Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

I read today, that David Healy got into trouble for making sectarian gestures to Celtic supporters during a friendly match. The fans were giving Healy stick during the game, and he reacted, as you do, by pretending to play a flute. I don't really have time to explain, but it's worse than two fingers to a Frenchman. I just wanted to say that I can't believe the fans and/or players sometimes. The Celtic supporters, possibly calling Healy a "F--king Prod", "Left-footer" (ironically, for a footballer, this would be a compliment) etc, and telling him to "F--k off back to the Queen, f--king West-Brit" (my inventions for effect) and then, when Healy raises his arms and mimes a flute, the same lads go to a steward and complain, without laughing, that their sensitive souls are offended by his crude actions, and they are in metaphysical pain.
Eric Cantona was banned for ten months, and sentenced to 120 hours' community service for performing a Kung Fu kick on a fan after receiving a red card at Crystal Palace. The fan was later charged with threatening language and behaviour, but declared his words to Cantona at the time had been to the effect of "It's an early bath for you!" At his own trial, the fan attacked the prosecution counsel after being found guilty, leaping over a bench and executing a flying kick of his own.
Cristiano Ronaldo is/isn't/is/isn't going to move from Man Utd. to Real Madrid this summer. He has complained that he is little more than a slave at Manchester. They have increased his salary to 140000 pounds per week. After tax. For playing football. Or not, if he's injured.
Same world, different planets.

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Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

Keith Byrne:
I read today, that David Healy got into trouble for making sectarian gestures to Celtic supporters during a friendly match. The fans were giving Healy stick during the game, and he reacted, as you do, by pretending to play a flute. I don't really have time to explain, but it's worse than two fingers to a Frenchman. I just wanted to say that I can't believe the fans and/or players sometimes. The Celtic supporters, possibly calling Healy a "F--king Prod", "Left-footer" (ironically, for a footballer, this would be a compliment) etc, and telling him to "F--k off back to the Queen, f--king West-Brit" (my inventions for effect) and then, when Healy raises his arms and mimes a flute, the same lads go to a steward and complain, without laughing, that their sensitive souls are offended by his crude actions, and they are in metaphysical pain.

It's great that someone from the Republic sees things that way.

What's your take on the Brennan rugby incident?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

For others who weren't aware of it

I had heard nothing of it. To be honest, you don't expect that of Rugby players, do you? On the other hand, you DO expect it of 25 year old London-based accountants who fly off to watch Rugby -wankers!

The best thing about the whole article is the French police's take on it. "He's Irish, he's English. It's a private matter. Leave us alone."

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Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

Keith Byrne:
For others who weren't aware of it

I had heard nothing of it. To be honest, you don't expect that of Rugby players, do you? On the other hand, you DO expect it of 25 year old London-based accountants who fly off to watch Rugby -wankers!

The best thing about the whole article is the French police's take on it. "He's Irish, he's English. It's a private matter. Leave us alone."

My take on this is that it was an entirely unprovoked attack.

I was disgusted by the support Brennan received in the Irish Republic.

The man 'deserved' it 'cos he was an Ulster Prod.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

How do you know it was unprovoked? Is there any report of what the rugger bugger said?

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Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

I spent some time researching this on an argument on another forum.

According to all eyewitnesses including a bbc reporter there was no sectarian abuse whatsoever from the Ulster supporters, and no reference to Brennan's mother.

It was no more than harmless banter.

Even Gareth Thomas, Brennan's team-mate, who was also banned in the incident, apologised to the Ulster fans.

However, despite the absolutely overwhelming evidence that the attack was unprovoked, a significant number of rugby fans from the Republic of Ireland have taken Brennan's side in this, for what I can only presume are sectarian, tribal reasons.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

I've only carried out superfluous research of the matter. Whatever was said or shouted, we all know (especially those who play rugby) that you don't launch into the crowd. Maybe the fan said something, maybe nothing. I'd suggest the same as Cantona got, community service and a ban (although Brennan was banned for life, and then announced his retirement -way to keep your dignity!)

BTW, don't overuse the word "sectarian", and don't profess to know how people in the Republic of Ireland see things.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

I just found this:

It seems to be the most complete version of events. Ultimately, Brennan was banned for five years, and fined a total of 20,000GBP

Having looked around at whatever forum entries are still online, there are some interesting questions raised:
1. If it was all harmless banter, what was Gareth Thomas doing wading in?
2. If Bamford was really just casting aspersions on the quality of produce served at Brennan's pub, why did he not press charges?
3. Where can you find the "significant number of rugby fans from the Republic of Ireland (who) have taken Brennan's side in this"?Keith Byrne edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.07.08 o godzinie 16:23

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Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

Keith Byrne:
BTW, don't overuse the word "sectarian", and don't profess to know how people in the Republic of Ireland see things.

I'm not going to claim to know more about Ireland and Irish people's attitudes than yourself.

On the other hand, I have written over 5k posts on an Irish political forum, and this does give me at least some insight on how Irish people see things, or at least those who post on such forums.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

Beware so-called "political" forums. Actually, beware so-called "politics" in general. I've found the intellectual level and social skills of any given people is generally lower than a lot of people think.

5000 posts? I don't think I've made 500 posts, ever!

Aha, doesn't the quality of the replies depend on the quality of the posts? If you make over 5000 posts to an Irish political forum, yet are even 1% off the cultural mark, that gets you 50 angry responses. Added to that the knob-factor inherent in these forums (Often it is in such forums where I am reaffirmed that the internet is primarily for teenage boys), and that might be why you are surprised by the opinions of people you claim to not know as well. To summarize, you're probably spot on about the kind of people who post on those forums.

I've just read this post. Am I turning into R.A.?Keith Byrne edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.07.08 o godzinie 17:01

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Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

Keith Byrne:
Having looked around at whatever forum entries are still online, there are some interesting questions raised:
1. If it was all harmless banter, what was Gareth Thomas doing wading in?
2. If Bamford was really just casting aspersions on the quality of produce served at Brennan's pub, why did he not press charges?
3. Where can you find the "significant number of rugby fans from the Republic of Ireland (who) have taken Brennan's side in this"?

You can find the answers to your questions here.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Football Culture -Sensitive poets of the pitch

Christ, but that "kymro" fella's a bit up for it. Count the number of times he writes "sectarian", and "green-tinted spectacles", and it actually detracts from his (generally sound) arguments!

In all honesty, I didn't like the idea of Brennan never being allowed to be involved in Rugby at any level, so I see the outcome as fair.

I think we should have taken this thread to PM's a while back, BTW!

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