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Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

Taken from youtube:

At home with Howard Webb.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.06.08 o godzinie 22:08
Damian Hajduk

Damian Hajduk TSL, SCM, PM, MICE :
koordynacja, ...

Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

Good day W.

Pls edit the comma in fav of a dot


Ps. The YT movie not so bad,m8 :DDamian Hajduk edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.06.08 o godzinie 22:17

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Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

More reaction:

The Times.

Excellent article and comments.

The threats and accusations made against Webb are an absolute disgrace.

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Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

On a lighter note:

Gay referee.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.06.08 o godzinie 22:41

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Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

Moronswarren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.06.08 o godzinie 12:10

Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

warren whitmore:
The threats and accusations made against Webb are an absolute disgrace.

Do not take them too seriously.. Would you expect no comments at all?

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Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

Andrzej P.:
warren whitmore:
The threats and accusations made against Webb are an absolute disgrace.

Do not take them too seriously.. Would you expect no comments at all?

Put it this way, if such a decision had gone against England, I wouldn't expect the British P.M. or Queen to to state publicly that she felt like killing the ref.

Of course, I would expect morons to react in such a manner.

But not anyone educated or in any position of responsibility.

Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

warren whitmore:
Put it this way, if such a decision had gone against England, I
wouldn't expect the British P.M. or Queen to to state publicly
that she felt like killing the ref.

I would say that such expression in Polish has slightly different flavour. But I agree that it was not proper for Tusk to say so, it was him I suppose?

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Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

Comments from Drzewiecki, Minister of Sport, Kaczynski and Tusk have all been reported in the British press.

You can find them in the articles I linked to.

They reflect very poorly on the Polish nation.

The phrase, 'laughing stock' comes to mind.

Apart from anything else, the referee's decision was correct according to the rules of the game.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.06.08 o godzinie 12:33

Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

warren whitmore:
Apart from anything else, the referee's decision was correct according to the rules of the game.

I am not that sure about his decision, it was not for the first time. Also my British friends pointed this out to me.


Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

warren whitmore:
You can find them in the articles I linked to.

They reflect very poorly on the Polish nation.

Sorry but I do not see any such "reflection" in quoted articles.. Why should private comments of somebody even PM reflect poorly on the (whole) nation.

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Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

Andrzej P.:
warren whitmore:
Apart from anything else, the referee's decision was correct according to the rules of the game.

I am not that sure about his decision, it was not for the first time. Also my British friends pointed this out to me.


I don't see what this has to do with anything.

It is only his performance in the Poland v Austria match, and his decision concerning the penalty, that has any relevance.

The Polish defender clearly pulled the Austrian player's shirt right in front of the referee, after a previous warning.

The fact that many referees wouldn't have given the penalty does not make the decision 'wrong'.

And even if the decision was incorrect, this does not excuse the hysterical reaction.

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Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

Andrzej P.:
warren whitmore:
You can find them in the articles I linked to.

They reflect very poorly on the Polish nation.

Sorry but I do not see any such "reflection" in quoted articles.. Why should private comments of somebody even PM reflect poorly on the (whole) nation.

I'm not aware of where Tusk and Kaczynski made their comments.

If they have been reported in the press, then they can hardly be regarded as 'private'.

If the PM and President are not representative of the nation, then who is?

Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

warren whitmore:
And even if the decision was incorrect, this does not excuse the hysterical reaction.

Not much difference from hysterical British reactions known from Sun or Mirror...

Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

warren whitmore:
If the PM and President are not representative of the nation, then who is?

Warren, are you aware of the everlasting discusion in Poland about this?

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Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

Andrzej P.:
warren whitmore:
And even if the decision was incorrect, this does not excuse the hysterical reaction.

Not much difference from hysterical British reactions known from Sun or Mirror...

Even the Sun or the Mirror would not state 'kill the ref'.

Neither paper represents the views of the British establishment or 'educated' opinion.

As I stated earlier, the possibility of for example the British PM or Head of State making remarks similar to those of Tusk and Kaczynski, given similar circumstances, are close to zero.

Only in Poland, I'm afraid.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.06.08 o godzinie 03:52

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Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

Andrzej P.:
warren whitmore:
If the PM and President are not representative of the nation, then who is?

Warren, are you aware of the everlasting discusion in Poland about this?

Some people in England would state that Elizabeth Windsor does not represent them, or that the Scottish PM, Gordon Brown, cannot represent England.

They are, however, our 'official' leaders, and Tusk and Kaczynski are yours, whether you personally like them or not.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.06.08 o godzinie 13:57

Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

warren whitmore:
Only in Poland, I'm afraid.

Warren why don't you ask Polish native speaker to translate what exactly Tusk said and explain about nuances of the Polish language?

- Jako premier polskiego rządu, muszę wypowiadać się w sposób wyważony, ale wczoraj... chciałem zabić

I think that people in Poland quite often use such wording... However it would be better if PM did not do this.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

Even I am able to understand what "chciałem zabić" means.
It doesn't directly means "I wanted to kill", but that's the word meaning anyway.

If the intention were good, why to start like: "Jako premier polskiego rządu, muszę wypowiadać się w sposób wyważony"?

I am sorry for D. Tusk, that is an unfortunate statement. And I am kind of disappointed. I could expect it from the people like Roman Giertych, maybe Kaczynski, but not from Tusk.ilter Kalkanci edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.06.08 o godzinie 14:26

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Temat: Howard Webb and that penalty - reaction from England:

Andrzej P.:
warren whitmore:
Only in Poland, I'm afraid.

Warren why don't you ask Polish native speaker to translate what exactly Tusk said and explain about nuances of the Polish language?

- Jako premier polskiego rządu, muszę wypowiadać się w sposób wyważony, ale wczoraj... chciałem zabić

I think that people in Poland quite often use such wording... However it would be better if PM did not do this.

I'm capable of translating this ...

As PM, I must react in a responsible way, but yesterday I wanted to kill.

As far as an Englishman is concerned, these are not the words of an intelligent, responsible person, and completely inappropriate and unacceptable from a Prime Minister of a civilised country.

It's what a third world tin-pot dictator might come out with.

Such statements, and those made by the President and Minister of Sport, portray Poland as a nation of poor losers, who react hysterically to decisions that go against them, even when such decisions are correct according to the laws of the game.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.06.08 o godzinie 14:34

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