Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: How social are you?

Lidia K.:
Magda, are you completely sure how you come across here for others?

Honestly, as long as someone does not tell me something bad in my face, I guess I am sure (though NEVER a 100%)

Yet, I've explained it in my answer above yours.
I believe in words.
I believe in people.
If someone tells me he's an introvert (AND acts as one - acting on GL is expressing opinions/sharing thoughts, therefore, this is not JUST words in my believe), I will not make him talk all day long.
If someone tells me I'm just a piece of meat I will surely not want to do much with him :-)

Example: I do not think of Warren as a Nazi. He knows much about good music and English and I would probably call him a teddy rather than a Nazi. Yes, he is short-tempered but that's just something that shows someone is emotional.. which is good.

Oh, Lidia, you have mentioned something important.
I think you concentrate more about what people say between themselves (gossip) about someone rather than how that person acts and what impressions they give to an individual viewer.

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Temat: How social are you?

Lidia K.:
How would you describe your social life?

Monday-Friday, almost non-existent. If you don't count being in constant company of a very charming five-year-old.
Weekends - that depends. SOmetimes I spend my weekends in moderate solitude, sometimes I share them with others :)
Do you need the company of other people to feel good?

No. But there are times when company is more than welcome.
Do you spend your free time with people from work?

Ugh. Yes, my boss is here all the time ;)

Would you change anything about it?

I would love to have more friends to go out with, but this has to wait at least a few more years I guess. Apart from that, I'm fine.

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Temat: How social are you?

Lidia K.:
I've learnt that what's written on the internet receives a totally different tone once you meet the person

Good topic for a thread. whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.10.08 o godzinie 20:23
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: How social are you?

Lidia K.:
How would you describe your social life?

It's not lavish. I work anti-social hours, mind you. But then again, I'm a bit of a loner.
Do you need the company of other people to feel good?

Not usually. I'm the master of 'me time' creation.
And I definitely put quality over quantity.
Do you spend your free time with people from work?

We often go to lunch together. But if I go out it's usually when I'm out of Poznan - I have dear friends in Sopot, Krakow, Wroclaw.

Would you change anything about it?

Yes, once I move into a bigger flat I'd like more people over to fill it with voices.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: How social are you?

Sylwia Łubkowska:
To be honest, my initial reaction was similar to Magda's. But then I counted to 10. And even so, (as this was one of the last posts I read yesterday) I went to bed with the words 'screwing a model' going round my head. And the picture of Adam, with the look of emptiness in his eyes, torn between a beautiful but stupid woman and an ugly but intelligent one. I really took it to heart.

What I would recommend is not to imagine Adam screwing away incessantly... it could lead to psychosis! ;)) Think of something else... err... like... hmmm...
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: How social are you?

Too late!

The image is imprinted in my hardware, I'm afraid! ;)

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Temat: How social are you?

Lidia K.:
How would you describe your social life?

there is not much to describe..;P
Do you need the company of other people to feel good?

as long as they iron my shirts, prepare food for me, pay for my pleasures (anyone?) - yes, I love them, I need them:) And to be serious - I am fine when alone, a steppenwolf type (what makes me sad sometimes, though..)
Do you spend your free time with people from work?

hell, NO!:)

Would you change anything about it?

With pleasure I could hang on with Claire Forlani, why not.. :)Hubert S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.10.08 o godzinie 10:26
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: How social are you?

Hubert S.:
Do you spend your free time with people from work?

hell, NO!:)
Why, are you working at the church?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: How social are you?

How would you describe your social life?
Do you need the company of other people to feel good?
No, but some of the things are better when they are shared.
Do you spend your free time with people from work?
I usually work alone right now, and considering a usual working environment, probably it would strongly depend on the people - not the places.
Would you change anything about it?
Yes, I'd like to go out more often. Actually I do force myself to go out sometimes.
Tatiana S.:
... We all tend to exaggerate a bit on gl but irl turn out to be different. Ilter, though, is the same!
You said something good, right? :)
(I remember you being stuck with my rubber pants for a while. hehe)
Sylwia D.

Sylwia D. Człowiek Aktywny

Temat: How social are you?

How would you describe your social life?
Existent and blooming. Any place and moment is good to meet someone valuable, nice, interesting....
Do you need the company of other people to feel good?
Very much :) I like meeting new people and need many people around me. I have some real friends I can count on and many acquaitances that I can't call my friends yet ... but in time ... who knows.
Do you spend your free time with people from work?
Yeah, why not. In my previous work I had even friends (they are still my friends and we meet regularly). In place I work now I met some nice people and I don't mind meeting them after work.
Would you change anything about it?
I'd like to have more free time so I could meet all these people more often :)

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Temat: How social are you?

Well, I was disappointed not to see them ;)

Temat: How social are you?

How long can you have people stay at your place?
What ways would you use to help them understand they've been there too long?

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Temat: How social are you?

Lidia K.:
How long can you have people stay at your place?
What ways would you use to help them understand they've been there too long?
Give them keys to your appt and change the locks when they're out.

Temat: How social are you?

got any local locksmith's tel no?

the first part was easy!

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Temat: How social are you?

Local as in Genoa? ;)

Następna dyskusja:

How neurotic are you?

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