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Temat: Home Office and electronic transmissions

In Polish:


What do you think about these plans? I reckon that emails and phone calls have already been being intercepted for quite some time now. Remember the rumours about Carnivore and Echelon systems? Nothing new IMO - just more openness about the whole thing.

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Temat: Home Office and electronic transmissions

This is something that has been going on in the US for some time now. It actually made it all the way to the Supreme Court jesters, I mean Justice. Unfortunately since majority of them were appointed by the current administration, it sort of just passed right through with out any major perturbations, there were some waves of dismay and critique but they were silenced by something completely irrelevant and … oh look! Look over there! A new shiny object! Oh.. it’s so pretty, why it’s Britney Spears and she shaved her head! Oh my, if that’s not something to slap on the front cover of every paper than… oh wait… Gay marriage!? Ha, that will definitely… oh… wait, what was that again that we were discussing?

This is something that took place way before 9/11

What’s even more disturbing is this:

I think the main question that should be asked is this: What are we willing to sacrifice in the name of safety and security? Some may say that if you have nothing to hide, than you shouldn’t worry so much, but don’t you think that this is an invasion of you privacy?
During martial law in Poland you had “Rozmowa Kontrolowana” what makes this any different?

Benjamin Franklin once wrote:

“Those who would give up ESSENTIAL LIBERTY to purchase a little TEMPORARY SAFETY, deserve neither LIBERTY nor SAFETY.”

I couldn’t agree more.

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Temat: Home Office and electronic transmissions

Moim zdaniem, "inwigliowane" jest za mało.

Also, I wonder how else could the security resources be used? Of course, I'm not worried about my boring transmissions. But it sho' nuf does seem like a dilution.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.05.08 o godzinie 19:08

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Temat: Home Office and electronic transmissions

In London there are over 1 million cameras pointed at people at any given day, that’s insane. The same exact thing is happening in NYC, I mean you can pretty much notice almost daily new points of observations sprouting all over the city. I was participating in a protest few months back which involved some chanting outside of various locations, one of them being the apt. building in which the Rockefeller lives, CNN, FOX network and other such fun places, the group consisted of literally maybe 60 or so members yet we were followed around by the FUJI blimp, which is notorious for being the all seeing eye over NYC. I understand homeland security as well as the need for certain steps that were taken by our government, yet somehow it just doesn’t make me feel any safer, quite the opposite actually.
If we look at facts, 9 out of the hijackers that ended up flying on 9/11 were on the FBI terrorist watch list before coming to the US, they somehow managed to enter the country using their regular names. Meanwhile Cat Stevens while using his newly acquired name was denied flight. To attend a flight school, one must go through rigorous background check, yet those terrorists responsible for hijacking planes were able to obtain flying lessons. You could say that things have changed, but somehow I don’t see it that way. People who actually knew what was happening and knew how to deal with this situation disagree with new implemented policies and were released of their duties, to be replaced by people who have absolutely no idea as per what, how, or why. Safer?

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Temat: Home Office and electronic transmissions

Rafal Wolk:
In London there are over 1 million cameras pointed at people at any given day, that’s insane.

Yes, the whole of UK is covered with CCTV cameras. I find it disturbing that on average one is recorded by them something like 300 times a day. If this helped to decrease crime rate then yes, I could see its point but according to latest analyses from security watchdogs in the UK at least in London it is not working and from my provincial Belfast it looks the same in my opinion. Thousands of cameras and yobs still vandalise bus stops, break wing mirrors, fight and gather in bands threatening passers-by.

[devil's advocate mode on] On one hand CCTV seem to be useless, on the other however, if we only had better pattern recognition / spectroscopy systems and better cameras (I work on this ;) ) we could have "crime cameras" in place just the same way we have "speed cameras". E.g. a yob is destroying a windshield you scan the yob visually and chemically and he gets his magistrate sentence via Royal Mail :) If we already have these 1000s of CCTV units let's make REAL use of them. Technology for this is on our doorstep. If the mobs want to f...k us over, lets do the same to them.
If we look at facts, 9 out of the hijackers that ended up flying on 9/11 were on the FBI terrorist watch list before coming to the US, they somehow managed to enter the country using their regular names. Meanwhile Cat Stevens while using his newly acquired name was denied flight. To attend a flight school, one must go through rigorous background check, yet those terrorists responsible for hijacking planes were able to obtain flying lessons.

And this is totally insane... I need to sign countless and idiotic documents just to change my address linked to my bank account and yet things like you described above are happening without a problem. But paranoia of British banks is a completely different topic...

An excellent question...Marcin B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.05.08 o godzinie 10:49

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