Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

This week's fun and frolics come from the crazed genius of Dariusz Tomczak!

1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?

2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?

3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.

4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?

5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Steve Jones:
This week's fun and frolics come from the crazed genius of Dariusz Tomczak!
Big thank you!
1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?

I don't do it. Cause I don't like them roaming the streets.
(I don't find people playing music/dancing etc performing as beggars)
2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?
I suppose it is... and i have no bloody idea why... i guess its the self fulfilling prophecy
3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.
Reading books, talking and watching the movies.. when I find an unfamiliar word I check it's meanings.. :)
4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?
An asian trip to Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, Vietnam, India.
5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.
Nothing much to describe basically... it was my English family and TV and music.
Marcin Jasiński

Marcin Jasiński Global Leader | CEO
Advisor | Management
Consultant | mjt...

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Steve Jones:
This week's fun and frolics come from the crazed genius of Dariusz Tomczak!

1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?

2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?

3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.

4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?

5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.

1. No - it just stirs up their way of being/earning. Some sectors feel a shortgage of workers; thus I do not believe in begging. No matter what. Helping others in need is a different matter. Then - yes.

2. Yes. However, in my dissertation my supervisor did not like my standpoint whatsoever. So I had to share the blame...

It's very simple, if someone takes money from a bank which exceeds his/her budget and, consequently, cannot repay it without getting an extra income - then it's 100%-pure greed (well, mixed with carelessness).

On the other hand, if a banker gives 120% credit/mortgage because every sign on the sky shows that the housing market will sky-rocket for ever... Then it is 100% greed as well.

Therefore - it's 100% human fault.

3. Conversation with a native speaker + reading the press/books.

4. Another questions for dreamers :D

3 months in California
3 months in Dubai
3 months in Singapore
2 months in Spain
1 month at home

5. Uni. No doubt about it.Marcin Jasiński edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.04.09 o godzinie 23:26

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Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?
You never know if it will be well spent. I sometimes offer to buy food, but generally avoid it and engage in charity work instead. Sometimes I wish I could do more.
2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch
is simply a result of human avarice? Why?
It's a combination of many factors, some more "human" than others. Now, can this be the last thread on the credit crunch, please?
3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new
vocabulary? Describe briefly.
Reading, and talking to native speakers of the language.
4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s
holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?
Belly up in Copacabana.
5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English?
Describe briefly.
A short blond guy with a Southern drawl. ;)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?
Once to help a human being out in a time of need: sure!
Twice: you're perpetuating their helplessness
2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?
The gap between the rich and the poor is a result of human avarice.
The credit crunch is an intoxicating combination of stupidity and panic.

Would you employ someone who has a tendency to panic as an air-traffic controler? Nope?

So, why in the name of fuck are such panic-prone individuals allowed virtually uncontrolled freedom upon the world's stock markets?
3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.
Just through life's necessities...
4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?
I'd retreat somewhere nice with a sea view and write write and write.
5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.

George Orwell
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Steve Jones:
This week's fun and frolics come from the crazed genius of Dariusz Tomczak!
Thanks :)

1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?
Depends on the situation. Will somebody's leg which was cut off ever grow back again?

2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?
Yes, I agree, here is why:

I may add that if someone is stubborn enough and posesses adequate means of investigation, may indicate concrete ID's of guilty ones.

3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.
In my field of expertise I read through data and if I don't understand something from it's context I reach for thesaurus.

4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?
In Algeria, resting with my friend and making a movie.

5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.
Maybe it was the first time I really had to speak it. At Heathrow when I was 18 and had to convince IO that I was an awarded student invited by National Trust and I wouldn't seek job in the pub.

Good night to you all :)Agnieszka Piasecka edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.04.09 o godzinie 00:00
Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @ | Blogger

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Steve Jones:
This week's fun and frolics come from the crazed genius of Dariusz Tomczak!

1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?
I would rather give them bread, or something else to eat.

2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?
I'm afraid that I'm not the one to talk about credits :P

3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.
read, listen to everything, whenever it's possible ;]

4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?
I would love to spend a year trying every possible extreme sport.. and after every day check on GL how is everything going ;)

5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.

