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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Not that I ever need it, but Sylwia's Mmmmm post has made me wonder: what do you do/eat/drink the day after?
I've heard a cup of coffee mixed with chocolate milk, and OJ work wonders, same as żurek.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Alka-Seltzer before you go to bed... You'll wake up feeling fine!

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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

'aspiryna' before, coke after:) I've also heard about spoon of oil before. And maślanka is indispensable in the morning:)

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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Spoon of oil is rubbish but spoon of honey isn't ;) I just can't remember before or after ;P My way of dealing with is:

- Painkiller
- Kefir
- Hot shower
- Cold shower
- Chocolate
- 2-3 hrs of sleep or a walk (depending on the size of a hangover)
- Juice/ fruit salad
- Some gooood meal(s)
+ Loads of mineral water all the time

D'oh i forgot ;P You can add sex anywhere You want there ;)Michał K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.06.08 o godzinie 21:09
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Steve Jones:
Alka-Seltzer before you go to bed... You'll wake up feeling fine!

And loads of mineral water - somebody told me (I think it was one of my own students actually) that it's the dehydration that intensifiers the symptoms. I tried it once (I just happened to have a bottle of mineral water in the fridge) and it really worked.

Mind you, I've recently started to bring my own booze (mostly beer) to house parties, as I have friends who like to numb themselves on real hard stuff. And they have their parties on Sat. evening, which means suffering for the whole of Sunday. I don't like the idea. Am I getting old?... ;)

But I had to bear their funny looks at first... now they're used to it.Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.06.08 o godzinie 21:12
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Michał K.:
Spoon of oil is rubbish but spoon of honey isn't ;) I just can't remember before or after ;P My way of dealing with is:

- Painkiller
- Kefir
- Hot shower
- Cold shower
- Chocolate
- 2-3 hrs of sleep or a walk (depending on the size of a hangover)
- Juice/ fruit salad
- Some gooood meal(s)
+ Loads of mineral water all the time

D'oh i forgot ;P You can add sex anywhere You want there ;)Michał K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.06.08 o godzinie 21:09

That's groovy, however for the sake of simplicity, I'll just stick to Alka-Seltzer.
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Michał K.:
Spoon of oil is rubbish but spoon of honey isn't ;) I just can't remember before or after ;P My way of dealing with is:

- Painkiller
- Kefir
- Hot shower
- Cold shower
- Chocolate
- 2-3 hrs of sleep or a walk (depending on the size of a hangover)
- Juice/ fruit salad
- Some gooood meal(s)
+ Loads of mineral water all the time

D'oh i forgot ;P You can add sex anywhere You want there

Yeah, if you manage to or can be bothered! ;))
;)Michał K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.06.08 o godzinie 21:09

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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Sylwia Łubkowska:
Yeah, if you manage to or can be bothered! ;))

You mean the whole list or just the last position? ;)
Steve Jones:
That's groovy, however for the sake of simplicity, I'll just stick to Alka-Seltzer.

but what about pleasure?? :P

btw. If You're having twitches (is that ok for skurcze mięśni?) make sure You have bananas as a potassium suplement.

Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

I only heard that aspirin helps... as well as beer ;)
But I really don't know. The day after is for me just another day. Only I am more thirsty ;)

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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Yeah painkillers are ok but beer helps You for some next 30 minutes later You feel more "blurred" shot of vodka is good though but only if You don't have to go to work next day ;P

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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

When we used to go out at uni, as the night wore on I'd drink more and more water. I reckon I had about 3 pints of water when out, plus at least one at home.
Woke up tired but not hungover. Also, with the sweating and water my skin always seemed good too.

My current favourite cure is abstention.

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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Lots of liquids and a massive English breakfast, bacon, sausages, eggs etc. the whole shebang.

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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Katarzyna Caffrey:
Lots of liquids and a massive English breakfast, bacon, sausages, eggs etc. the whole shebang.

As long as someone else is cooking!
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Katarzyna Caffrey:
Lots of liquids and a massive English breakfast, bacon, sausages, eggs etc. the whole shebang.

I totally back up the English breakfast. When I first worked in a coffee shop and prepared it myself, I used to wonder whether it is worth the 4 quid that people spend on crap like black pudding, cooked (watery) mushroms and tomato, some bacon, eggs and sausages - until I got drunk. I mean really drunk. That changed my entire perspective ;)Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.06.08 o godzinie 22:15
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

In order to feel a hangover, one must first sober up. I've been moderately drunk since 1995, when I went on a pub crawl in Germany, and got so drunk I was afraid of the hangover. I'm just getting by one Gin and Tonic at a time :-)

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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Keith Byrne:
In order to feel a hangover, one must first sober up. I've been moderately drunk since 1995, when I went on a pub crawl in Germany, and got so drunk I was afraid of the hangover. I'm just getting by one Gin and Tonic at a time :-)

probably as good a cure as any ;) a bit risky for your liver though..:)
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Katarzyna Caffrey:
Keith Byrne:
In order to feel a hangover, one must first sober up. I've been moderately drunk since 1995, when I went on a pub crawl in Germany, and got so drunk I was afraid of the hangover. I'm just getting by one Gin and Tonic at a time :-)

probably as good a cure as any ;) a bit risky for your liver though..:)

This one isn't mine any more. It used to belong to a speedway racer!

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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

I remember doing a lesson on this. There's only one sure fire way to avoid hangovers: don't drink!

With that said, I heard honey works (don't know from personal experience), but I always take vitamins before bed. For them, they sure do the trick and I regret when I don't!

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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Funny that I also remember doing a lesson on this. With someone we both know!
Do you take any specific vitamins? B? C? ALL of them?

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Temat: Hangover - is there a cure for it?

Freshly squizzed lemon juice + water used to do the trick for me back in my 'wild' uni times.

I haven't had a hangover since graduation.

Not that I haven't been drinking at all. I must've developed giant alcohol-antibodies! ;)

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Sth for all you groovy love...

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