Anna A.

Anna A. Product Manager,
zakupy- stal
nierdzewna, produkty

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Steve Jones:
Enjoy! Don't be shy!
OK- I'll try ;)
1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?
Hmm... I read above so many good explanations of this fact that it would be hard to find better one :P
2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)
I'm still looking for the perfect one - it should be quiet and calm place when I could rest without being watched or interrupted. But I'm starting to feel I won't ever be able to find this place - even on my dearest Mazuria!
3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?
I like my name, but I have a trouble with it- because it's so popular. When someone call "Anka" on the street I don't look back - chances that it is about me are very low... :)
(once at work an Italian asked me if every girl in Poland names Anna :) )
4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
If I would live in Britain I'd rather eat some local specials.
5. What fruit am I thinking of?
I don't know what it is, but definitely it is not a strawberry :)Anna G. edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.08.09 o godzinie 20:35

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Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Steve Jones:
Enjoy! Don't be shy!
Thank you. :)))
1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19.
It's a function of convection (I'm not even a poet)...
2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)
Sanibel Island off the coast of Ft. Myers Florida, several in Michigan that are beautiful, and in Polsce I like Władysławowo.
3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?
I'm indifferent. I do have to repeat it a lot, though. That's one bad thing. And it's not JOY, goddammit. If I were to change it...can't think of one.
4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
Not Hortex from the Polski Sklep but I sure as hell would be buying twaróg from there.
5. What fruit am I thinking of?
Tangerine. Obviously.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.08.09 o godzinie 22:59

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Enjoy! Don't be shy!
thanks, Steve
1. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?
You're 36.6 C, so it's over 15 degrees difference!
2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)
An empty one.
3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?
Yes. Fortunately it's not a very common one in Poland.
4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
I cannot imagine myself living in Britain. And no, I wouldn't.
5. What fruit am I thinking of?
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Enjoy! Don't be shy!


1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?
our skin addapts air temperature faster than the water's one.

2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)

dont have favourite one. In Gdansk I like the Stogi beach, it's nice and wide, so it doesnt feel to be very crowded on a warm day like today.
In Ireland I liked the Lahinch Beach, it was half rocky:


3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?

Although it's popular, I do. :) My parents were thinking of my second name Małgorzata to be the first one, but they made a good choice, in my opinion.. :)

4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
Britain? nahhh.. ;)
I lived in Ireland and I used to buy ogórki kiszone:)
In general I prefer buying fresh vegetables.

5. What fruit am I thinking of?
avocado?Ania S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.08.09 o godzinie 23:06

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Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

1. Cause you're simply HOT!!! :D
2. Dunno, to be honest. I'm definitely not a beach bum...
3. I like it, I prefer the shorter form instead of 'Magdalena', though.
4. Of course I would, I can't imagine my life and cooking without Hortex spinach and Chinese mix!
5. Carrot. According to the European agriculture & food law, carrot is a fruit.

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Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Steve Jones:
Enjoy! Don't be shy!

Never was in my Ad-olescence
1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?

You are hypnotised by those, who think that Baltic is too cold to make love in it
2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)

East of Rowy, West of Łeba. Sometimes I dream about Gramvousa and Falasarna

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?

All my names are the same as Russian Czars'. Maybe I'll change the borders, but what for do I need Kamchatka?
4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?

frozen vegetables for dummies, I prefer dumplings (from my mother in law, but her name is not Hortex).
5. What fruit am I thinking of?

I am always thinking about fruit of the loom.

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Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Lidia K.:
I cannot imagine myself living in Britain.

Why? I think I should start a thread on this. I can't imagine living in Britain either.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Anetta M.:
Does it mean you miss our happily-long answers, Ilter, or I can hear a sigh of relief in the background? ;-)
Certainly I miss them :)
Jolanta Saniuk

Jolanta Saniuk Join our GSS in
Gdynia for more
details visit DNV GL

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Enjoy! Don't be shy!

1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?
just a matter of getting used to. It's not like you didn't know that already.
2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)
San Diego PB. I've been spoiled
3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?
Thought about changing the spelling when I lived in the US. it was a bitch contantly correcting peoples mispronounciations.
4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
Whats wrong with english frozen vegetables? Are they really that bad?
5. What fruit am I thinking of?
blond one. LOL

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Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Jolanta Saniuk:
4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
Whats wrong with english frozen vegetables? Are they really that bad?

