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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:

An easy to spot identification guide for Andre of suspected 'nut' teachers:

No 1


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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:

hey Warren... you just killed me... hahaha.. I KNOW THIS GUY... and I am not pulling your leg... he is a frequent visitor at events that I put together...

ok.. im going to dig deep, because I know I have pics of him in this outfit as well... wow.. hahahaha... I am almost rofl-ing

This pic was taken in Chicago during a VJ conference, this is the roof of the place, you can see the projection screen in the back. haha... wow... too funny... I was set up literally few feet away.Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.06.08 o godzinie 03:22

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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:



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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:



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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:

Nice ones above:

No 4

warren W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.06.08 o godzinie 00:54

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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:



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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:



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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:



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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:

no 9


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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:



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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:

Andre appears to have trouble identifying 'nut' teachers.

I believe Raf and myself may have given him a few handy hints as to who not to employ.

If anyone else could come up with a few more images we'd be grateful.

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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:


Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:


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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:

Well... I think just opposite. These above mentioned English teachers would make my English lessons "less" boring :) Especially I would love the "teacher" from the first image.... English lessons would be killingly interesting :D

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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:

Tomasz Krzal:
Well... I think just opposite. These above mentioned English teachers would make my English lessons "less" boring :) Especially I would love the "teacher" from the first image.... English lessons would be killingly interesting :D

Depends on your own personal definition of 'fun' I suppose, Tomek.

As we say in English, one man's meat is another man's poison.warren W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.06.08 o godzinie 18:31

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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:

warren W.:

Depends on your own personal definition of 'fun' I suppose, Tomek.

As we say in English, one man's meat is another man's poison.warren W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.06.08 o godzinie 18:31

Of course, such "funny" lesson of English must meet several conditions to be safe for me :D :
a) Teacher must be placed in strong kevlar mew,
b) Several cops around the mew,
c) Dozens of heavily armored soldiers around the school with the mew.

All these conditions are fulfilled? Ok, let's laugh.. it means: let's start the lesson :)
And (of course) lessons should be cheap for me :)

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Temat: How to identify a nut teacher:

Cheap? And who is going to pay for all the security?

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