Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!

(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
5. What colour are your eyes?

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Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!

First for Thursday! Rafał, you must be The One...
(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)

I feel it every Thursday before FFF...
1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?

No, I don't like brushing me by car brushes, particularly trunk part...
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?

As mentioned above: How to answer FFF?
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?

Smash some pumpkins incl. my wife's melons
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?

5. What colour are your eyes?

Green and brown. I call them Joshua tree.

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Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!

(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
Of course I do...I feel mysterious and I look behind me if everything is ok:)
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
yes, the man in black cote was taking my voice and breath away, and I was trying to say "mama"
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
I go to Turkey:)
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
I can't tell you is a secret:)
5. What colour are your eyes?
multicolour:)...strange??? check it:)


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Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!

(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
I would but here they make you "step out of the car, Sir".
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
Yes. and I still do. It's called going to work everyday.
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
Not really.
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
Ula T.
5. What colour are your eyes?
blue, but I'm not giving you my phone number

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Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!

(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?

The hot wax feels great on my body.
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?

Nope. I mentioned this before: I never remember any of my dreams. I might wake up sweaty and with my heart thumping and have no clue what the dream was about.
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?

We're having a party at one of the schools today; already had a bit of a do with children (pics to come), and watching a movie later, and a trivia quiz if there's enough time left.
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?

That's easy. Dave.
Well, I sent a text message to Anetta this afternoon as well.
5. What colour are your eyes?

Blue-gray depending on my mood and the weather.

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Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!
Dzianks, Rafał :)

Thanks, for sending them, Steve.
1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
I have written some of my best melodies from the rhythms there.
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
I don't and I never have. I'm waiting. Why don't I get one? I want one too. I'm a person too.
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
I tag along with whichever neices and nephews are closest in proximity.
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
Ania regularly hears my girly man voice. I sent one to T.M. but I don't know if he's in Ang anymore. Hearing implants. Congrats.
5. What colour are your eyes?
Bleu. Does that leave me out of your twisted slave breeding experiment? I hope.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.10.09 o godzinie 18:06
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!

vielen dank!
1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?

don't have a car but i prob would cos i like cleaning ;-)
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?

running through a street with all eyes on me.
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?

4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?

bernd or raf. don't remember.. ;-)
5. What colour are your eyes?

blueish green.
if i wear blue, they're more green, if green - more blue. otherwise - blueish green.
Anna Żylińska

Anna Żylińska mFaktoring, Senior

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!
thank you Rafał!
(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?

I do not use it. It scratches the paint :)
I've never been inside one
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?

Yes, after watching "the shining" for the first time I used to dream about riding this little tricycle along some strange corridors..
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?

to get well (I'm a bit cold now) and to spend a nice weekend at home, with family. besides,ast year celebration will do for next 2 years ;)
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?

mista steev who asked me to prepare some FFF questions - that's just my last message from an anglosphere member
5. What colour are your eyes?

brown :)
but as it's halloween, I would like to wear black lenses
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!
Thanks :)
(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
Images of war... losing the hand and crying like mad...
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
Nope. I do not celebrate plastic holidays.
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
Privately means privately.
5. What colour are your eyes?
Both brown and green and... I guess they call it "piwne" albo "kocie" in polish.
Cat eyes.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?

I do because it's slightly orgasmic!
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?

I'd like to say that I dream a lot about being chased by pink marshmellows, but it just wouldn't be true.
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?

I'm going to go bonkers
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?

It might have been Ania Zylinska about FFF questions! :)
5. What colour are your eyes?

They're a groovy shade of blue!
Marta K.

Marta K. Student, The
University of

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!

(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
No comments on this :)
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
Falling down the stairs...
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
No plans yet...
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
Ups... None...
5. What colour are your eyes?
Blue :) but I like to think sky blue ;P

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Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
No, I feel trapped.
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
When I was a child I often dreamt that I could fly. It was so realistic that even today I'm sure I could.
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
Every year it's the same - my birthday. Blame my Mom.
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
5. What colour are your eyes?
Dark blue.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?

I do, it's fun. The best moment is when the car get's covered with foam.
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?

I think no, or I don't remember.
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?

Probably have some plans for the day but not related to Halloween because, as you might know, I'm Polish ;)
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?

5. What colour are your eyes?

Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!

(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?

Yeas, it tickles so nicely ;)
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?

Yes. Being locked into a room with three gorgeous women. I always wake up soaked in sweat!
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?

Watching Helloween, listening to Hellowed be thy name, eating some Hellowiener and having some helloweene with it :P
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?

Steve Jones.
5. What colour are your eyes?

Good German brown.

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Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
u mean to be in the car for the whole duration? I did only once- just to see how it is... Interesting experience :)
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
Yup. Party with friends from work.

(btw why do we write hallowe'en and not halloween?)
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
No one.
5. What colour are your eyes?
Blue... :)))

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
yes, shower is always refreshing
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
no,I never remember my dreams
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
yes, I am going with my friends to the party to the club
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
no one
5. What colour are your eyes?
between blue and grey

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!

(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)
>Thank you thank you ;)
1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
No, I've never tried
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
No, I don't remember my dreams lately :( and looking in the past... remember only good dreams
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
day like every year... the same
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
have no idea. It must have been so long time ago!
5. What colour are your eyes?
Blue. No, wait, grey. No blue. It depends on my mood and what I am wearing, what colours, I think ;)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!

(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?

never tried
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?

yes. falling down...
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?

pad thai with my dear friend
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?

kasia without a smile
5. What colour are your eyes?

Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
Yes, not bad. Interesting sounds and stuff indeed.
But still, I fantasize about young and beautiful ladies washing it while I'm watching. I could enjoy it even more, I guess.
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
Yes. I was about 8-9 years old I think.
I was sitting on a cylinder made of stone... actually it looked like a huge mill, turning in the vertical axis... I was sitting in a small dent, covering my body except my head.
While it was slowly speeding up with a scary grunt, the ceiling was starting to get lower until the the tips of my hair.
It was the scariest thing I've ever lived.
It countinued for about a year, almost every second day.
Well, my childhood wasn't very easy, I must say :)
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
Prolly I'll be watching TV etc. I feel tired lately.
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
I think it might be Bernd, but not sure.
5. What colour are your eyes?
Łukasz Jędrzejczak

Łukasz Jędrzejczak "Be the change you
want to see in the

Temat: Five Questions for Thursday (29.10.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Rafał Dzianach for these!
(I edited one of these for a more Hallowe'en feel...)
1. Do you enjoy going through the car wash? Why?
I always was my car by myself
2. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare? What?
Actually not
3. Got any plans for Hallowe'en?
Halloween has Celtic origins so I don't want to take part of it.In Poland we have a lot of polish traditional days like All Saints Day and I take part of it.
4. Who is the last Anglosphere member you messaged privately?
It's my first post here so I haven't send any message
5. What colour are your eyes?
BrownŁukasz Jędrzejczak edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.10.09 o godzinie 17:55

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