Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Steve Jones:
Enjoy! Don't be shy!
I never was:)

1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?
Because of the density difference.
2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)
Don't have any. My canoe in the middle of the lake - suntain guaranteed.

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?
Alexis, hehe :) I like my name...

4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
I lived in Britain, yet they cooked for me :) Steve, frozen vegatables are for the lazy housewives in Poland- just like quantities of stuff used by British ones. And besides, I'm in Seoul now and believe me that plenty of Europeans buy frozen stuff and the more European it is, the better. And if they find anything like french baguette network of bakeries, they prefer it more than Korean stuff.

5. What fruit am I thinking of?

Fruits of love, hehe?

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Steve Jones:
Enjoy! Don't be shy!

1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?

I must agree with Jarek here. Due to my extensive educational background I can assure you that his explanaition is based on scientific facts and it holds up in the court of scientific law.

2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)

I don't like beaches. I'm a mountain man, beaches are for poor people who stink of sweat and can't afford vacations in Swiss alps like me. Besides, people bring their bloody kids to beaches, yelling, kicking sand everywhere and dumping in the water. Who in their right mind wants to deal with that?

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?

No, I'd like to change it to Rumpelstiltskin

4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?

No way! Polish food is completely tasteless and it reeks of
cabbage and feet!

5. What fruit am I thinking of?

Is it Warren?Greg M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.08.09 o godzinie 08:12
Agnieszka Malec

Agnieszka Malec lektor języka
angielskiego, COM-
Szkoła Języka

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Steve Jones:

Enjoy! Don't be shy!

1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?

I must agree with Jarek, too.

2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)

sandy, warm, empty.

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?

No, I'd like to change it to Anna or Maja.

4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?

Sure, I would. I did it for a week (one out of two I spent in GB in July) because British food wasn't the one I enjoyed ;(

5. What fruit am I thinking of?

Hmmmm... strawberries?
Jarosław Mackiewicz

Jarosław Mackiewicz Account Director

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

1. I have absolutely no idea - in fact, I have never thought about it before.

2. Stogi beach in Gdańsk, it's awesome.

3. Yes, I do, my parents made a good choice.

4. I hate frozen vegetables! It is a crime againt good taste!

5. A pineapple.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Paweł Gąsior:

Different thermal conductuvity of water and air.

I forgot we have a pro here. So how is "ciepło" as a phisical term in English Paweł?

Tatiana: So what's your nickname? ;)Rafał D. edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.08.09 o godzinie 10:51
Grzegorz Wereszko

Grzegorz Wereszko ITGC Audit Lead,
Volvo IT Poland

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Steve Jones:
Enjoy! Don't be shy!

1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?
Possibly because of the fact that for us comfortable temperature is around 24. 21 being already below that threshold. But in water, the temperature is felt differently. Just like humidity alters our perception of air temperature. But then this is just a logical guesstimate (semi slang word, combining guess and estimate)

2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)
As long as their is water and it is calling me to enter, that is all that is needed. But the water must be inviting. Like a siren call :)

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?
Liking my name.. well it is a name, given to me by my parents. But online I call my self Prodeous.. and if possible that is what I would change it.

4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
If you are referring to cooking with frozen vegetables... then I would have to say, it depends on circumstances. If I am lazy, then yes. Otherwise fresh vegetables are a must.

5. What fruit am I thinking of?
Strawberry.. it all depends, don't know you that well to judge what you might like or not like.. But I like Strawberries. So I'll go with that.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?

I'm hopeless at science but Jarek's answer sounds good to me.

2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)
Stogi's a good one but I'll go for almost any beach on the Western Isles. That's the Scottish Western Isles. 350 days a year they're too cold to lie on but they are amazing. Miles and miles of perfect sandy beaches. And there's usually nobody there.

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?
No, I'm getting fed up with it. There are just too many Daves. Last week I was doing some building work - four guys - three of us were Daves. I'm thinking of changing my name to Eugeniusz just so I can feel special once again :-)
4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
No I wouldn't. Actually this has puzzled me for a long time. I'm not sure if frozen vegetables is the best example. What about bottled water? Or ketchup? Bizarre.
Actually the whole business of lorries transporting bottled water around the world infuriates me. The carbon footprint must be horrendous and there's no reason for it. The latest trend is for "Fijian Natural Artesian Water". The top restaurants serve it, apparently. I say bollocks to that.
5. What fruit am I thinking of?
The answer to this question is always banana, apparently.Dave A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.08.09 o godzinie 16:33
Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Rafał D.:
Paweł Gąsior:

Different thermal conductuvity of water and air.

