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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Here goes. Enjoy.

1. Should people have the right to enhance the genetic traits of their children?
2. Would you ever consider having a full-blown relationship with a... robot? (see: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21271545/ for reference)
3. Can you keep a secret or do you normally let the cat out of the bag?
4. Have you ever been/considered going to a fortune-teller? Why/Why not? Care to elaborate?
5. What three adjectives might other people use to describe your personality?

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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Tatiana S.:

I'll go first as intend to leave you kids here to play on your own over the weekend ;)

1. Should people have the right to enhance the genetic traits of their children?

I believe not, if it meant making your kid look more like Beckham. If this was done to prevent genetic defects, why not.
2. Would you ever consider having a full-blown relationship with a... robot? (see: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21271545/ for reference)

If the robot had a switch off button, sure! I am so miserably bad at relationships with real people that it could be the best option for me.
3. Can you keep a secret or do you normally let the cat out of the bag?

I hate it when someone confides in me as I then keep being afraid something my slip out in a conversation; as for my own secrets, they're pretty much well stashed away.
4. Have you ever been/considered going to a fortune-teller? Why/Why not? Care to elaborate?

Never. I don't believe it's possible to know your future or tell it from a glass ball or eagle's bowels or mouse droppings. I used to work with a girl who'd go regularly and claimed the fortune teller was always right about her future, but it might have been wishful thinking as fortune tellers, at least the good ones, are probably excellent psychologists, not psychics.
5. What three adjectives might other people use to describe your personality?

I often hear ot from strangers that they find me reserved. Other two adjectives would be smart and caring. I hope :)

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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Tatiana S.:
Here goes. Enjoy.

1. Should people have the right to enhance the genetic traits of their children?

eh... this is a tough one, I am a fan of the chaos theory, so personally I don't think we should mess with it... but then comes the question - if you had the chance to have a perfect child, equipped with unmatched physical and mental capabilities wouldn't you want to increase your chances of early retirement? Yet perfection or near perfection does not necessarily guarantee success or happiness in life, I am sure we all know people who are absolutely brilliant in every way, yet they struggle to make ends meet or better yet deal with any sort of social situations. Damn it... no answer here.. just more questions..
2. Would you ever consider having a full-blown relationship with a... robot? (see: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21271545/ for reference)

Wow.. now that would be great.. if I wasn't married of course. No arguments, no questions, no problems... just make sure to show me where the "off" switch is.
3. Can you keep a secret or do you normally let the cat out of
the bag?

I like to think of myself as a trustworthy person.
4. Have you ever been/considered going to a fortune-teller? Why/Why not? Care to elaborate?

I've been to once... why? It was after 9/11, I couldn't find a job for a very long time, I was walking down 3rd Street in Manhattan looking for bar tending jobs, across the street from our old apt. there was a fortune teller and I always wanted to check her out, yet never cared enough to make an actual conscious effort. As I walked by she asked me if I wanted a reading, I asked how much, she asked how much I had in my pocket (I should have walked away right there... shit, she couldn't even figure out that I was broke) I pulled out a fiver and she gave me a quick reading... completely off... nothing matched... I should have gotten a beer... back then $5 would get me a nice cold glass of Brooklyn Lager...
5. What three adjectives might other people use to describe your personality?

Obnoxious, eccentric, nice

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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Tatiana S.:
Here goes. Enjoy.

1. Should people have the right to enhance the genetic traits of their children?
2. Would you ever consider having a full-blown relationship with a... robot? (see: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21271545/ for reference)
3. Can you keep a secret or do you normally let the cat out of the bag?
4. Have you ever been/considered going to a fortune-teller? Why/Why not? Care to elaborate?
5. What three adjectives might other people use to describe your personality?

1. Absolutely! I don't want to stare at ugly people in my old age.

2. Where do I sign up? And I hope he/it can cook and clean, too. Does it come with a warranty? Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back? And if I get bored, can I replace it for a newer model? Sweet!

3. Keep'em. But I don't see any reason why anyone would want to share them with me.

4. eegadz! When I lived in Hong Kong, I was dragged, kicking and screaming, to a fortune-teller, who told me I would die on water. My boss banned me from using ferries, which basically meant I was stuck in Kowloon for the duration of my contract.

