Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
Michał B.:
Lidia, I'd rather you stop making fun of me please.
I'm sorry.

It's alright, Lidia. No need to apologise.:) BTW, have you done with your project yet?
Besides, most English teachers I have had were just boring as people.
That's an interesting statement.
Do you think teaching at university is such a great job for an English teacher?

Personally, I think it's an ideal place to be a teacher if you like doing that. Apart from all those standard courses, you can offer your own course during which you can teach people English the way you like. There are so few courses for 'post-B2' students, even those prepared to pay for the extra classes. Those few that are available are usually in general English, preparing you for CAE or CPE and I find these boring as I am not interested in taking any of these exams.
Perhaps it's also the 'negative selection' system applied...

To give you an example: one of our teachers (a graduate of some science faculty) has a CPE and has never finished any English studies. Her English, IMHO, isn't much better than her students'.
The question arises whether there was any selection at all.
But when I think about my English teachers in the past... One might cry.
Good ones are rarely found.
Yes, you're right. I know of some.

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Madalena, you can think about it this way - others can learn from you, so do not deprive people from your expertise in English! :-)

Rafal, if I understand well you'd be an ESOL teacher in Poland, right? Have you already found a motto for your work as a teacher?

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:

good, I mean I'm truly sorry.
but it saves me money (don't have to travel to NY > to hear it)

good point!

Wonder how much does it cost to ship/fly that kind > of things.. and I guess the procedures are pretty funny, too..

Well, it's usually between $1.5 - $2.5 per record to ship... It's also quite risky, vinyl is very delicate and easy to mishandle so packaging is extremely important and crucial to its survival. I am very worried about it, but it is what it is and it's completely out of my hands once those boxes leave my place.

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

David B.:

Rafal, if I understand well you'd be an ESOL
teacher in Poland, right?

That's the plan.
Have you already found a motto for your work as a > teacher?

Yes I did, althought I am sure that (being a bit of an idealist) it will change once I start.

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Teachers should be idealists, IMHO! So, keep it up, mate!

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

David B.:
Teachers should be idealists, IMHO! So, keep it
up, mate!

Right on
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

David B.:
Do you guys often hear a question: Where have you learnt to speak English so well?!
Not often enough, maybe.

People I help usually doesn't know the present perfect tense, so they can not mess the question up.

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

ilter K.:
David B.:
Do you guys often hear a question: Where have you learnt to speak English so well?!
Not often enough, maybe.

People I help usually doesn't know the present perfect tense, so they can not mess the question up.
Hahaha - that's a real groover! You all guys are really good! :-)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

I'm usually impressed if I hear a proper:

- Where'd you learn English?

in one go without a hesitation.

Then I start to classify them, like: "I can teach him/her English", "Not sure with this one, tell him/her that you're a musician"


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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

David B.:
Teachers should be idealists, IMHO! So, keep it
up, mate!

How 'bout you? Are you a teacher?

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
It's September, so it's time to sign up for foreign language courses.

How do you make sure your English isn't getting rusty?
Do you attend any language course?
How intensive it is?
What do you like about it the most?
What are your conclusions about foreign language learning?
What are the DOs and DON'Ts?

It's a very interesting thread, Lidia. I'll get back to it tonight, when the kid is in zzz land. Unfortunately, I no longer "learn" English.

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

I don't attend any language courses and some time ago I decided to take part in Anglosphere more actively just to be able to express my thoughts in English better. Nobody needs that in IRL as all is needed is accurate translation, so this happens to be an investment into my own communication skills. And I'm not into blogs as I need more interaction than writing a blog gives.

I'd love a have tailored course in English so I could brush it up without much effort. Plus the interaction with more than one person would be appreciated. Perhaps I should go abroad for some time to get it as a side effect of my activity (anything I might do there)?

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Michał B.:
BTW, have you done with your project yet?
Yes, I'm finished, thank you, but I'm waiting for 100% approval of my work.
Personally, I think it's an ideal place to be a teacher if you like doing that. Apart from all those standard courses, you can offer your own course during which you can teach people English the way you like.
Theoretically yes.
But working at uni requires you to remain in an old fashioned system that isn't really fair. It's quite feudal if I remember well from my friends' stories.
Another thing that puzzles me is that SOME English teachers at uni almost never show up. Or their absence is like 50% and they get away with it.
It's always been like this. I cannot understand how this is possible. But Polish universities are a puzzle in itself.

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
Michał B.:
BTW, have you done with your project yet?
Yes, I'm finished, thank you, but I'm waiting for 100% approval of my work.

I'm sure they will be happy with your rendering.
Personally, I think it's an ideal place to be a teacher if you like doing that. Apart from all those standard courses, you can offer your own course during which you can teach people English the way you like.
Theoretically yes.
But working at uni requires you to remain in an old fashioned system that isn't really fair. It's quite feudal if I remember well from my friends' stories.
Another thing that puzzles me is that SOME English teachers at uni almost never show up. Or their absence is like 50% and they get away with it.
It's always been like this. I cannot understand how this is possible. But Polish universities are a puzzle in itself.

A lot has changed at universities concerning foreign languages. It's still far from ideal but it's getting better in general. Attendence is a must now - I can't imagine getting my credit if I missed more than two classes a term. Exams in languages are still not severe or objective enough, but at least they have been standardised. It's not your teacher who examines you but other teachers whom you have never seen. The written part is more honest than the oral one. Very few students fail the oral part, which is funny sometimes.
The weakest link in the whole chain is the programmes - good for secondary schools, but not universities. But that's another long story.Michał B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.09.08 o godzinie 23:42

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
Another thing that puzzles me is that SOME English teachers at uni
almost never show up. Or their absence is like 50% and they get
away with it. It's always been like this. I cannot understand how this is possible.

Lidia, of course they show up! But at the private universities and colleges which employ them! They can`t split...:D

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Violetta, do you mean mgr people from the lektoraty (not professors and PhD)?
They're usually lousy. Who'd employ them?

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Sorry, Lidia, I thought you mean that students never come to their classes. My teachers are OK in this respect. They are always there and on time. Students are more aware of their rights now and they exercise them. University quality teams observe teachers' performance throughout the term. :)

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
Violetta, do you mean mgr people from the lektoraty (not professors and PhD)?
They're usually lousy. Who'd employ them?

hahaha...I mean professors and/or doctors. But one day, a friend of mine who teaches English at the UW was instructed by a receptionist that she doesn`t have to come to work each day she has classes as it`s possible to say "later on" that the lesson took place somewhere else;p

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Violetta P.:
hahaha...I mean professors and/or doctors.
It's understood - private universities and high schools need people with degrees. So there could be some tolerance.
But the education market is shrinking so they're getting more and more competitive.
I just hope the state universities will be ok one day.
But one day, a friend of mine who teaches English at the UW was instructed by a
yes, I know what you mean
ever had any native speakers employed at uni?

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
ever had any native speakers employed at uni?
Half of the staff were natives when I studied at the UW. Where I work now there are some of them, generally quite many foreigners from all over the world running the BBA and MBA programmes.

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