I forgot we have a pro here. So how is "ciepło" as a phisical term in English Paweł?
;) thx. 'cieplo' is simply 'heat' and this term is used for example in term 'specific heat' for 'cieplo wlasciwe', however, 4 'przewodność cieplna' it's rather used 'thermal conductivity' not 'heat conductivity'.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Steve Jones:
Enjoy! Don't be shy!
1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?

Couse my body is warm.

2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)

Hel Peninsula (Półwysep Helski)

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?

I can handle it ;) But if I could choose I would change it to: Magdalena. Pretty cool :)

4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?

I was living in Britain for a while. Everything from Polish Shop was very expensive ;/

5. What fruit am I thinking of?

Every man thinks about melons, I suppose. ;P Am I right ?

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Paulina Jaworska:
5. What fruit am I thinking of?

Every man thinks about melons, I suppose. ;P Am I right ?
Sure. With ham, please.
Agnieszka O.

Agnieszka O. Nauczyciel języka
polskiego, Zespół

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Steve Jones:
Enjoy! Don't be shy!

1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?
I don't know/ It was long time ago when I was at the seaside.

2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?
A little bit. My nam is Agnes. People think that I am sensitiveand weak but it isn't true. They just don't allow me to realize my dreams.Agnes is a pure, innocent and strong woman. Moreover, a was born in August, I am a lion, and I have a nature of wild cat.
4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
No. I would prefer use fresh vegetables from my garden but in Britain it could be difficult.

5. What fruit am I thinking of?
Mayby about tangerine or watermelon?Agnieszka O. edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.08.09 o godzinie 14:22
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

1. ... Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?
Human body emits 36-37 C in a constant basis, no matter where.
But this 'layer' of warm air disappears in water - that means no heat insulation to protect the body.
That's why you can walk naked in 19C air comfortably for longer time than you were swimming in 19C water.
The other thing is the current/movement.
1- 19C water feels better in bathtub than in the sea.
2- If one swims or stays active, the initial 'felt' temperature will rise with time.
2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)
The ones in Kekova.
However, my preferences about favorite beaches does not differ from others much, I guess. Clear water, nice and thin sand, peacefulness etc.
3. Do you like your name?
4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
I don't know, are they "bez konserwantów"?
I'm not Polish, maybe I'm not in the target group for this question.
5. What fruit am I thinking of?
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water
Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?

No idea.
2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)

Clean one.
3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?

No, I don't, but I can't think of any alternative.
4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?

I'd definitely buy bread in this Sklep, don't know about vegetables.
5. What fruit am I thinking of?

Forbidden? ;-)
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Dave A.:
I'm thinking of changing my name to Eugeniusz just so I can feel special once again :-)

Eugeniusz.. good choice.

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Steve Jones:
Enjoy! Don't be shy!
Ok, I won't be this time :)
1. Down at the beach today there was a sign: Air Temp 21/ Water Temp 19. Now, if there is only a difference of 2 degrees between the air and the water, why does it feel like ice when you walk into the sea?
This is a question of attitude. I guess...

2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)
I'm not gonna say it out loud. It's only mine...

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?
I do. I do like it as it has so many variations - Malgorzata, Malgosia (hate this one, though), Gosia, Gonia etc...

4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?
Should I? When I lived there I didn't.

5. What fruit am I thinking of?
No, not again! ;)

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?

No, I'd like to change it to Rumpelstiltskin
and become the king of the universe! :)

4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?

No way! Polish food is completely tasteless and it reeks of
cabbage and feet!
That's good one! :D

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Rafał D.:
Paweł Gąsior:

Different thermal conductuvity of water and air.

I forgot we have a pro here. So how is "ciepło" as a phisical term in English Paweł?

Tatiana: So what's your nickname? ;)Rafał D. edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.08.09 o godzinie 10:51

Find out.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

I see a pattern here.
The ladies who used to give happily-long answers to earlier Five4Fridays started to give VERY short answers.
Are we bored or what? :)
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

Does it mean you miss our happily-long answers, Ilter, or I can hear a sigh of relief in the background? ;-)
Joanna B.

Joanna B. nauczyciel, Szkoła

Temat: Five for Friday 7.08.2009

2. What's your favourite beach? (no! not bitch but beeeeeeach!)

Beaches in Greece-I suppose...

3. Do you like your name? If not, what would you change it to?

I'm proud of my name!!! It tells who I am:)
4. Imagine you live in Britain. Would you cook with frozen Hortex vegetables from the Polski Sklep?

I prefer fresh vegetables,especially from own garden.

5. What fruit am I thinking of?

Apple,because you can't forget about it.
One apple a day keeps a doctor away!

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Five for Friday 12.06.2009

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