Temat: Flashmob

Last Saturday I was in our shopping centre having obiad in one of the restaurants downstairs with my American friend (she's expecting a baby btw). All of a sudden we saw this:


It WAS NOT funny when you sit down there and have no idea what's happening and the restaurants actually have no emergency exit. Right in the centre of this group was someone turning around and pretending to hold a gun - we couldn't see from the distance... It was so scary... Everyone in the group was screaming after they fell down on the floor.

Locally it's considered to be a very successful flashmob event.
My friend and I were horrified.
But we're so serious...

Would you take part in something like this?

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Temat: Flashmob

Lidia K.:
Last Saturday I was in our shopping centre having obiad in one of the restaurants downstairs with my American friend (she's expecting a baby btw). All of a sudden we saw this:


It WAS NOT funny when you sit down there and have no idea what's happening and the restaurants actually have no emergency exit. Right in the centre of this group was someone turning around and pretending to hold a gun - we couldn't see from the distance... It was so scary... Everyone in the group was screaming after they fell down on the floor.

Locally it's considered to be a very successful flashmob event.
My friend and I were horrified.
But we're so serious...
It's not funny. I don't find it funny. What if some of the unaware people witnessing the flashmob got scared, had a heart attack and died? Did those dickheads who organized the "gig" take that into consideration? Would they still think it's funny then?
Would you take part in something like this?
No. Looks like I'm no fun (either) after all.

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Temat: Flashmob

It all depends on who, how and where. For example, check this out:


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Temat: Flashmob

Rafal W.:
It all depends on who, how and where. For example, check this out:

How being the key word.

I was referring to the gun gig L. posted.

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Temat: Flashmob

Lidia K.:


It WAS NOT funny when you sit down there and have no idea what's happening and the restaurants actually have no emergency exit. Right in the centre of this group was someone turning around and pretending to hold a gun - we couldn't see from the distance... It was so scary... Everyone in the group was screaming after they fell down on the floor.

Locally it's considered to be a very successful flashmob event.
My friend and I were horrified.
But we're so serious...

Would you take part in something like this?

One of the most idiotic performances I've ever seen, especially in the light of the terrorism-induced trauma the whole world has been suffering from for the last decade or so.

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Temat: Flashmob

Guy pretending to wield a gun needs a swift kick to the groin area. This sort of thing can be extremely fun and entertaining if done the right way. I’ll give you couple of examples. Couple of years back, my friends and I organized this surprise street party. There was a parade and the route of it was very much controlled by one of our moles although it seemed to have a life of its own. Coordination was done via cell phone… while one group of people was entertaining the parade which marched from the Brooklyn Bridge all along Brooklyn streets collecting innocent bystanders and growing substantially in size, dancing, singing and playing various instruments took place; the other group parked a big bus at the end of a dead end street in the more industrial part of town, right on the water, literally across from Manhattan, so the view was stunning. On board of the bus we built a DJ booth and suspended speakers right out of the bus windows. Once we were ready, the call was placed to get the parade to come our way…
To make the loooooong story short – parade hits our ground zero, windows on the bus fly open, speakers come out, music starts and people start dancing … of course until the police showed up and stopped the party about 45min later.

Another thing that takes place in NYC every year is the blue line party. Meaning – the blue line are the A and C trains which travel between Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. Party goers bring radios, instruments and costumes and pretty much train hop all day long. It seems like complete chaos, yet it is fully controlled by people who know which stops to get off at and which train to jump on. It’s shit loads of fun and you should see people’s faces on a train that all of the sudden turns into a party with music, dancing, singing and crazy costumes.

To touch up a little on what Patrycja said. In this day and age especially we need things like this! People less and less feel the need to leave homes and engage in social situations. This is a perfect way of saying “fuck you” to the terrorists, politicians and other fear mongers who’d be perfectly happy with all the silent, scared and obedient masses sitting home and doing their online shopping. In numbers there is power and if done correctly, these could be some of the most amazing events… and are shit loads of fun everything else aside.

This is what it looked like:


A bit dark, but in the back you can see the bus with tarps and opened windows





Imagine life with out senseless and random fun! What would be the point of living then?Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.09.08 o godzinie 19:48

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Temat: Flashmob

and video covering this event...


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Temat: Flashmob

Rafal W.:This is a perfect way of saying “fuck you” to the terrorists, politicians and other fear mongers who’d be perfectly happy with all the silent, scared and obedient masses sitting home and doing their online shopping. In numbers there is power and if done correctly, these could be some of the most amazing events… and are shit loads of fun everything else aside.

When Alejandro González Iñárritu was filming "Babel" in Japan, the authorities didn't even allow him to block the traffic for longer than five minutes, because it would have caused 'social disruption'.

This lack of spontaneity indeed leads to pervasive fear, with Japanese drivers using their GPS sets to navigate around 'criminal' districts and people wearing ridiculous jackets that enable them to look like a phone booth, should someone attack them. They don't band together for flashmob bus parties, but to commit suicide.

Let's have fun and fuck them! - that was the message of West Berlin, a city that was supposed to piss off the Soviets with its incessant nightlife.

For the same reason I think that NY's newly built Freedom Tower should house a glamorous nightclub in its spire. I'd call it the Beacon of Freedom. And sure enough, the spire should resemble a raised middle finger.:)Adam Lipiński edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.09.08 o godzinie 20:19

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Temat: Flashmob

What do you think of an event organized by Spencer Tunick ?