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Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Steve Jones:
1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?
Dunno about Poland, but where spent last 7 years of my life there are (to quote cmdt. Lassard) many, many, many (end quote) facilities providing assistance (i.e. food, bed...) for the homeless. I've delt with people doing voluntary, social work with the homeless, and they all say that only about 10% actuallyt require help (i.e. money). The remaining 90% use the money to buy booze and drugs.
2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?
I'm not trained in the ways of Milton or Friedman. Ask someone smarter.
3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.
Listening. That brief enuff?
4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?
Ozzyland, Kiwiland, Yankeeland. That'd be, say 6 months. Then I would make an "unexpected" withdrawal and disapear with what money they'd be left on my "one year holiday" fund.
5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.
Satellite TV broadcast from the US of A.

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Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?

You should. I shouldn't. Just because ;)

2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?

I don't, because if I did, I'd have to write WHY I do, and that's just too much work.

3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.

Talking to the thousands and thousands of native speakers that have been surrounding me for years... It seems to work (unless one lives in the Chicago ghetto).

4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?

Writing smart-alec-ish posts on GL and constantly ordering pizza.

5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.

I'd say Shakespeare, Art Buchwald and Warren Whitmore. The three brilliant writers. Why? You should discover for yourself :)

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Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Steve Jones:

1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?

I do... I don't think it's a matter of should you or should you not. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball... sometimes that curve ball lands you in a less than desirable situation. Not judging is harder than plunging into hasty opinions. On the other hand, sometimes I prefer to simply buy them a sandwich.

2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?

Greed, greed, greed and greed.

3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.

Living the language, keeping it alive by being a part of the culture that surrounds it, reading, listening, thinking and interacting with natives and non-natives alike. I believe that we learn something new each and every time that we have a free flowing exchange of ideas with another human, be it real or virtual.

4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?

Traveling the world...

5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.

Spending most of my life living in an English speaking country.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Steve Jones:
This week's fun and frolics come from the crazed genius of Dariusz Tomczak!

Tank ju!
1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?

Who cares? They are beggars! It's their "job" to beg. Give money to people in need.
2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?

It's still not done by Terminator- or Matrix-like machines yet.
Give any human a money stimulus and he will do everything to get it. (See at the moment the "wrecking bonus" in Germany where people let their cars wreck which exceed the sum of 2500Euro they get from the government)
3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.

Listening. Music mostly but anything else to. Generally listening and reading and movie watching and so on.
Or something :)
4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?

Mars. An Mp3Player full of music, a library and a science lab to my disposal. And noooooo one to disturb me ever ;-)
5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.

Getting addicted to music :) Because I had to know the lyrics.

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Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Steve Jones:

George Orwell

Why am I not surprised.

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Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Rafal W.:
sometimes I prefer to simply buy them a sandwich.
That's what I thought too until a few years ago on a nice, sunny spring day I saw a lady sitting in front of the entrance to a mall begging for money to buy food for her 3 little kids, threw a loaf of bread back at a guy who had thought of giving her something from his shopping cart.

Curve ball - yes, but the 10/90 +/-5% ratio is still valid.Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.04.09 o godzinie 08:03
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?

i think that begging is a job which does not bring any good to society except for giving a feeling of being a good person to the ones that give money. Therefore - nope.

2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?

it's an example of God's wrath!Humans deserve it though

3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.

Translating, and movies, and music. Speaking to natives helps as well - yesterday I learned a new practical word from that valuable source - bunny boiler.

4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?

that might be scary but I'd renew my trip to India and than turn it to a tour of South-East Asia and end up in Australia.

5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.

Tons of reading, loads of speaking but music was my first and only inspiration. It all started with Jacko when I was around 9.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Steve Jones:
This week's fun and frolics come from the crazed genius of Dariusz Tomczak!
Thanks mah man! to beggars?
It depends on your angle. A parent wants charity to begin at home. Everyone should be generous in their own small part of the world.
I'm adding schizophrenia and related psych have been described as some of the worst diseases of humankind. Most of the "beggars" I would encounter are in that - probably 1% of the world's population are. That's more than Alzheimer's, more than diabetes, etc. It has a biological basis. Imagine 40,000 Alzheimer's patients walking your streets. 40,000 diabtetics begging you to help them get a dose of insulin. When people denigrate this condition and say "get a job" it embarasses me.
2. credit crunch a result of human avarice? Why?
I only know that people who aspire to be officers in Banking and Insurance companies don't do it to build your kid a better playground or cure cancer. So rock on, I guess.
3.learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.
I actually enjoyed the dictees in French, applied it to others. Plus, repetition (I'm much weaker at it now).
4. one year’s holiday?
5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.
Learning other languages formally.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Joj Y.:
When people denigrate this condition and say "get a job" it embarasses me.

