Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Merci bien a Urszula Korzec pour cettes questions!

Yeah, I know it should be sent on Friday, but what the hell? Let's live dangerously!

1. Do you agree that when people suceed they usually gain enemies and lose friends?

2. What's the most annoying feature of your character that you would like to get rid of?

3. Did you like your school and why (not)?

4. Would you break the law to help somebody?

5. Do you think that the Internet will change languages significantly? For example, the permanent simplification of language (vocabulary, spelling, etc).

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Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Steve Jones:
Merci bien a Urszula Korzec pour cettes questions!

Yeah, I know it should be sent on Friday, but what the hell? Let's live dangerously!


1. Do you agree that when people suceed they usually gain enemies and lose friends?

You can't help it, no matter how honnest you are.

2. What's the most annoying feature of your character that you would like to get rid of?

big mouth!

3. Did you like your school and why (not)?

I did, I suppose. I didn't like the way I looked then but, on the other hand, who did :) ?

4. Would you break the law to help somebody?
Depends on the situation. I would in extreme cases.

5. Do you think that the Internet will change languages significantly? For example, the permanent simplification of language (vocabulary, spelling, etc).

Absolutely. there is this electronical language that sneaks into our real life. F.ex: Pani Olu, przeforwarduję Pani tej fajl do updatu. A nightmare!
Marta K.

Marta K. Student, The
University of

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Steve Jones:
Merci bien a Urszula Korzec pour cettes questions!

Yeah, I know it should be sent on Friday, but what the hell? Let's live dangerously!

1. Do you agree that when people suceed they usually gain enemies and lose friends?

I really hope not, because I hope to succeed someday... :)
2. What's the most annoying feature of your character that you would like to get rid of?

I aggravate easily and I am constantly working on that! :)))
3. Did you like your school and why (not)?

Depends which school. Primary was my nightmare and a high school was amazing. With last one I've gained great friends for life and a husband :)))
4. Would you break the law to help somebody?

That really depends... At the end of a day law was invented by people for people and it may not always be cross-reference for all cases.
5. Do you think that the Internet will change languages significantly? For example, the permanent simplification of language (vocabulary, spelling, etc).

I think it will... for chavs :)))
Educated people will still use proper language - written and spoken.

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Steve Jones:
Merci bien a Urszula Korzec pour cettes questions!

Yeah, I know it should be sent on Friday, but what the hell? Let's live dangerously!

Seems like the upcoming holidays are working for yuou, Steve :-).
1. Do you agree that when people suceed they usually gain enemies and lose friends?

Nah, you gain about 500 new friends, who have nothing but deep friendship for you. Well, some call them friends, some call them leeches.
2. What's the most annoying feature of your character that you would like to get rid of?

Leaving everything for the last minute. I should work in a travel agency.
3. Did you like your school and why (not)?

Primary - not too much, high school was great when it came to friends and university rocked till about the third year :-).

4. Would you break the law to help somebody?

Polish law is so ridiculous that it's a miracle helping someone is not already illegal. If it was just law and not hurting anyone than of course.
5. Do you think that the Internet will change languages significantly? For example, the permanent simplification of language (vocabulary, spelling, etc).

It has already. The real question is - will Internet change the way we look? Cause I'm starting to feel sth strange under my feet. Like... roots?

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

hello there! :)

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Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Steve Jones:
1. Do you agree that when people suceed they usually gain enemies and lose friends?
They gain insignificant aquaintances and lose fake friends.
2. What's the most annoying feature of your character that you would like to get rid of?
I'm all but annoying.
3. Did you like your school and why (not)?
School was good. We were a cool gang. Uni was even better.
4. Would you break the law to help somebody?
I think I might. Within reason.
5. Do you think that the Internet will change languages significantly? For example, the permanent simplification of language (vocabulary, spelling, etc).
It will, it's already begun.
Robert W.

Robert W. lektor, Berlitz

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Steve Jones:
Merci bien a Urszula Korzec pour cettes questions!

Yeah, I know it should be sent on Friday, but what the hell? Let's live dangerously!

1. Do you agree that when people suceed they usually gain enemies and lose friends?

hmmm.... they gain FALSE friends and maybe some enemies, but do they lose friends? well... if you have real friends, you won't lose them, no matter what!

2. What's the most annoying feature of your character that you would like to get rid of?

stubbornness (but only in some situations)

3. Did you like your school and why (not)?

it was ok. (many pros and cons... but it's such distant past that I try to remember only pros)
4. Would you break the law to help somebody?

it depends what law and who is "somebody"

5. Do you think that the Internet will change languages significantly? For example, the permanent simplification of language (vocabulary, spelling, etc).

IMHO yes :)

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Lidia K.:

hello there! :)

Hey :-). It's been a while, hasn't it :-)
Łukasz Szyszkowski

Łukasz Szyszkowski 2nd Line Support
Engineer, Atos IT
Services sp. z o.o.

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Steve Jones:
Merci bien a Urszula Korzec pour cettes questions!

Aye, Merci :)

1. Do you agree that when people suceed they usually gain enemies and lose friends?

I'd say it's more like: succeeding leads to gaining enemies and
gaining friends (mainly the folks attracted by the success).

