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Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

warren whitmore:

There was one neo-Nazi band, Skrewdriver,

This is still a pretty popular band here... it actually got play on some college radio stations here at one point in the early 90's. I've witnessed a skin wearing a screwdriver shirt getting the shit kicked out of him right outside of this place Studio 1 in Newark NJ during a punk show... just because he was sporting that shirt.

There is this completely retarded faction here called S.H.A.R.P skinheads which stands for skinheads against racial prejudice... and it actually is composed of a pretty multiracial group of young people. I'd say it's pretty fucking stupid... but who am I to judge?


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Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

What do you think of 'Oi', Raf?

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Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

I don't necessarily like or agree with Gary Bushell, but this is the best article you'll find on this period.

http://www.garry-bushell.co.uk/oi/index.aspwarren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.10.08 o godzinie 23:01

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Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

warren whitmore:
What do you think of 'Oi', Raf?

Working class heros... with a bad ass attitude haha... in many cases the original idea is greatly perverted. I think any way of bringing forth the idea of class division is great... Oi! was basic and straight to the point...
It was way before my time and in your neck of the woods so what I know of it is what I've picked up here and there if not from lyrics or album covers haha... from some other folks like yourself who aren't worried about talking about it openly... I don't necessarily agree with the entire notion that "immigrants take our jobs"... but my set of mind is a "bit" different... I am in no shape or form nor have I ever been a nationalist not even a little... my sense of patriotism ends at my birth certificate, so it's always been hard for me to wrap my mind around certain ideologies.

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Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

What can I say about it?

Positive: White working class youth never had a voice before in the UK, and haven't had since.

Negative: They took the violence, violent lyrics and nationalism too far. (But apart from the Skrewdriver dickheads, they were never neo-Nazis).

People mellow with age.

My brother who was into all this even to the tattoos, is now some dude type character from the Big Lebowski.

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Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

warren whitmore:
What can I say about it?

Positive: White working class youth never had a voice before in the UK, and haven't had since.

Isn't that the case anywhere in the world? Voice, voting, choice and freedom are pretty solid illusions don't you think?

Negative: They took the violence, violent lyrics and nationalism too far. (But apart from the Skrewdriver dickheads, they were never neo-Nazis).

Unfortunately as soon as that movement left your island it turned into something very different.

People mellow with age.

Yes and that's a good thing.. too bad that some people lose their original beliefs along the way. Mellow revolutionaries could do this world a lot of good.

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Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

Oi 'music':


Hamborough tavern incident as reported by the news at the time:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7mnijoDVu0warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.10.08 o godzinie 01:44

Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

I'll make a long post on this subject.
Wow, big thanks for this long post Warren. It's really interesting.

We had a weekend with plenty of international football and unfortunately with some racist incidents. Once again group of Ultras from Italy were invlolved:
(...) Only 144 Italy fans travelled to Sofia, but among them were a group of Ultras who made fascist salutes and chanted tributes to Benito Mussolini. They also threw bottles at the home supporters.

This nazi thing among football fans/hools was, and I guess, still is a big problem in Itally. The most outrageous fact is that it is promoted even by some players like Paolo Di Canio from Lazio Roma (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RVNN4xiy3s&feature=rel....
But not only:
Extreme right-wing chants, sadly, are not new to Italian terraces, and much has been made of players such as Milan goalkeeper Christian Abbiati openly declaring themselves to be fascists, but should we really be surprised in a country where fascist groups regularly poll strongly at local and general elections – a fact borne out so vividly by this year's mayoral elections in Rome.

This is really sad.

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Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

Marek Szpitun:
I'll make a long post on this subject.
Wow, big thanks for this long post Warren. It's really interesting.

It's difficult to post about these things objectively.

People seem to want to either want to play down racism, violence and so on, sweep it under the carpet, or else to glamorise and sensationalise it.

Anyway, if you want to know how racist and violent British football crowds are, or rather were, (I don't go any more to matches in the U.K.), I'll try and answer honestly. I've probably been to most league grounds in the U.K., generally watching Portsmouth (Pompey), who at that time had something of a reputation for hooliganism.

The first thing I'd say is that many if not most 'hooligans' tend to be bullshitters and cowards. There's been a lot written about so-called hooligan 'firms' in the U.K., and much if not most of it is hyperbolic rubbish. The most ridiculous books of this genre are that of the Yank Bill Burford 'Among the thugs', and various ridiculous fairy tales written by the pathetic and idiotic Brimson brothers. There have also been some equally cringe-worthy films, 'Green Street Hooligans' starring the hobbit having been made for a gullible American and continental audience.

Pompey had a long standing off the field rivalry with Millwall, generally regarded as the team with the 'hardest' supporters in the U.K.. I remember the first Pompey Millwall match I attended in about 1980. The atmosphere was very different to what you would get at an English football match today. There was little effective segregation of supporters at that time, and the match was held up for 15 minutes when fighting spilled onto the pitch. What impressed me was one or two Millwall headcases who would steam into Pompey on their own. Later I asked a hardcore Millwall fan why anyone would do that. He told me they would do it for a bet.

I think people were to a degree different then. Working class people had genuine manual jobs in the docks or the dockyard. They were 'tougher' than their fat modern counterparts. If the local hardcases wanted to have a scrap they were left to get on with it. No-one used weapons, and no-one got killed.

These were 'the bad days' of football violence. I would say that at most away games some violent incident would occur, usually on the way to or from the ground, although sometimes Pompey would infiltrate the home ends of the teams they were playing.

Of course no-one who didn't want to get involved would usually be bothered by hooligans. Even at this time the vast majority going to the football were ordinary fans rather than hooligans.

In the eighties the police organisation became more sophisticated, fans were 'caged', and violence was reduced. With increased police sophistication, the hooligans also became more organised, sometimes organising 'ambushes' miles from the actual ground.

About racism, Pompey had a reputation for having some of the most racist fans. Unlike most London teams, we never had any black support. Monkey chants were heard at matches, and I can remember bananas being thrown at black players. I've also seen racial attacks on blacks at away matches, and 'seig-heiling' by a tiny minority.

How is it today? I'm being honest here. The last time I saw Pompey the fences had been taken down, the away supporters mixed with the home supporters without any problems, there was no racist or aggressive chanting. Nothing. Even for the visit of Millwall. The hooligans are now fat, balding and middle-aged, and the youngsters too lazy and apathetic to fight.

I'm pretty sure that in any confrontation between English and Polish hooligans, the English would come off worse.

Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

I guess everything is changing and now It's really hard to be a hooligan in UK and go for all this matches. First you have to pay for membership, tickets and the prices are horrendous, then entrance gates and cameras that are really working.

and as we all see it works you don't have to watch games locked in a cage

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Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

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Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style


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Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

If someone wanted to try to hit me with a board or a chair or a chain? They couldn't dance that dance. It would ruin lives. But fire now? Suddenly the ballet doesn't seem so bad. :)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Football Hooliganism Polish Style

The smaller the pecker the dumber the slacker ;)

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