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Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

Due to unresolved ownership situation, this does not go out as a "biuletyn".

1. If you were a vegetable... Just kidding. Do you ever express affection in public? To what extent? Do you feel PDA (public display of affection) should be reserved to teens, otherwise all you can think about is "Get a room!"?

2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?

3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel http://www.bodyworlds.com/en.html Gunther von Hagens is an artist and this is art?


4. Have you ever had a flatmate? What were they like? Did you get on well?

5. Please ask ONE question for the person below you to answer. Anything goes!

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

Tatiana S.:
1. If you were a vegetable... Just kidding. Do you ever express affection in public? To what extent? Do you feel PDA (public display of affection) should be reserved to teens, otherwise all you can think about is "Get a room!"?

No, I do not. Perhaps once, when visiting Breslau, I walked the streets with my hand up a girl's skirt. But I was drunk then, so it doesn't count.

I am an ardent advocate of expressing affection (real or fake) in clubs, but that's another matter, more similar to competing on the dancefloor.
2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?

I seldom feel genuine anger, but when I do, I try to limit its manifestations. A good technique I frequently resort to is translating your f-bombs into something sophisticated.

For example:
"W czasach rzymskich kupiłbym Pana i sprzedał na galery" (said to another driver)
"Zadarłeś z olbrzymem, żebraczy synu" (to my first and only boss, back in 2002)

3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel http://www.bodyworlds.com/en.html Gunther von Hagens is an artist and this is art?

Come on, it was featured in Casino Royale :) It MUST be art ;)
4. Have you ever had a flatmate? What were they like? Did you get on well?
No, that's impossible.

5. Please ask ONE question for the person below you to answer. Anything goes!

Driving back home, late at night. You're stopped by the police, and you've already had a drink or two. Just two little Mojitos, but you don't want to take any chances. What do you do?

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Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

What do I do? I hope they dont smell it on my breath. If they do I take a breath test. What's the alternative? Shooting the police officers?

1. If you were a vegetable... Just kidding. Do you ever express affection in public? To what extent? Do you feel PDA (public display of affection) should be reserved to teens, otherwise all you can think about is "Get a room!"?

Expressing affection is public is brilliant! It's not often I meet someone I'd want to do any public expressing with though.

2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?

I have no techniques for dealing with anger - I hang on to it and obsess - it's not healthy.

3. Do you feel Gunther von Hagens is an artist and this is art?
I used to think he was a total charlatan but then I went to one of his exhibitions in London and found it strangely moving. So perhaps it's art.

4. Have you ever had a flatmate? What were they like? Did you get on well?

Often. Usually I got on with them. One of them became an aromatherapist. That was difficult.

5. Please ask ONE question for the person below you to answer. Anything goes!

What's the capital of Uruguay?

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Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

What's the capital of Uruguay?

>1. If you were a vegetable... Just kidding. Do you ever express affection in public? To what extent? Do you feel PDA (public display of affection) should be reserved to teens, otherwise all you can think about is "Get a room!"?

Too much PDA is bad taste, but I don't mind holding hands, hugging and kissing. To be honest, I like it :)

>2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?

Same as Dave, I obsess. Occasionally, I will throw things (not at people), but my only defense is withdrawal.

>3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel http://bodyworlds.com/en.html Gunther von Hagens is an artist and this is art?

I find modern art disconcerting, and von Hagens is no artist for me. Same goes for other performance freaks. I just don't dig it.

>4. Have you ever had a flatmate? What were they like? Did you get on well?

Very often. The best was Gillian, a friend from New York. We were like two peas in a pod, and often traveled together, went out, and shared the same tastes in music and art.

>5. Please ask ONE question for the person below you to answer. Anything goes!

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

Tatiana S.:
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Ask me how many pc's I own and I'll answer right away. Ask me about shoes... dunno... 5, 6?
1. If you were a vegetable... Just kidding. Do you ever express affection in public? To what extent? Do you feel PDA (public display of affection) should be reserved to teens, otherwise all you can think about is "Get a room!"?
Get a room is the first thing on my mind when I see people getting jiggy with it in teh streets. I'm so past my PDA (personal data assistant? << the geek in me always wins!) phase. Holding hands, hugging (no groping!) is still acceptable though.
2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?
I'm calm on the outside, but a vulcano inside. Still I never explode. Ever. An unhealthy habit...
3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel http://bodyworlds.com/en.html Gunther von Hagens is an artist and this is art?
No. That's no art to me. Period.
4. Have you ever had a flatmate? What were they like? Did you get on well?
I used to live with 2 people when I went to uni. We would get along well first 3 years. Then, well.. we didn't get along well anymore.
5. Please ask ONE question for the person below you to answer.
How do you solve a family crisis?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

How do you solve a family crisis?