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Temat: Flashmob

Adam Lipiński:

For the same reason I think that NY's newly built Freedom Tower should house a glamorous nightclub in its spire. I'd call it the Beacon of Freedom. And sure enough, the spire should resemble a raised middle finger

Unfortunately this is not what’s going to happen, NYC’s nightlife is on life support and it’s clinging for life with all it’s got left. Yet laws like the “Cabaret law” or the “Crack house law” and the “Patriot Act” make it almost impossible to make anything happen with out being arrested or charged an arm and a leg, or with out paying ridiculous sums of money to the “city’s finest”. Makes me sick. People will report anything and everything these days under a false pretext of sticking to the new policy – “if you see something, say something” which in turn makes the police responsible to actually go out there and bust small gatherings, happenings, speak easy type places and pretty much kill all indy life with the exception of posh type places where the rich and famous party. Such a shame; if you could see this city 10- 15 years ago, so full of life and party nonstop…
People however got all caught up in this madness and would rather play it “safe”. Do I feel safer seeing soldiers with machineguns in the streets, subways and parks? Hell no… do I feel safe knowing that under the Brooklyn Bridge instead of a nice healthy party on a Saturday night now stands an Army vehicle with a .50 caliber machine gun mounted on its roof? Not really. Is it reassuring and relaxing to have your personal belongings randomly searched when trying to take a subway or get on a train?

People however would rather succumb.
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Flashmob

Well, Rafał, I do not know how Madrid dealt/deals with the post-attack trauma but I guess New York's authorities felt this is the best way to keep you from harm.
I do think this is "a bit" of an exaggeration still do you have any other ideas of how to behave in a continous threat that America definitely is under since the 9/11?

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Temat: Flashmob

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:
Well, Rafał, I do not know how Madrid dealt/deals with the post-attack trauma but I guess New York's authorities felt this is the best way to keep you from harm.
I do think this is "a bit" of an exaggeration still do you have any other ideas of how to behave in a continous threat that America definitely is under since the 9/11?

There's always been a threat. In 1993 it almost happened. They were really close. Now we are under even a greater threat; we are now killing people's sons and daughters daily, we are force feeding our democracy trying to convince cultures thousands of years older than our own, that our (however faulty and still very culturally bias - not to their advantage) culture is the better one on a global scale! This is not only narrowed down to wars either; we mange to impose our will through economic blackmail and pressure while our own economy is failing miserably.
We are in HUGE danger. What do you do however? You cower in your home? Do you move into the mountains and build a shelter? You let the government control what you read, write and say? What exactly are people supposed to do? Especially in a country like the US where Freedom is the favorite word of the day - every fucking day!
Years of TV propaganda however has done it's job and sheeple do listen and obey. People here don't fight for their rights, they mostly just talk about what they'd like to do or what should've been done".
9/11 created this perfect un loop hole, a hole right through the American judicial system and many changes were made that any other day would have been scandalized. It was a perfect way of justifying putting caps on your personal space and freedom.
It is a very naive notion to think that another terrorist threat in NYC can be prevented by the measures that are now in place.Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.09.08 o godzinie 01:23

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Temat: Flashmob

Lidia K.:
My friend and I were horrified.
But we're so serious...

Would you take part in something like this?

I would never take part in it - I'm hyperprotective of my dignity IRL. But I wouldn't mind it going on around me if I were alone...the gun thing, that's just dangerous.

You were right to be horrified. You have the right of quiet enjoyment and they disturbed your peace.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.09.08 o godzinie 06:11

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Temat: Flashmob

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:
Well, Rafał, I do not know how Madrid dealt/deals with the post-attack trauma but I guess New York's authorities felt this is the best way to keep you from harm.
I do think this is "a bit" of an exaggeration still do you have any other ideas of how to behave in a continous threat that America definitely is under since the 9/11?
They turned the Atocha RENFE station into a tropical garden (!), built an extension to it and introduced baggage scans on certain trains (before boarding). Apart from that, no other changes visible, at least not for me, and I've been to Madrid a few times since then.

Temat: Flashmob

Guy C.:
What do you think of an event organized by Spencer Tunick ?

hehe, maybe this deserves a separate thread :)
an interesting way to fight your inhibitions (actually this was one of the questions in the last 54Fri: dancing in the street naked)
naked human bodies in such numbers become just an abstract mass

but I'd rather nurture my inhibitions than be a part of such projects and his 'fame'

Temat: Flashmob

If I understand the idea correctly, the thing with flashmobs is that they last just a few seconds, so I'd think that events like spontaneous street parades and dancing are a bit different thing.

But you're right, in a way it's a question how much control of public space we're ready to give up to feel safe, for example.

My flashmob experience was a very negative one, but probably few people of those who knew about it in advance and came just to stare and video it would think of such consequences.

It was organized by two 16 year olds. No sensitivity or imagination, I presume.

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Temat: Flashmob

I can't really say I like flashmobs, as I've never been caught in a one. One thing is for sure - In no time THEY will stop at nothing to market THEIR products. THEY already got inside our heads, and the debates are as expected another step within THEIR strategy.

Unwitting, we contribute to the BUZZ marketing going on.Andrzej Dobrucki edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.09.08 o godzinie 10:52
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Flashmob

Lidia, after the fun of the flashmob was over, did no one get up off the floor and give them a good kicking? I know I'd be tempted...Steve Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.09.08 o godzinie 13:09

Temat: Flashmob

You know what... The organizers say that the event was spoiled by the round of APPLAUSE that occurred spontaneously. The proper way to end it would be for the crowd just to disappear;)

There were two floors of audience waiting for it. It also spoiled the effect (you can see it in the youtube).

Few people were surprised the way we were. And from the distance it didn't look like a teenage happening.

But a couple months ago I also witnessed an antifascist (!) fight with the Nazis or police or each other right in front of the same shopping mall.

Not to mention that a few meters away there's a meaningful monument: a broken pink bicycle to commemorate the Tiennamen Massacre and there're often candles and flowers left.

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