A lot of Poles living there think so, apparently.

In their opinion frozen vegetables from Tescos in the UK are tastless and unhealthy, whereas frozen vegetables from Tescos in Poland are natural and wholesome.
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

warren whitmore:

In their opinion frozen vegetables from Tescos in the UK are tastless and unhealthy, whereas frozen vegetables from Tescos in Poland are natural and wholesome.

yes, Hortex vegies are from Polish lands, Tescos from the UK and I guess you know that the common belief is that Polish vegetables are healthier? makes sense to me.

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Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

It strikes me as being an irrational prejudice, but please feel free to think differently.
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

if you read carefully, you will find a "common belief" phrase in my previous post. that should explain all, if not, do and think as you wish.



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Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

You don't agree with this common belief then?

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Steve Jones:
Enjoy! Don't be shy!

1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?
Obviously your blood circulation is not that good as it used to be when you were 8, btw, I have the same problem :) I remember myself swimming in an icecold Baltic sea ( 19C) for hours, but I was like 8 or so,

2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)

Cabarete, Dom. Rep. surroundings ( away from hotel zone),Finest white sand , pretty wild, and pretty clean plus 30C Water.

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?
I think I do, but I always liked the name Paul.

4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
No, would rather go to get some fresh ones.

5. What fruit am I thinking of?

Wiktoria M.

Wiktoria M. Tłumacz j.
Service Specialist

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009


don't be shy ;))

ok, I won't ;)

1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?

It's because of body temperature, which is higher than temperature both sea and air :)

2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)

Cassis, France :) as far it was the nicest beeeeeeeeeeach I've ever been to :)

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?

I don't want (now ;)) to change my name. When I was younger it seemed too serious for me, but at the university I thought it's interesting name. BUT: my grandma, who died many years ago, was called exactly the same as I do. It's a strange feeling when I visit her grave and see my own name & surname on it. Should I get marry? ;>

4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?

Well, I think I won't. Tesco's baby carrotts are more sweet :p

5. What fruit am I thinking of?

A banana, definitly :p


I don't know what came on your mind, but I meant a banana with chocolate made on the camp fire :) delicious, you should try it!Wiktoria P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.08.09 o godzinie 15:23
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

warren whitmore:
You don't agree with this common belief then?

I never bought Hortex while in London, I'd rather prefer fresh ORGANIC food and I mostly ate the "good stuff" = organic(or at least a bit healthier, greener, etc...) there - so I can't say that I agree or not cos I never checked it..

but I did buy Smakuś - there's nothing like that elsewhere in da world!
BUT, Italian fruit juices are even better, I mean the ones with flesh, yummy!Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.08.09 o godzinie 15:24

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Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

I don't get the whole organic craze. I went to a Marks and Sparks cafe and didn't find a single thing I could eat - all muffins were fucking organic low fat, low sugar - muffins are SUPPOSED to be sweet and full of calories! I had to get a cupcake :) And the coffee, of course, was free trade, save the rainforest brew.

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Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Organic food isn't healthier.

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Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Here is the conclusion, based on a comprehensive review of relevant studies:

No evidence of a difference in content of nutrients and other substances between
organically and conventionally produced crops and livestock products was detected for the
majority of nutrients assessed in this review suggesting that organically and conventionally
produced crops and livestock products are broadly comparable in their nutrient content.
The differences detected in content of nutrients and other substances between organically
and conventionally produced crops and livestock products are biologically plausible and
most likely relate to differences in crop or animal management, and soil quality. It should
be noted that these conclusions relate to the evidence base currently available, which
contains limitations in the design and in the comparability of studies. There is no good
evidence that increased dietary intake, of the nutrients identified in this review to be
present in larger amounts in organically than in conventionally produced crops and
livestock products, would be of benefit to individuals consuming a normal varied diet, and it
is therefore unlikely that these differences in nutrient content are relevant to consumer

I wonder whether anyone will listen to the scientists?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.08.09 o godzinie 17:24

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