Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

How do you make sure your English isn't getting rusty?

I teach it
I work and party with native speakers
I read almost everything in English
sometimes i think in English, but just sometimes

Do you attend any language course?

nope, I teach them (I am looking forward to attend something called Yoga and English this term tough)

What are your conclusions about foreign language learning?

course will give you only 30% no matter how good it is, the remaining 70% is up to you, and damn, it was never so easy to find English-related things or people around - Anglosphere is just one of many (long time ago, my only choice was music and some Reader's Digests which I hate since then)

What are the DOs and DON'Ts?

do surround yourselves with the language - read, chat, write here, listen and sing
remember - as long as you can communicate your thoughts it's ok
Sylwia D.

Sylwia D. Człowiek Aktywny

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

How do you make sure your English isn't getting rusty?
I'm trying to read in English as much as possible, be active in this group. Unfortuantely, I don't have any native speaker nearby to talk to <sigh>
Do you attend any language course?
Few days ago I won an on-line cours of English (happy me ;)) so I'm trying to "attend" it whenever possible
How intensive it is?
every single day ;)
What do you like about it the most?
I can learn at home on time that suits me te best
What are your conclusions about foreign language learning?
The possibility to communicate to people of different nationalities is great, to understand what they are talking about. It's usefull while working, travelling ...etc.
What are the DOs and DON'Ts?
DON'T be to lazy to learn ;)

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

how? i talk to myself.

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

How 'bout you? Are you a teacher?
I do have the ESOL qualifications and did teach a bit here and there. It's not what I'm doing at the moment though.

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

David B.:
I do have the ESOL qualifications and did teach a bit here and there. It's not what I'm doing at the moment though.
Perhaps you can share some of your experience?
The DOs and DONTs perhaps?

The objective of this thread is to get people work on their English actively ;)
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Well, in my case it's English almost 24/7 so I believe it's pretty intensive. Except I teach.
I tend to be sick and tired of the language at the end of the week. Oups, is it PC to say it here??
Being here must be my hidden masochistic streak;)
Off work, I really enjoy renting a good movie and watching it at home. It's both fun and educational.Rafał Janta edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.09.08 o godzinie 22:53

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
David B.:
I do have the ESOL qualifications and did teach a bit here and there. It's not what I'm doing at the moment though.
Perhaps you can share some of your experience?
The DOs and DONTs perhaps?

The objective of this thread is to get people work on their English actively ;)
Lidia, you have a few experts in teaching English here, who, I believe, are more than willing to share their wisdom with you! I wouldn't dare compete with Steve's or Warren's expertise! ;-)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

David B.:
Lidia K.:
David B.:
I do have the ESOL qualifications and did teach a bit here and there. It's not what I'm doing at the moment though.
Perhaps you can share some of your experience?
The DOs and DONTs perhaps?

The objective of this thread is to get people work on their English actively ;)
Lidia, you have a few experts in teaching English here, who, I believe, are more than willing to share their wisdom with you! I wouldn't dare compete with Steve's or Warren's expertise! ;-)

How do you practise your English, David?

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

David B.:
Do you guys often hear a question: Where have you learnt to speak English so well?!

We could help you a bit with your use of articles, I suppose.

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Oh, come on, this thread is about learning English, and it's for non-natives :-) We're serious here.

Are there any people here who can afford going to an English course twice a week for example, sit with a group of other students with coursebooks and have regular lessons?
The number of language schools is vast, there must be people using them!

Steve, Warren, how about your schools? Any free publicity perhaps? ;)
What makes your schools NOT BORING?

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Rafał Janta:
Well, in my case it's English almost 24/7 so I believe it's pretty intensive. Except I teach.
Are all Berlitz teachers as good as you?
Your level of English is outstanding:)
I tend to be sick and tired of the language at the end of the week. Oups, is it PC to say it here??
Heheh, hmmmm, maybe not. We're all proper here sipping English tea:)
Being here must be my hidden masochistic streak;)
I really appreciate it:)
Do participate!

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

How do you practise your English, David?

Just like you do, Steven! :-)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

David B.:
How do you practise your English, David?

Just like you do, Steven! :-)

Yes, I'm a sock puppet. My real name's Lech Walesa
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
Oh, come on, this thread is about learning English, and it's for non-natives :-) We're serious here.
And so for David, as it seems.

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

I'm thinking about deleting the exchanges with 'David' as it killed this thread :(
Can I?
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Somewhere deep inside you there's a little perfectionist censor, Lidia. Admit it. Embrace it. Have a good day ;)

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Rafał Janta:
Somewhere deep inside you there's a little perfectionist censor, Lidia. Admit it. Embrace it. Have a good day ;)
Is this why we get on so well?

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
I'm thinking about deleting the exchanges with 'David' as it killed this thread :(
Can I?
We`re just chatting, not writing a book so I think not everything should be controlled so much. Your comment and my reply are killing the thread more than "the exchanges with "David"".

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

OK, thank you, I take your point, V. :)
No censorship this time! Enjoy!

BTW. Any classes this weekend, V.? ;)

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
BTW. Any classes this weekend, V.? ;)
No, just preparing some employment law issues for my Monday presentation. Hope to have some free time, too.

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