5. No clue, I never bothered to ask what other people might think of my personality. But I (and let's face it, I'm the only one whose opinion really matters when it comes to ME) think I'm just oh-so-speshul.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

1. Should people have the right to enhance the genetic traits of their children?
These rights should be given to parents under the serious control of respectable psychiatrists and pediatrics.
Answer is "no" if there's no control over the decision making process.
2. Would you ever consider having a full-blown relationship with a... robot? (see: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21271545/ for reference)
Full-blown relationship, or sex?
Bulletin and this question having 2 different things.
Full-blown relationship > No
Having sex with a robot > maybe, why not, but not for longer time, I prefer real women.
3. Can you keep a secret or do you normally let the cat out of the bag?
There are secrets which should not be kept, and there are the ones which should go to the grave with people.
But usually I can say yes, I keep the secrets with no additional effort.
4. Have you ever been/considered going to a fortune-teller? Why/Why not? Care to elaborate?
No, because I don't want to think that I 'modified' my own decisions one day, according to what I've heard from a fortune teller.
Although I am not a guy who refuses to believe in fate, I'd like to think that I personally control my life by myself.
5. What three adjectives might other people use to describe your personality?
Funny, sweet, knowledgeable.
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at Vm.pl

Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

1. Should people have the right to enhance the genetic traits of their children?

this sound like GATACA and it was a really scary movie. However, I would agree on preventing serious defects only.

2. Would you ever consider having a full-blown relationship with a... robot? (see: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/21271545/ for reference)

I have never seen a sexy male robot , we'll see what future brings...

3. Can you keep a secret or do you normally let the cat out of the bag?

85%, never had trouble with that...
4. Have you ever been/considered going to a fortune-teller? Why/Why not? Care to elaborate?

I am a non-practicing Christian and I would never mess with the other side...never ever (if you've ever had sleep paralysis you know what I mean)

5. What three adjectives might other people use to describe your personality?

let me think about it... maybe I should make a survey....stay tuned.

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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

1. Yes, unless the 'enhancement' is actually harmful. As Ilter has suggested, there should be a governing body of sorts. Maybe similar to the one that regulates given names. Who on earth would like to be called Sputnik and have a pair of aerials instead of ears?

2. Just for the show. Imagine flaunting your latest model on the dancefloor ;)

Still, as so many people seem to be having stationary relationships with their computers, it would actually constitute a major leap forward.

3. If the secret is sweet, I cultivate it. If it rots in my heart, I have no regrets.

4. No, why bother to pay the swindler? If they could really augur so much, they would be rich, rolling in it...

5. Arrogant, narcissistic, hyperactive.
Sylwia D.

Sylwia D. Człowiek Aktywny

Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

1. Should people have the right to enhance the genetic traits of their children?

It can be risky and it is against nature. Besides it would be boring if all people were beautifull, intelligent, tall etc. :)
2. Would you ever consider having a full-blown relationship with a... robot?

I don't think so ... I'm too romantic to have a relationship with a robot :)) It's nothing but a machine and I'm not interested in artificial relationship and artificial sex.
3. Can you keep a secret or do you normally let the cat out of the bag?

People very often tell me their secrets. Maybe because they feel that I can keep it to myself and not share it with the whole town :)))
4. Have you ever been/considered going to a fortune-teller? Why/Why not? Care to elaborate?

I was once - just for fun. I heard many good things about my future, but going there was a stupid idea, though. Well, I don't believe in telling future and I don't know how to explain the fact that couple of her prophecies has come true.
5. What three adjectives might other people use to describe your personality?

Hmmm ... nice, funny, responsible ... I guess

Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

1. Should people have the right to enhance the genetic traits of their children?

Yes, I think that could be legal and allowed, but rather to avoid birth defects, genetic illness. I wouldn't like to create new, perfect man...

2. Would you ever consider having a full-blown relationship with a... robot? (see: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/21271545/ for reference)

SOunds crazy to me. I wouldn't consider it. I prefer live action with real people
3. Can you keep a secret or do you normally let the cat out of the bag?

haha got problems with that sometimes, but in most of the cases I keep it to myself.
4. Have you ever been/considered going to a fortune-teller? Why/Why not? Care to elaborate?

