in "theory" brought up firstly by Robert Anton Wilson in his "Illuminatus" trilogy (funny book by the way) if you believe that the number 23 is the most reoccurring number in nature, you will see it no matter where you go. It could have been any other number that would catch your attention if I'd mention it, but we picked 23, so just like picking out Polish jokes in the crowd of others, we do it, simply because we are already preconditioned to do so by default.

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Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

Rafal W.:

I like that! It makes a lot of sense.Dave Andrew edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.08.08 o godzinie 13:46

konto usunięte

Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

Anna S.:
warren whitmore:
Also, I know much of what is written here is untrue.

I know what English people say about Poles in private.

What do they say? It's very interesting for me :)

This is from Ireland, but its pretty much what English people would say.

konto usunięte

Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

These discussions always get me. I've met so many different nationalities in my life, and, even though I'd heard some Mexican/Jewish/Russian jokes before I actually met any of them, I never felt prejudiced against them, nor dared to generalize. I say if you don't really have an opinion or cannot prove your point, you just tend to make those kinds of comments.
If you work as a washer upper, you're bound to mix with those representatives of the British society who will not necessarily be the brightest, aren't you?
Anna S.

Anna S. Asystentka Rzecznika
Praw Obywatelskich,
Biuro Rzecznika ...

Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

It's the most interesting that this kind of opinion is shown not by the washer uppers Tatiana but by people who work in offices for example :) Didn't you notice? S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.08.08 o godzinie 09:36

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Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

From Tomasz Lis's article on
"Nasz pech polega głównie na tym, że na igrzyskach są złe dyscypliny. Gdyby tylko rywalizowano w szczuciu na bliźnich, nagonkach, zawiści wobec wszystkich, którzy osiągają jakikolwiek sukces, w pomieszanym z kompleksami samozadowoleniu czy wreszcie w tłumaczeniu w kuriozalny sposób wszelkich porażek - bylibyśmy bezkonkurencyjni."

Nuff said.
Anna S.

Anna S. Asystentka Rzecznika
Praw Obywatelskich,
Biuro Rzecznika ...

Temat: I can't put up with stuff like this:

It's true but c'mon! There are so many wonderful people everywhere - their only defect is that they aren't so noisy :)

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