It pisses me off to no end. Ignorance is bliss though.


"An average of 16% of the single adult homeless population suffers from some form of severe and
persistent mental illness (National Resource and Training Center on Homelessness and Mental
Illness, 2003). While 22% of the American population suffers from a mental illness, a small
percentage of the 44 million people who have a serious mental illness are homeless at any given
point in time (National Institute of Mental Health, 2005). In a 2007 survey performed by the U.S.
Conference of Mayors, of the 23 cities surveyed, 7.9% of the homeless population of individuals
in a family suffer from some type of mental illness. Additionally, 22.4% of the homeless
individuals in this survey have a mental illness."

and this is just for the state of California for example:

" * Although less than 5% of the population suffers from severe mental illness, they comprise an estimated 20-40% of the homeless population.
* Mentally ill people who are homeless are often arrested for some type of nuisance crime yet those who receive comprehensive community mental health treatment stay in such treatment, remain safely housed, and have an incarceration or homeless rate of less than 2%.
* If we don’t fund mental health care programs that are effective at treating the homeless and getting them off the streets we will be wasting precious redevelopment dollars that help our business community grow and our local economy prosper.
* AB 34 (Steinberg, 1999) funds community mental health programs that provide voluntary outreach, access to medicines and a variety of support services for the homeless who suffer from mental illness. An initial investment of $10 million produced millions in savings by reducing hospitalization and incarceration. Because of AB 34’s success, the program was expanded in 2000 to 34 cities and counties, helping 4,720 homeless mentally ill individuals. As a result, state and local governments are seeing a $23 million savings through an 81% reduction in jail days, a 66% reduction in hospital days and an 80% reduction in homelessness.
"Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.04.09 o godzinie 08:34

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Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Damn. That's impressive, Raf! :)

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Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Joj Y.:
Damn. That's impressive, Raf! :)

It's just a quote. In NYC you can't help but to run into many homeless and the problem is quite obvious. You can tell right away that it's not just junkies and alcoholics (not to take anything away from those two diseases) but mental illness plays a major role in a lot of those cases. Sometimes your quarter or a dollar makes a difference between that person eating that day or not... or sometimes getting the shit kicked out of them or not.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Rafal W.:
It's just a quote.
I know but it's good information.
that it's not just junkies and alcoholics (not to take anything away from those two diseases) but mental illness plays a major role in a lot of those cases. Sometimes your quarter or a dollar makes a difference between that person eating that day or not... or sometimes getting the shit kicked out of them or not.
hehe True. I admit more than once I was divided between the two myself, so: "Here, man. Take this money and get oughta here. You're about to get your nose bit off and spit back in your face."
Piotr J.

Piotr J. Account Manager

Temat: Five Fun Questions for Friday (17.04.2009)

Thank you Dariusz!

1.Should we give money to beggars? Why or why not?

I think not. It is hard to judge, when it is a genuine person or not. I have always liked in the UK, that some of them were selling the magazines The Issue. Cost only Ł2, you can always give them more.
2. Do you agree with the statement that the ongoing credit crunch is simply a result of human avarice? Why?

I can agree with that, definitly. Most of the financial insitutions wanted to earn more and more, to get better provisions, show the results to the shareholders. Prices of the apartments, houses were not affordable for the average employee. That is mean something. We all want to earn more in order to have a better life, that is fine, however you cannot grow all the time.
3. What is your favourite way of learning/acquiring new vocabulary? Describe briefly.

Reading books help me to learn new words and phrases.
4. Should you be given an opportunity to spend one year’s holiday (at sponsor’s expense) how would you spend it?

That would be nice. I would travel to South America, Australia, New Zeland, Japan and Russia. I would choose to sleep in the average places and meet local people. Jump on the plane, get a boat and go with no reservation. Love journeys like this.
5. What has had the most powerful influence on your English? Describe briefly.

I had a very good teachers, very demanding. Then I had an aunt in the UK, so I was always there :-)

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