I apologise to my wife and do what she says.
1. If you were a vegetable... Just kidding. Do you ever express affection in public? To what extent? Do you feel PDA (public display of affection) should be reserved to teens, otherwise all you can think about is "Get a room!"?
I think holding hands, hugging and kissing is lovely, and makes me smile, especially if it involves me. Heavy petting is not aesthetic at all, and on that grounds alone should not be on public display
2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?
Lately I found myself getting angry a lot, but I'm generally ableto focus on the priorities in life. Kids help a lot. It's difficult to be angry at someone when you're pretending to be a big belly-eating tiger. This doesn't work at work.
3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel http://bodyworlds.com/en.html Gunther von Hagens is an artist and this is art?
It's definitely art, as I don't understand it and see no point to it, and people pay for it
4. Have you ever had a flatmate? What were they like? Did you get on well?
I lived with a guy called Frank in Germany. We were like Men behaving Badly. It was brilliant. If we were out of smokes, we'd order pizza, and six beers, and two packs of fags (all possible to order from some German pizzerias), and the next guy to go to the toilet would unlock the front door. We'd be able to guide the delivery boy right into the living room and get fed, and drunk without having to interrupt our viewing of Cindy Crawford's Work your Way to a Flat Stomach. Halcyon Days! Frank, ich vermisse Dich!
5. Please ask ONE question for the person below you to answer.
If you could commit one crime undetected, what would you do?
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

1. If you were a vegetable... Just kidding. Do you ever express affection in public? To what extent? Do you feel PDA (public display of affection) should be reserved to teens, otherwise all you can think about is "Get a room!"?
I don't mind it. Anything that looks like it belongs in a hotel room should stay out of the public's eye.
2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?
Very loud, ugly speedcore does the trick. It's like the music reflects your inner emotions, thus allowing them to dissipate quickly. Sepultura and some Slayer works for me too.

3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel http://www.bodyworlds.com/en.html Gunther von Hagens is an artist and this is art?
Art is in the eye of the beholder/purchaser. I think it's hideous.
4. Have you ever had a flatmate? What were they like? Did you get on well?
I've had a few. I frightened one girl, partied with another, and lived with several crazy people at once. I'm still friends with the party girl. She's a nurse and a mom now. I'll miss her when I leave the country.

If you could commit one crime undetected, what would you do?

I would secretly switch all 'terminator seeds' or sterile seeds for crops produced by Monsanto with organic ones.
5. Please ask ONE question for the person below you to answer.

What do you call your uncle's wife's daughter's son?

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

What do you call your uncle's wife's daughter's son?
Errrrr... I have only aunts.

1. Not really. It`s so private...But I don`t pretend I don`t know the guy who`s with me.

2. I just explode and then shut up. No special technique.

3. No doubt. But I prefer something more aesthetic...

4. Never, no experience.

5. Why are you online instead of doing something useful?Violetta P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.08.08 o godzinie 22:33

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

Kari Wolk:
What do you call your uncle's wife's daughter's son?
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

I've had a few glasses of wine with friends after dinner, they left and here I am.

1. If you were a vegetable... Just kidding. Do you ever express affection in public? To what extent? Do you feel PDA (public display of affection) should be reserved to teens, otherwise all you can think about is "Get a room!"?

I usually don't. But I've always fancied the idea of having sex in a public place.

2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?

I rarely get furious. If I do I smoke.

3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel http://www.bodyworlds.com/en.html Gunther von Hagens is an artist and this is art?

By all means. Not my kind of art though.
4. Have you ever had a flatmate? What were they like? Did you get on well?

No, never.

5. Please ask ONE question for the person below you to answer. Anything goes!

What's your second name?

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

Tatiana S.:

1. If you were a vegetable... Just kidding. Do you ever express affection in public? To what extent? Do you feel PDA (public display of affection) should be reserved to teens, otherwise all you can think about is "Get a room!"?
I did years ago. Nowadays I don't do it that often. But simple kiss or hugs don't bother me

2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?
I don't deal with it. I just let it go. Then after 10 minutes the anger is over. But you have to be a saint to survive these 10 minutes with me :)

3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel http://www.bodyworlds.com/en.html Gunther von Hagens is an artist and this is art?

Well, not really...It's only following real artists.
4. Have you ever had a flatmate? What were they like? Did you get on well?
Only at the first year of university. We did get along quite well, but I have no idea what's going on with her today. Haven't heard or seen her since then.

5. Please ask ONE question for the person below you to answer. Anything goes!

Is there anybody you really, truly hate?

PS. Jarek nephew would be a son of uncle/aunt. I don't think there is a name for this combination, also in Polish, because uncle's wife's daughter son is one generation below you. So you me be an uncle for him, but let's call it 1st uncle (as the 1st cousin).
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

PS. Jarek nephew would be a son of uncle/aunt. I don't think there is a name for this combination, also in Polish, because uncle's wife's daughter son is one generation below you. So you me be an uncle for him, but let's call it 1st uncle (as the 1st cousin).

