Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

It's September, so it's time to sign up for foreign language courses.

How do you make sure your English isn't getting rusty?
Do you attend any language course?
How intensive it is?
What do you like about it the most?
What are your conclusions about foreign language learning?
What are the DOs and DON'Ts?

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
It's September, so it's time to sign up for foreign language courses.

How do you make sure your English isn't getting rusty?
I read a lot, listen to English radio stations and the Internet.
Regrettably, too few occasions to speak the language.
Do you attend any language course?
No. Well, apart from the compulsory one at university, but it's always at the same level as in primary and secondary school.
How intensive it is?
Two-hour classes twice weekly.
What do you like about it the most?

It's boring like hell.
What are your conclusions about foreign language learning?
Never-ending story and it's like ploughing a rocky field.
What are the DOs and DON'Ts?
The only Do I can think of is THINK when you learn.

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

WOW, Michał! So you really are a student at uni;)
I thought you were some high-class specialist or diplomat hiding from the common people...
So if you don't mind me asking what is your major if English is only a side activity???
Have you got any certificates? Why aren't you exempt from the English course at uni with this level of English? It's a waste of everybody's time, isn't it?
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
It's September, so it's time to sign up for foreign language courses.

How do you make sure your English isn't getting rusty?
I am sure it is getting rusty.
Do you attend any language course?
How intensive it is?
See above.
What do you like about it the most?
Don't have to pay for it ;)
What are your conclusions about foreign language learning?
It can be fun. It can be a nightmare.
What are the DOs and DON'Ts?
Don't be afraid to speak, no matter how poor you think you are at it.

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Fortunately Anglo is free;)

So when was the last time you spoke English?

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

I guess it gets rusty especially written. I practice English mostly with Scandinavians. Anyway, the better Swedish I speak, the less reasons to use English.
The best way of improving language skills is to take dedicated course. I prefer business English. Writting a lot of business letters makes me feel better :))

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Do you think in English?

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

When you start thingking English it means you have improved it and are on the right way :)) What if you give up thinking? ;)))

When I lived in Sweden my automatical language was French. Strange feeling when you reach for something definitely rusty ;) After one or two senteces and surprise appearing on Swedish faces I knew I came back to something more convenient ;)

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Lidia K.:
WOW, Michał! So you really are a student at uni;)
I thought you were some high-class specialist or diplomat hiding from the common people...
Lidia, I'd rather you stop making fun of me please.
So if you don't mind me asking what is your major if English is only a side activity???

Starting from October, I will study 'the guts' of our Mother Earth.
Have you got any certificates?
No, I haven't. I am going to fight for one (more important than all those FC's etc)in January next year.
Why aren't you exempt from the
English course at uni with this level of English? It's a waste of everybody's time, isn't it?
Yes, it is, especially so when your teacher pronounces e.g 'develop' as ['develop] or 'counterfeit' as [kaunte'faight] and never cares whether there's a long or short vowel, etc.
Besides, most English teachers I have had were just boring as people.Please do not misunderstand me - I do not mean that I am a fascinating person, but one would naturally expect teachers to know a bit more than I do, especially at university.
I have to attend the course because 1. I haven't got any certificate, 2. All such students have to take their B2 English exam.

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Michał B.:

Besides, most English teachers I have had were
just boring as people.

Hey... so like... are you in Warsaw? hehe.. need an interesting teacher... or two?

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Rafal W.:
Michał B.:

Besides, most English teachers I have had were
just boring as people.

Hey... so like... are you in Warsaw? hehe.. need an interesting teacher... or two?

You mean you could be willing to come and teach here? Good idea!
To be honest, I do not necessarily ask for native speakers, but someone with a passion for something and some knowledge about the world. How can you find English interesting when your teacher has nothing to say about the world in this language. It's not only grammar, or is it?

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Michał B.:
Lidia, I'd rather you stop making fun of me please.
I'm sorry.
Besides, most English teachers I have had were just boring as people.
That's an interesting statement.
Do you think teaching at university is such a great job for an English teacher?
Perhaps it's also the 'negative selection' system applied...
But when I think about my English teachers in the past... One might cry.
Good ones are rarely found.

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Michał B.:
Rafal W.:
Michał B.:

Besides, most English teachers I have had were
just boring as people.

Hey... so like... are you in Warsaw? hehe.. need an interesting teacher... or two?

You mean you could be willing to come and teach

Haha.. that was a totally shameless plug. I’ll be in Warsaw in 6 months so you’ll see my plugs pop-up now and again ;)
Good idea!

Sheesh.. haha.. I'm glad you think so.
To be honest, I do not necessarily ask for native > speakers, but someone with a passion for something and some
knowledge about the world.
How can you find English interesting when
your teacher has nothing to say about the world in this language.

I agree 100%. At your stage, you should be able to discuss freely any and every topic that you may find interesting. I find friendly debates to be the best practice exercises. Practical use of your newly acquired language is the best way of nourishing it. It’s sort of like a pet, or a child - like a sponge and at first it intakes everything that you throw at it in no particular order, but eventually it all starts to make sense. Repetition is nice for memorization of single words, yet when I was first introduced to the English language, it was through conversations (or attempts at conversations) with natives. I was lucky enough to find a friend who was just as interested in the rest of the world as I was and we quickly found ways of communicating.
It's not only grammar, or is it?

I still think that practical (ie. Verbal communication) use of any language helps greatly in “getting it”. I also strongly believe that having a language explained to you by someone familiar with its culture (especially in the more advanced stages) could be crucial in further development of lingual skills. It also depends greatly on the student and their reasons behind studying any particular language. If you are simply trying to send couple of emails here and there, or call for some basic info, you will be fine studying at a school level with any teacher. However, if you are trying to really get the jest of it and fully submerge yourself in any language, where freedom of expression is the ultimate goal; you may want to find a teacher who would be able to convey the nuances and answer culture based questions.

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

I'm baby-sitting a bunch of Americans :) Two days of full immersion. Next week they're gonna be baby-sitting me for three days :) Who knows where we'll go from there?

PS: Greetings from Rzeszow.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

I practice it by giving lessons.

It is the best method I've found.

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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Do you guys often hear a question: Where have you learnt to speak English so well?!
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

I'm trying not to speak English with people "inferior" in that respect to me (sorry, if it sounds too formal/posh or whatever) because although I still see mistakes they make I am afraid that with time and me being too far away from my English friends I will fail to notice these mistakes..

Apart from that I am reading in English, am watching movies and listening to music in English on daily basis.

I know it's not enough, I knew that when I've returned to Poland a couple of years b4.

Same with my German.

Yes, David.

I do get that question asked v. often - my usual answer : my Am high school

;-)Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.09.08 o godzinie 17:46
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Rafal W.:

Haha.. that was a totally shameless plug. I’ll be in Warsaw in 6 months so you’ll see my plugs pop-up now and again ;)


are you bringing your crappy music here, too???


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Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:


are you bringing your crappy music here, too???


Yea a crap load of crap... and it's costing me a crap load.
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: How do you practice your English this autumn - a Q to...

Rafal W.:
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:


are you bringing your crappy music here, too???


Yea a crap load of crap... and it's costing me a crap load.

good, I mean I'm truly sorry.
but it saves me money (don't have to travel to NY to hear it)

Wonder how much does it cost to ship/fly that kind of things.. and I guess the procedures are pretty funny, too..

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