2. What's the most annoying feature of your character that you would like to get rid of?

There's a prayer of St Thomas Aquinas that sums it up for me, alas I couldn't find it in English.
It goes something like: Save me from the habit of thinking that I
have to say something on any subject and at every opportunity.
(well - more or less)

3. Did you like your school and why (not)?

I'm not a pupil nor a student anymore.

4. Would you break the law to help somebody?


5. Do you think that the Internet will change languages significantly? For example, the permanent simplification of language (vocabulary, spelling, etc).

LOL! No wai! But srsly - I think that U're quite right thar.
(sorry - couldn't help it... short answer - yes)

Cheers!Łukasz Szyszkowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.06.09 o godzinie 10:08

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Marta Głowacka:
Lidia K.:

hello there! :)

Hey :-). It's been a while, hasn't it :-)
Yeah. Where are you? :) I'll be setting up an appointment with you LOL Need a raise?

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Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Steve Jones:
Merci bien a Urszula Korzec pour cettes questions!

Yeah, I know it should be sent on Friday, but what the hell? Let's live dangerously!

But please use protection for your own good.

1. Do you agree that when people suceed they usually gain enemies and lose friends?

Depends on the kind of person you are. I guess it's very true of Poland though; never seen so much of this in the States.

2. What's the most annoying feature of your character that you would like to get rid of?

I'm clingy. LOL

3. Did you like your school and why (not)?

Which school? I kinda liked the liceum kinda thing as everything was laid back yet competitive and we had lots of fun. Not all the teacher were so great though.

4. Would you break the law to help somebody?

I already have a couple times, but minor stuff.

5. Do you think that the Internet will change languages significantly? For example, the permanent simplification of language (vocabulary, spelling, etc).

I so hope not. there's a nice discussion on the Korektorzy forum on the topic.

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Tatiana S.:
Marta Głowacka:
Lidia K.:

hello there! :)

Hey :-). It's been a while, hasn't it :-)
Yeah. Where are you? :)

I'll be at THE school today, 3.30-5. We have been missing each other for quite a while now...

I'll be setting up an appointment with you
LOL Need a raise?

This and 'I love you' are probably THE two best things one can hear :D. So will you be at work today around 3ish?

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

I will. Tomorrow too, as soon as I get rid of Jeff who's been sucking up to me hoping I won't be mad at him not meeting his deadlines LOL
You up for the party June 10?????

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Tatiana S.:
I will. Tomorrow too, as soon as I get rid of Jeff who's been sucking up to me hoping I won't be mad at him not meeting his deadlines LOL
You up for the party June 10?????

Didn't know there was one :-), but I'm always up for a party :D

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Marta Głowacka:
You up for the party June 10?????

Didn't know there was one :-), but I'm always up for a party :D
I'm shocked.

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Joj Y.:
Marta Głowacka:
You up for the party June 10?????

Didn't know there was one :-), but I'm always up for a party :D
I'm shocked.

That I didn't know about it? Me too :-)

And hello, my favourite Joj vel Norman :D

PS: I'm the master of OT :DMarta Głowacka edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.06.09 o godzinie 10:36

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Marta Głowacka:
And hello, my favourite Joj vel Norman :D
XOXOXO it's mutual. :)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

That's cool

and you're sitting there

looking at this screen

on Anglosphere

and you can focus...



Focus your mind on the five questions....:)Steve Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.06.09 o godzinie 10:55

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Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

1. Not really... But as your social ring may change as you're stepping up the class ladder, I'd rather call it changing both friends and enemies.

2. Forbearance. I'm too far a good auntie, even when people don't deserve it :)

3. It depends on the level. My first day at primary school was just taken from "The Wall", I got my hand smacked with a cane for good intentions. But generally, I liked it. As for the secondary school, having been a desolated geek I just hated it :)

4. So far, I didn't have to do this, but I can't exclude such possibility.

5. Internet is not the only factor that impacts the language. And not the only space where you use it. The hi-tech revolution may change the written form, but I'm not sure about the spoken one. Me jus kant imadgin everybodyz speekin LOLspeak, taht wood be so ridikuluz :)


konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Thursday (4.06.2009)

Merci bien a Urszula Korzec pour cettes questions!

Yeah, I know it should be sent on Friday, but what the hell? Let's live dangerously!

1. Do you agree that when people suceed they usually gain enemies and lose friends?

I may agree partially, as we have to remember that we will never lose our true friends/supporters, like our parents or "true" life partner-(if we've got lucky and the relationship is build on healthy relations). What I meant by saying: to lose? That we can't lose them in terms of turning from mates into enemies obviously.
2. What's the most annoying feature of your character that you
would like to get rid of?

Honestly?? Trying to be bloody perfectionist in everything what I do.
3. Did you like your school and why (not)?

I appreciate my school time mostly because of the people who I met and all these very bad and very good experiences. Thanks to which, of course not entirely, I could reinforced my humble personality .
4. Would you break the law to help somebody?

I would, only in order to help my close family members.
5. Do you think that the Internet will change languages significantly? For example, the permanent simplification of language (vocabulary, spelling, etc).

It will??? In my opinion it had started to change quite some time ago and it's still changing. What's more as long as our cyberspace exists, it will newer stop changing our life. Lets take a look at shortcuts like: WTF, WoW, BTW, FYI, Tbd- I'm pretty sure that everyone of you have been used one of these or others at least once.

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Five Questions for Thursday...


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