Since there is a generation gap, you could call him a cousin.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

Kari Wolk:
Since there is a generation gap, you could call him a cousin.
as easy as that... I had no idea;)
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

Violetta P.:
as easy as that... I had no idea;)

Well, since 'kin' is not really used anymore, it's kind of taken it's place.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

Is there anybody you really, truly hate?
No name comes up... probably no. "Hate" is a pretty negative feeling, and usually my body and mind doesn't accept it.
1. Do you ever express affection in public?
If I am in love, probably I do.
To what extent?
Short kisses. If we're on a park bench, my girl can sit on my laps, but without exhibiting sexual stuff.
Some things has to be kept out of public eye.
Do you feel PDA (public display of affection) should be reserved to teens, otherwise all you can think about is "Get a room!"?
Yes, 'get a room' comes my mind, right after 'can I join?'.
Including teens.
2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?
I have no techniques at all. I either continue working with music, surf the net, or post in web forums - and the last one explains why I am so tense and stubborn. I am dangerous.
3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel Gunther von Hagens is an artist and this is art?
That thing can be called art, yes.
But if Mr. Hagens repeats himself, he can kiss my ass - for me, one of the first criterias of being an "artist" is to be creative, I need to see different creations from him to call him an artist.
Because what he did was "reconstruction", that's all to me.
4. Have you ever had a flatmate? What were they like? Did you get on well?
Yes, I had. I shared an apartment with a couple. He was my childhood friend from summertime and she was a friend from my college. We were ok. We also had a dog together.
Money and the differences in personalities were not an issue, so maybe that's why we were good. It wasn't for long though... 2 years?
5. Please ask ONE question for the person below you to answer.
Where are you, and what are you wearin'?

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

Kari Wolk:
Since there is a generation gap, you could call him a cousin.
Right, that was a tricky one.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

ilter K.:
Is there anybody you really, truly hate?
No I do not hate anyone, I might not like them, and would prefer not to have any contact with them, but hate is such a strong emotion
1. Do you ever express affection in public?
To what extent?
holding hands, a quick kiss, everything else is not appropriate
Do you feel PDA (public display of affection) should be reserved to teens, otherwise all you can think about is "Get a room!"?
I think it is up to the couple to decide
2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?
Take a deep breath.... and nove on...
3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel Gunther von Hagens is an artist and this is art?
I am not familiar with his work so I can not comment.....
4. Have you ever had a flatmate? What were they like? Did you get on well?
Yes I have, she was very controlling.
5. Please ask ONE question for the person below you to answer.
Where are you, and what are you wearin'?

I am at home, wearing pajamas still......

If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title of the book be?

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title of the book be?
"Lidia Kwiatkowska-Rotschild, from rags to riches"

1. Do you ever express affection in public?
Hehehehe, no, never.
People under the hormonal inflence called love or infatuation don't care what I feel and just behave as they please. I'd prefer them not embarass me with their affectionate behaviour.
2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?
No techniques. I get angry and I forget what it was in 5 minutes.
3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel
It is art.
The question is whether I like it. No, I don't.
4. Have you ever had a flatmate?
Yes, a few of them over 8 years of renting places.
I've learnt a lot.
The last three years with my good friend from liceum, we had great time together: she did the cooking and I did the eating and talking. I miss that immensely living on my own.
5. Please ask ONE question
What is really important for you at the moment?

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

The fact that I can sit here in my room and feel completely free of any obligations. Total freedom ;]

1. I don't. And I am not really a fan of people who do that.
2. I just face the fact that something is not the way it should be - I just accept it.That's it.
Or I explode.
3. No. I think the art is supposed to make you feel better about the world. This is just some kind of profitable reverse-psychology based business.
4.Actually I am living with one at the moment - he's a good friend from high school. Good times so far ;]
5. When and where was the last time you smiled to a complete stranger?Michał Hubicki edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.08.08 o godzinie 23:23
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday, August 8

Lidia K.:
What is really important for you at the moment?

Getting ideas together for a book I've been asked to write, which I hope will actually happen.

1. Do you ever express affection in public?

I've been known to succumb to the throes of passion and let it go in public on occasion with some very very lucky ladies.

Anyone got a problem with that?
2. How do you deal with anger? Any anger management techniques you'd like to share?

Anger only becomes a problem if you repress it or leave it unchannelled.

I let the anger rip. Better out than in!

10 minutes later I'm usually feeling more level-headed and can decide if it was a big deal or not.

If it was a big deal and I'm still angry, I can channel that anger into something positive. something I might want to change.

Celebrate anger! It might lead to changing something for the better!
3. With great thanks to Marcin Orliński: Do you feel

I think it's a groover
4. Have you ever had a flatmate?

Yup. Not for a long time, tho. My fave flatmate was a guy called Simon at university. A real skanker!
5. Please ask ONE question

If you could describe Poland using only 4 words, how would you describe it?

Następna dyskusja:

Five for Friday, 1st of August

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