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Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method

Warren, I'm not pming this because it's something everyone should see: http://www.fastlanguages.org/index.php?action=page&par...

I know you dislike the Callan "method" as much as I do - so how about learning a language in six (!) days? ;)

To the group: care to try?Tatiana S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.03.08 o godzinie 21:25

Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method

Interesting one.


It's funny when people who want to teach languages make mistakes in using their own. I mean, there's that phrase:

"To oznacza, ze będąc Polakiem, znasz świetnie polski, ale ciągle nie umiesz wszystkiego; istnieją w nim wyrazy, których możesz nie znać (dajmy na to, promiskwityzm),(blah blah blah)."

There's no such word as "promiskwityzm". It's "promiskUityzm".

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Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method

If their level of English is a guide to the teaching....

The English version of their site reads like the instructions given with a cheap Chinese toy.

"Great! You play. You laugh. You learn with the pleasure from the best. You are quick and make out great."

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Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method

Well, maybe they teach making out. Great :)

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Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method

It is similar to how Steven say what I have seen. How to refuse, if I can learn with great pleasure from the best to learn in six days to communicate on the street.

Fast Languages number one. Reszta number 10.

Thank you from the mountain top, Fast Languages.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.03.08 o godzinie 23:22

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Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method

Tatiana S.:
Well, maybe they teach making out. Great :)

I don't need lessons, but for 6000pln per week I'd happily become a tutor.

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Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method

Ill throw in petting for free.
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method

Did anyone notice that the reference from a happy customer is written in Latin?

I couldn't help spotting the phrase (on the English section of the website) "At first Fast Languages was created to satisfy my personal needs."

At nearly 6000 pln for 7 days work, I'm sure his personal needs are very well satisfied indeed.Jon M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.03.08 o godzinie 14:04

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Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method


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Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method

Tatiana S.:
Warren, I'm not pming this because it's something everyone should see: http://www.fastlanguages.org/index.php?action=page&par...

I know you dislike the Callan "method" as much as I do - so how about learning a language in six (!) days? ;)

To the group: care to try?Tatiana S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.03.08 o godzinie 21:25

btw, hate Callan too; a very strange method-miracles don't happen in one day!
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method

Agnieszka S.:

btw, hate Callan too; a very strange method-miracles don't happen in one day!

Agnieszka, don't be naive, of course they don't happen in one day. It takes five whole days to learn English. It's vague statements like yours that give FastLanguage and their ilk a bad name!

P.S. As Portuguese is easier than English, it only stands to reason that it takes less time-i.e. three days (still not your unrealistic "one day"!)Keith Byrne edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.03.08 o godzinie 15:29
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: For Warren: better than the Callan method

Looks like an intriguing proposition, this learning a language in 6 days... I'm tempted to go and see what it looks like but at a grand total of 6000 big zeds, I might have to give that one a swerve.

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