Temat: Fuck it!

Steve Jones:

I don't think that's really the point of the book.

It's called "Fuck it" because it's a provocative title and therefore will sell (I bought it). It's also an expression that a lot of natives use.

The book could have been called "Never Mind". It wouldn't have sold that much.

Anyway, if you imagine that the book's called "Never Mind", would you agree with the sentiment of it?

I would agree in theory. I wish I could just say "Never Mind" and stop worrying about things that can turn out to be meaningless in the future.
But perhaps it's worth trying... I will tell you about the results ;)

I've noticed today that my English colleagues actually say 'Never Mind' quite a lot. It could be a cultural difference...
They don't Fuck it, though...

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Temat: Fuck it!

Kasia Budzińska:
I've noticed today that my English colleagues actually say 'Never Mind' quite a lot. It could be a cultural difference...
They don't Fuck it, though...
It's because you had parents with class.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Fuck it!

OK, you say “Fuck it” to something you’re stressed about. Tension released; great. What happens next? Do you just leave as it is, let it go and forget about it? If it is so, then I can easily imagine someone falling into a trap of negligence or escapism as a result of saying “Fuck it” too often. Does the author give any advice how to avoid it? Does he say how to tell meaningless things from those really meaningful?
No. And I think this is on purpose.

For me, the point is to reexamine carefully what is meaningful and what isn't.


1. The kids go outside in autumn and I've forgotten to put on their scarves and czapeczki. I get lots of scornful looks from the neighbourhood babcias. Ooooo! what a terrible father! The kids will die! Fuck it! No, the kids won't die. They'll be absolutely fine.

2. The kids are about to be killed by an oncoming car. Fuck whatever I'm doing! Save the kids.

It's a banal example, but how many parents do you know who fret, moan and worry about whether their child is wearing enough clothes to brave the elements outside?

Fuck it! Relax!

However, the book has many failings. One of them is not to illustrate a wider philosophy of how "the fuck it way" might be applied without turning into an apathetic imbecile.

What I would have added to the book is this:

1. Decide what you want to work on/ change.
2. Decide if you actually have the power to change it.
3. Decide if you can change it while applying the Pareto Principle (20% effort achieves 80% results)

If the answer to point 3 is yes, then do it.
If the answer is no, then fuck it
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Fuck it!

A further application could be within the context of religion and the question of form over substance.

Is the form (going to church, taking communion, buying expensive communion costumes and presents, confessing your sins etc) important or is it the substance that matters (thinking about the teachings of the Bible and whether they are good principles for life)?

I would argue that the substance matters and we can say fuck it to the form. I would also argue that the majority adhere to the form while (unconsciously) saying fuck it to the substance.

This is wrong thinking.
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Fuck it!

Steve Jones:

For me, the point is to reexamine carefully what is meaningful and what isn't.
That's exactly what I meant. If you only find out what is really important and what is not, saying "Fuck it" is the easiest part.
I think people are quite good at saying it and don't need to develop this skill even further at John’s holistic centre in Italy.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Fuck it!

I think people are quite good at saying it

Are you sure about that? Don't you know any people who are uptight and worry about irrelevancies?Steve Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.07.09 o godzinie 12:42

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Temat: Fuck it!

Steve Jones:
I think people are quite good at saying it

Are you sure about that? Don't you know any people who are uptight and worry about irrelevancies?

I know way too many people like that; I think this is so Polish. I could give you millions of examples but this is a public group :)

The whole "fuck it" attitude is linked to being assertive enough to do so, something many of us yet have to learn.

Fuck it, I'm not going to worry about those little things that almost spoiled my day yesterday. I just gave my cat a bath hahaha.
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Fuck it!

Steve Jones:
I think people are quite good at saying it

Are you sure about that? Don't you know any people who are uptight and worry about irrelevancies?
I do, I do. However, IMHO most of them have problems with recognising what's relevant and what's not; not with saying "Fuck It" as such.

Don't you know any people who are uptight and worry about irrelevancies but don't give a fuck about things they should really be concerned about? :)

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Temat: Fuck it!

What is it exactly that we should give a fuck about though? I think this notion of a hive mentality - the entire all for one and one for all idea... it just doesn't fly in the real world. We are all way too different and too far apart ideologically, physically and mentally to even comprehend or understand the various levels which differinciate us from each other.
Starting with our socio-economic background, demographic allocation and our personal Qi... I mean even what I'm writing here right now could be interpreted in so many different ways...
So who are we to judge... if I'm going to say Fuck it to the rain forest, does it make me a bad person just because you believe in preserving our green lungs? Shortsightness hasn't been declared a sin by the powers that are... so to many... and I mean many, this is just something to frown upon and not really take it too seriously. On the other hand however, we all know that if we do consider the hive option.. well... we would be much better off.. but can you possibly blame someone for wanting best for their own kin?
Fuck it.

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Temat: Fuck it!

I assume everyone has seen The Medicine ?

Agnieszka S.

Agnieszka S. "Wiedza daje pokorę
wielkiemu, dziwi

Temat: Fuck it!

It could be great solving for LEKOMANs, just take a pill & feel better :)

"When Life Just Blows...FUKITOL" :)
Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Następna dyskusja:

Fuck more, work less:

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