Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

I meant our son, Jarek!

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Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

Ok, where's valium when you need it!?!

My heart is doing like 260 bpm!

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Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

Jarek A.:
Ok, where's valium when you need it!?!

My heart is doing like 260 bpm!

LMAO....you're a perfect example that men are always the last ones to find out...lol

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Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

Lidia K.:
I meant our son, Jarek!

Don't worry Lidia, maybe it's not yours.

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Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

Darek Koter:
Jarek A.:
Ok, where's valium when you need it!?!

My heart is doing like 260 bpm!

LMAO....you're a perfect example that men are always the last ones to find out...lol
and we can never be sure it's ours!

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Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

Check this out guys. Lidia pitched an acid ball and went quiet.

That's how women test us. Trust me on this.

Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

I'm moderating this one, J.

Perhaps a new thread about truths on women?

P.S. He's cheeky, too.

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Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

and they say it's the money that's the root of all evil...I beg to differ...;)

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Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

P.S. He's cheeky, too.

LOL Lidia...
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

Born in Ankara, Turkey. Turkish.
Been living in Warsaw for 7 years.

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Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

I just wanted to say that we're very unlikely to meet in a group of more than three people so we can go on pretending we're not dogs or of the opposite sex. OK, anyone here actually met more than two other Anglo members at a time?

Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

Tatiana S.:
OK, anyone here actually met more than two other Anglo members at a time?
I've met nobody yet.
I'm ok with it. Don't like disappointments.

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Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

Lidia K.:
Tatiana S.:
OK, anyone here actually met more than two other Anglo members at a time?
I've met nobody yet.
I'm ok with it. Don't like disappointments.
You must have met Jarek. Unless it was immaculate conception ;)
I think with the regular posters though, you wouldn't be disappointed. I believe we have pretty clear images of each other. I was a little surprised to find Keith looking a bit different from his photo though.Tatiana S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.06.08 o godzinie 21:30
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at Vm.pl

Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

born in Wroclaw, moved to then Yugoslavia aged two, moved back to Wroclaw aged 18 - in august, 1999:)

Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

oh, yes, sure!
I was trying to deny it all these years...

Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

Hi Anna! So what would you write next to your name? PL or MK?
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at Vm.pl

Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

that's one of my life's biggest dilemmas... I live in Poland, but surf mostly Macedonian pages:)

I guess if I lived in Macedonia the situation would have been opposite.Anna Svetozarov edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.06.08 o godzinie 21:34

Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

ok, so I won't write anything, let's leave it as it is
you're lucky, you have two lives :)

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Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

You know, I'm at a point where I don't know what to put next to my own name half the time.
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at Vm.pl

Temat: Geographical spread of Anglosphere

offtop: sometimes i feel more Wroclawian/ite (or whatever it should sound like) than Polish:) and I like it.

Następna dyskusja:

Future direction of Anglosp...

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