Temat: Guilty Secrets

Rafal Wolk:

are you serious? when i was 7 everyone on my block would play kapitan kloss!

I don't think I've ever been serious in my life.
I just wanted to get rid of the cartoon.

Oh, and I almost cried on Lion King.

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

Grazyna N.:
I've never watched "Rejs" and have no idea what people have in mind when they quote lines from it.... :(

This isn't a guilty secret, but I love 'Rejs' and have watched it several times.

Temat: Guilty Secrets

Grazyna N.:
I've never watched "Rejs" and have no idea what people have in mind when they quote lines from it.... :(

Grazyna, I'm sure you can recognize some memorable quotes from the Rejs just from being with people who know it by heart :)

Unfortunately most learning is like this, you learn about chocolate, its production and uses but you never actually try it :)

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

Lidia K.:
Grazyna N.:
I've never watched "Rejs" and have no idea what people have in mind when they quote lines from it.... :(

Grazyna, I'm sure you can recognize some memorable quotes from the Rejs just from being with people who know it by heart :)

I might, but it's obviously different if you've watched the film and share the passion for it... Like try the line 'you're talking to me?!' with sb who hasn't watched God Father...
Unfortunately most learning is like this, you learn about chocolate, its production and uses but you never actually try it :)

oops! I prefer trying the chocolate :o)

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

well, perhaps this is a guilty secret: I am a teacher, but don't like teaching!

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

Right, time for a biggie - yes, I like the "Pearl Harbor" and such mawkish, cheap, pretentious movie crap with the Star Spangled Banner waving in the background and brave man sacrificing themselves for the Cause... plus Kate Beckinsale as a nurse isn't too bad either ;)

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

A very 'serious' paper on Black American Theater I wrote during my studies for my professor, an Afro-American and a great American poet. The point is that he was the only Afro-American I had ever met by that time. Black Power leaders should have learnt from me ... . His only comment was "Is this what you really think? Queer!".

Hope he has forgiven me my stupidity....Wendy Tweed edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.02.08 o godzinie 00:43

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

Marcin B.:
Right, time for a biggie - yes, I like the "Pearl Harbor" and such mawkish, cheap, pretentious movie crap with the Star Spangled Banner waving in the background and brave man sacrificing themselves for the Cause... plus Kate Beckinsale as a nurse isn't too bad either ;)

will never speak to you again.. ;)

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

I have never read Sienkiewicz's trilogy. What's even worse, I will never do it.

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

Grazyna N.:
I might, but it's obviously different if you've watched the film and share the passion for it... Like try the line 'you're talking to me?!' with sb who hasn't watched God Father...
You proved your point G. "Are you talking to" is not a quote from the Godfather. It's from the Taxi driver :)))
I have read "Lalka" twice and loved it.

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

Jarek Adamowski:

You proved your point G.

...and Italians have just proved its existence BTW :P

http://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/Wiadomosci/1,80355,4949142...Marcin B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.02.08 o godzinie 08:05

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

hahahaha yea, I read about it in yesterday's newspaper :D

EDIT: and Marcin's reply to my post shows how important punctuation is. Look how one missing comma can change the meaning of the entire sentence lolJarek Adamowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.02.08 o godzinie 08:09

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

Jarek Adamowski:
Grazyna N.:
I might, but it's obviously different if you've watched the film and share the passion for it... Like try the line 'you're talking to me?!' with sb who hasn't watched God Father...
You proved your point G. "Are you talking to" is not a quote from the Godfather. It's from the Taxi driver :)))

oops!!! really???? oh, no..... now it came out I haven't watched either!!! :-O

I have read "Lalka" twice and loved it.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Guilty Secrets

Grazyna N.:
BWT, I can see nothing shameful in a guy being a geek or liking musicals and Kylie M.!

That's because you're not a guy! :-) Trust us -this thread was created for us to make statements like these

...or this:
I own a number of football replica kits

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

Keith Byrne:

I own a number of football replica kits

"et tu Brute?"
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Guilty Secrets

I have stolen a big piece of chocolate when I was 7
(it was pretty delicious, as far as I remember)
I don't like the song "Bohemian Rhapsody"
(but I am able to understand why others do like it)
I had cheated twice that I was having an orgasm.
(they felt better that way)
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Guilty Secrets

My trip to Łódż last weekend wasn't really for business. Wasn't to Łódż either....Jon M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.02.08 o godzinie 14:21
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Guilty Secrets

So far the heroes of this thread are:

I bet you feel better for having admitted that (with the possible exception of Jon)

Ilter, I trust there was a reasonable gap in time between stealing the chocolate and faking the orgasms?

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

ok, ok, there's a BIG one from me - last year I was reversing my car and bumped into another car parked behind... :( I panicked and drove away fast..... hoping the other driver has the comprehensive cover....

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Temat: Guilty Secrets

After watching a tv special on cryogenics... I ended up putting my guinea pig into the freezer. Being that I was pre-teen and all over the place, I forgot about my "project" and went out to hang out with my friends. Came home late that afternoon, to my mom asking me "Hon, why was your piggy in the freezer? You know he peed and pooped all over our food!"


*no animals were harmed during the production of this show. My guinea pig was just fine. It lived happily for another 5 years!

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Repenting for guilty secrets

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