Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Germany Waking up to Growing Market for Muslim Food,1518,653...

Germany has four million Muslim inhabitants but the market for halal food -- produced according to Islamic law -- is still in its infancy, partly because firms are fear the wrath of animal rights groups. But companies are slowly waking u to this fast-growing market.

What do you think? Are we going a good way? Is that a fair customer demand? Is that a model for other countries?

PS: Will I finally be able to get good German beer in Poland? ;)

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Temat: Germany Waking up to Growing Market for Muslim Food

Bernd Schreckenberg:
[b]Germany has four million Muslim inhabitants but the market for halal food -- produced according to Islamic law -- is still in its
Bernd, I think it is great for German companies to grab the opportunity!!!

In Poland, are there many Vietnamese and Ukrainians and many others looking with nostalgia for their products? Has anyone analysed it?

When I stayed in Glasgow, I noticed that all the Pakistani little shops and outlets had Polish white bread, beer, all sorts of canned and jarred traditional Polish food.

Even non muslim can be a target, I remember lots of Kosher vodka being sold in Poland (I do not know any data I just know how suddenly popular kosher certified products were) because non-jewish consumers assumed it was better supervised.

My opinion? It is great opportunity to investigate for companies in German food industry.Jacek Kotowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.10.09 o godzinie 08:59
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Germany Waking up to Growing Market for Muslim Food

Hahahhh... what a bullshit...

"Certifiers also have differing standards regarding the requirement that butchers should call out Allah when they kill each animal. Some say it's enough for the call to be played from a tape, provided that a Muslim starts the tape".

I didn't know about such stupid rules, thanks. It's funny.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Germany Waking up to Growing Market for Muslim Food

Jacek Kotowski:

When I stayed in Glasgow, I noticed that all the Pakistani little shops and outlets had Polish white bread, beer, all sorts of canned and jarred traditional Polish food.

Next to the flat share in Bamberg, where I was staying over for my exams, there was a shop for only Polish stuff: Vodka, beer, travels, etc.
In more and more places you'll find Tyskie and Zywiec. That speaks at least for variety ;)
Even non muslim can be a target, I remember lots of Kosher vodka being sold in Poland (I do not know any data I just know how suddenly popular kosher certified products were) because non-jewish consumers assumed it was better supervised.

Well, that's a thought. I will try to find something like that :)
My opinion? It is great opportunity to investigate for companies in German food industry.

Thx :))

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Temat: Germany Waking up to Growing Market for Muslim Food

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Well, that's a thought. I will try to find something like that :)

I do not know if you can find it nowadays. Kosher Vodka, or other products with a stamp "Kosher" used to be quite popular in the ninetees after the collapse of communism.
A word "koszerny" could have ment more than just "meeting requirements according to Jewish customs". Although a Jiddish word, it could mean "acceptable" or "good quality" for all mature Poles of that time. "Koszerny" about a person could have ment he is not a militia mole and can be trusted. I do not know if the economic and social transformation did not make this word strange among next generation.

Slightly offtopic: What about Ossi nostalgia products? Would it not be some other area of research for German marketing freeks? Pickles from Spreewald? Was this the product saught after by the mother, a communist youth activist in excellent "Good Bye Lenin" movie? In Poland we had briefly "Kiełbasa jak za Gierka". Would Ossies not try also to convince Western Germans about various tastes of the old times?

I remember once Polish Wprost weekly magazine and some Polish sweets producer gained lots of publicity attaching to one issue samples of sweets from communist times (lack of proper ingredients made food technologists very creative) and from the present times - for comparison.
I remember that kiosks have ran out of that issue of magazine very early in the morning.Jacek Kotowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.10.09 o godzinie 13:25
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Germany Waking up to Growing Market for Muslim Food

Jacek Kotowski:

I do not know if you can find it nowadays.

I'll try to find some and will tell ya! ;)
Slightly offtopic: What about Ossi nostalgia products? Would it not be some other area of research for German marketing freeks?

There is. The great Ossi-revival with all it's sickening TV-shows and products has been on the advance since a couple of years. There are shops only with Ossi-products, the most famous one the '
'Ampelmaennchen' (the traffic light man).
Amidst all the good things, like Spreewaldgurken (pickles from the Spreewald), T-shirts and all kinds of memorabilia, are yet those TV-shows, which not only lack any taste, but have the tendency, due to mass-manipulation, of showing the DDR (GDR) as a fun-state, a little dictatorship. Which again stands in stark contrast to the 'public' outcries of politicians and the media, whenever something can be connected with the 'STASI' (GR's secret police).
I mean, you can even buy Honecker-shampoo! Imagine this on a shelf with Hitler-conditioner and Stalin-shower-gel. Good riddance!
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Germany Waking up to Growing Market for Muslim Food

I just stumbled onto it:

Mercedes Benz introduces a 'halal' way of financing the buying of their cars on credit for Muslims, since it's strongly tied to the Muslims (Abu Dhabi and Kuwait hold 16% of Mercedes Benz).
The importers sell the car with the percentages (Muslims can't do percentage-based businesses) added to the price, so the buyers can pay in non-percentage-tied installments.
The idea is already been proven by a school of Islam and certified.
The car-builders from Stuttgart expect the volume of transactions to go up to 300million Euros.

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Temat: Germany Waking up to Growing Market for Muslim Food

In the UK,because they like to accomodate different nationalities and cultures you can find everything for everyone. Zubrowka vodka, Zywiec, Belveder vodka in the pub. There is a special section in Tesco and Asda called 'Polish food' or something.

The same applies to Halal food.

And yes, i laughed too when i was told by an English person what's the difference between Halal and non-Halal way of preparing food but if that's the way they eat it, fine.

I think that any country which has a Muslim society should copy what UK did market wise.

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