Maciej Kulig

Maciej Kulig adventurer

Temat: How would you like to retire?

My vision is a winery somewhere in France, taking care at my grapes, making wine, lying in the delicate French sun, on the hammock, reading all the book I've always wanted to read and sipping wine.

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Tatiana S.:
Lidia W.:
Tatiana, 20 years???
show me a guy who would be able to wait a one year at least.
they are so impatient creatures :)

I'm an avid reader of Danielle Steel and Harlequin romance books.

(just kidding)
C'mon - Steel is perfect for long hours on the plane :))
Harlequin though is hopeless (used to translate them years ago:)

As for retirment - I exactly know what I will be doing. It was planned years ago. A small cottage close to Piscinas - Sardinia - Italy.Maria B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.02.08 o godzinie 09:29

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Stan Kulski:

What a fine mix of contradictions and wishful thinking!
If you will educate properly your son - he will be independent at about 18. Properly = independent selfsufficient young man, with excellent prospective acrriere ahead.

Stan do you know anything about being a PARENT? Seems your idea of "taking care of the children" is being a fucking obsessed whiner.
My idea is of a respectful, supporting parent.

I've mentioned that your son will follow his wife; she will do exactly what you do - she will care about her parents. Not possessive mother of her husband, I am afraid -(.

Huh? I don't expect anyone to care. And who says my son's going to have a wife? I'll happily accept anyone who loves and respects him although, as a parent, I might express my concerns.

I do not deny your right to have your own disappointments, you are fine young woman, who can have her own way of life. You are entitled also to illusions - though I do not consider to be very wise build fute on the foundation of illusions.

I might just have different standards.

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

BTW, I don't like jeans on a guy ;)


What about chinos?

Cordoroy dungarees?

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Magda B.:

There are many things that I would be proud of
If I'd only invented them such as the wheel
The washing machine and the tumble dryer
On these inventions surely I could retire

If you could only sing it away :)) Magda :)

Stan K.

Wypowiedzi autora zostały ukryte. Pokaż autora

Stan K.

Wypowiedzi autora zostały ukryte. Pokaż autora

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Stan Kulski:
My retirement idea is somewhat similar to Marcin's. When I was younger I hoped one day I'd get to settle on an exotic island, somewhere in French Polinesia or in the Caribbean. But after having watched Lost 3 years in a row, with season 4 starting just now, I don't think it's an option anymore ;))

I'd kill for a possibility of getting a place in the middle of nowhere, but haven't made up my mind yet as to where nowhere is.

Unlike Steven I'm not worried about getting bored, so I'd go for the 100% free time solution. I already have enough hobbies to keep me busy for a long time.

We've suggested interesting project to the Kiribili government, if accepted, maybe you will be interesting to work and live on this pacific group of islands? You are an engineer .... can use your skills
More details in prv please !!!! :))JA edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.02.08 o godzinie 11:09

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Baking bread (with SODA!), drinking gin and tonic, reading books, listening to music and visiting England, the love of my life (have been only to London, and only once, and on a business trip.

Oh, and I forgot to mention going to Arsenal football matches!Wendy Tweed edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.02.08 o godzinie 11:48

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Oh, and I forgot to mention going to Arsenal football matches!

You mean Tottenham, surely? ;)

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Steven H.:
Oh, and I forgot to mention going to Arsenal football matches!

You mean Tottenham, surely? ;)

There you go .... Well, I certainly wouldn't miss a game Gunners v Tottenham!
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: How would you like to retire?

Steven H.:
BTW, I don't like jeans on a guy ;)


What about chinos?

Cordoroy dungarees?

Maybe she means she prefers jeans off a guy?

BTW corduroy dungarees are generally not preferable. Ever.

PS. Wendy and Steve: I'M FOREVER BLOWING BUBBLES!!! ;-)Keith Byrne edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.02.08 o godzinie 12:10

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Maybe she means she prefers jeans off a guy?

I had been too afraid to say that ;)


Ah yes, there is that old joke about Michael Jackon....
Maciej Kulig

Maciej Kulig adventurer

Temat: How would you like to retire?

PS. Wendy and Steve: I'M FOREVER BLOWING BUBBLES!!! ;-)

... pretty bubbles in the air...

Isn't that a hooligans' song?

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Steven H.:

Ah yes, there is that old joke about Michael Jackon....
Oh man, it took me a while to figure this one out... :)))))

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Maciej Kulig:
PS. Wendy and Steve: I'M FOREVER BLOWING BUBBLES!!! ;-)

... pretty bubbles in the air...

Isn't that a hooligans' song?

Not really.

A West Ham song.

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Steven H.:
Maybe she means she prefers jeans off a guy?

I had been too afraid to say that ;)

Why? ;)

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Not really.

A West Ham song.

Warren, thanks for enlightening me. First I thought some of you might have got annoyed with my praise for soda.
Then I had a good laugh thinking of Keith, bread with soda and bubbles. Had no idea it's West Ham's song. Have already visited google and listened to it. One always learns something here. Thank you.
Keith, it was so clever of you! I feel totally devastated and ashamed not to have understood your clever chain of thought.

What about this old joke about Michael Jackson?

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Maybe West Ham were one of the more notorious sides for hooliganism in the past, and of course there was the recent film about football thugs (it had Frodo Baggins in it I think). That is probably why you have the association.

If you think about the words of the song, they aren't very aggressive ;)

P.S. Since Wendy squeezed a message in when I was typing. I can't remember the joke, but it might have been something like...

"Have you heard that Michal Jackson is recording a new song for West Ham Football Club?"
"Yes, I'm forever blowing bubbles."

So, you have the punchline, now you just need to write the joke.Steven H. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.02.08 o godzinie 13:38

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Should Wendy still have doubts...

1° -Have you heard that Michal Jackson is recording a new song for West Ham Football Club?
-Yes, Its called "I'm forever blowing Bubbles."

2° Bubbles is (was?) the name of Jacko's pet chimp.

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