Not my story... Me make our lives by ourself
5. What three adjectives might other people use to describe your personality?

happy, active, crazy

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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Tatiana S.:
Here goes. Enjoy.

1. Should people have the right to enhance the genetic traits of
their children?
It doesn't matter, action is equal to reaction. What really matters is a "quality" of the soul inside the body (genetically boosted or not).
2. Would you ever consider having a full-blown relationship with
a... robot? (see: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21271545/ for reference)
I think the market of sex robots will be split into three sectors: budget, middle-class and high-end. Budget robots for penitentiary or poor alone people, middle-class for a "Smith". High-end sector will consist of real women, high class prostitutes. They don't differ to much from submissive and beautiful sex robots AND they offer a natural smell which is important in "specific cases" :)
Regarding question.... I want to be considered as a "high-endly oriented high-life seeker". It means I have sex with perfectly clear sex-robots with disgusting and I have sex with "Mrs Smith" who smells like a fish with pleasure :D

3. Can you keep a secret or do you normally let the cat out of >the bag?

I can either keep secret or make cats free. Joke :) Of course I keep secret (why so many persons denies my words? I don't understand them...) and don't "let the cat out of the bag" :)
4. Have you ever been/considered going to a fortune-teller? Why/Why not? Care to elaborate?

Everyday. Let's say I look at the clouds today and I predict: "it will be a rainy tonight". However, it is of course, in most cases, a bullshit...

5. What three adjectives might other people use to describe your

introvertic, eccentric and wonderful (right? :D )

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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Tatiana S.:

If the robot had a switch off button, sure! I am so miserably bad
at relationships with real people that it could be the best >option for me.
Rafal W.:
Wow.. now that would be great.. if I wasn't married of course. No
arguments, no questions, no problems... just make sure to show me
where the "off" switch is.

Literally, a vibrator is a small, non-humanoidal sex-robot, isn't it? And no one know where is the switch-off button??????? :D
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Tomasz, I think you limited the subject to penetration only.
Probably this is not what you understand from "full-blown relationship with a... robot"

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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

ilter K.:
Tomasz, I think you limited the subject to penetration only.
Probably this is not what you understand from "full-blown relationship with a... robot"

For "full-blown relationship" a pinch of intelligence is needed, right? Are these robots intelligent? So, we can narrow the subject to "penetration", right? :)

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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Have you read the article Tatiana linked to, Tomek?

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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Tomasz Krzal:

For "full-blown relationship" a pinch of intelligence is needed, right? Are these robots intelligent? So, we can narrow the subject to "penetration", right? :)

That's exactly how I feel about most men ;-)
In many cases robots would be an improvement.
Sylwia D.

Sylwia D. Człowiek Aktywny

Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

ilter K.:
Sylwia D.:
1. Should people have the right to enhance the genetic traits of their children?
It can be risky and it is against nature. Besides it would be boring if all people were beautifull, intelligent, tall etc. :)
Are you against the vaccinations to avoid infantile paralysis, Sylwia? :)

I'm not against vaccinations - that's completely different to me :) What I meant is, that playing with genetics can be dangerous
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Sylwia D.:
I'm not against vaccinations - that's completely different to me :) What I meant is, that playing with genetics can be dangerous
Vaccinations can also be dangerous. :)
But I got your point.
What you may not know is, genetic modifications does not always bring aliens to our lives, and the use of genetics will become part of our lives in the near future.

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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

warren W.:
Have you read the article Tatiana linked to, Tomek?
No, but several days ago I read on wp.pl about humanoidal sex-robot made in Japan.
After your question I skimmed the article under link given by Tatiana. It's a prediction; while japanese sex-robot is made today.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Then, you should know that an advanced robot can do better than a simple penetration, and that is only a part of the 'relationships' for women.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.06.08 o godzinie 15:09

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Temat: Five, Four, Three, Two, One... Five For Friday! June 27

Anna E.:

That's exactly how I feel about most men ;-)
In many cases robots would be an improvement.

Right... but only for some time. I don't believe in bright future of marriages between men and robots because robots can be developed very significantly while men can't. And from the point in the future when robots will become perfect enough for subsituting spouses, they will be perfect enough to remove the mankind from the Earth for the sake of saving the planet. So you should destroy your ticket to Japan ;)

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