Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Tatiana Saternus came up with these!

1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?
3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?
4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)

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Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?

i can recommend gender studies :)
- many of sociologists write about gender
- anthropology is telling us how to behave
- our culture

2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?

I think and I believe that the others are green, small and cute....just like my british mate:P

3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?

difficult topic and hard. in my point of view adoption is very positive and helpful. records? maybe...

4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?
dont know

5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)

toys? im a big girl....:)


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Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Answer to question number 4. The peer pressure have usually negative impact on our life. This impact is mass culture reflection. We shuldn't take advantage of this statures mindless. From my own experience
Anna Żylińska

Anna Żylińska mFaktoring, Senior

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Steve Jones:
Tatiana Saternus came up with these!
thank you :)
1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?
from evolutionary developed instincts and family
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?
I think there are too many stars in the universe to be wasted for only one inhabitated planet. I don't have any particular image of the Others
3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?

I think they should but as a result of a longer and more advanced process. I think the truth about their origin should be revealed up to the 10 year old or when they are adults. The worst period is their teens - just to many hormons and emotions.
4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?

It's all the same during the whole life but children tend to be more cruel. Though it might be very frustracting but still I think it is the matter of your self - esteem.
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)
When I was a child I loved puzzles. My favorite was from Unicef collection - it was a gift from my gradma. Unfinished puzzles made me angry and I could spend hours just to finish them.
Now I have some diffrent ones :)

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Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Steve Jones:
Tatiana Saternus came up with these!
Came up with q's and took a hike! women!
1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?
Given the vastness of the known (and especially the unknown) universe, it would be very unlikely and unfortunate if Earth was the only inhabited planet.
I do not imagine them aliens at all.
3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?
Of course they should! The question remains: when should that happen? When they are 10? 15? 18? 46?
4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?
Depending on the peer, I either ignore them completely or see what the big fuss is all about.

To answer your second question: it took me a while to get where I am now with the pressure/stress management.
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)
Now - my 6 string.
Back then - my g-friend's g'string.Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.08.09 o godzinie 17:33

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Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Jarek A.:
Steve Jones:
Tatiana Saternus came up with these!
Came up with q's and took a hike! women!

Eh? :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Steve Jones:
Tatiana Saternus came up with these!

1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?

Unfortunately - family first, and the image we receive from our parents often prevails later on.
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?

I'd have to quote Jarek here. I'd like "the Others" to be humanoid but realize this is highly unlikely. They could be anything frim green goo to fairylike creatures. Like in a fairytale, Jarek :)
3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?

To make sure they understand why they were adopted. When? When they're ready to come to terms with sometimes difficult choices their biological parents had to make.

4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?

I do not follow fashion trends, but am up to date with me gadgets :) On a serious note, however, I always hated peer pressure so am a bit of a rebel in this respect. I mean, my life is all about being "different".
I can only hope my son is more sensible than me. Not that I want him to smoke because everyone else does, or wear the same stupid emo hairstyle... I just want him to be more a part of his peer group than I was when a kid/teen.
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)

I used to have this toy elephant; still keep the pics I took of it!

A friend of mine says a boy toy is a good idea but I haven't gotten to that stage yet (might do when I'm 50). So I'll say my PS3 and my PDA!

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?
First from our parents, then from the society.
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?
Remember? Men are from Mars... You don`t have to imagine things, just look around.
3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?
They should have the right but not the obligation. Everybody wants to know their own "roots".
4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?
I usually ignore them or tell them to...
In the past it happened that did what they wanted though not very willingly.
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)
Now - mats, foam and wood blocks, belts (for yoga).
Back then - bicycle, rocking horse, dolls.

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Tatiana Saternus came up with these!
Thanks, T.!! :)

1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?
Parents, they're our first example in everything; later from the rest of the society
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?
I believe we are not alone, or maybe I just hope we're not :) I have no specified image of the 'others' but I am sure they don't look like us. Maybe they arfe even already here, but we did not notice them coming here? :)
3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?
They should, cause everyone has right to know the truth.
4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?
I never really wanted to belong to those cool groups that everybody seemed to love... And fortunately, most of the times I was being left alone. Have no problems with that now as well, don't want to be like everyone.
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)
Now my toys are: PS3, laptop and iPhone :p
Back then - Atari, my plush toys, lego, and books (even though they are not really toys, but I loved to read them... and I still do)

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Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

1. Guys, if you were my students, you would gain lots of plusiki :) Seriously, the fact that our gender roles are shaped by society, upbringing, culture, media, school, etc. sometimes happens to be a total surprise even for a group of sociology masters-to-be!

2. I believe there is a parallel Earth somewhere in the universe, yeah, like Copy/Paste, so "the Others" are simply us!

3. They should, absolutely. Besides of their essential right to be informed and aware of such an important fact, adoption records may facilitate getting access to biological parents' medical history in case of illness. I met a woman whose adoptive son's life was saved by this.

4. I used to reject it and choose the uneasy path of being a young weirdo/geek/outcast :)

5. Nothing really original, my MP3 player...Magda B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.08.09 o godzinie 12:21

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Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Hi there. I've been following the Five for Friday tradition for a while now but never got round to answer. That's my first try. :)
Steve Jones:
Tatiana Saternus came up with these!

Thank you, Tatiana! :)

1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?

Well, obviously you have your parents and grandparents, uncles and aunts. But very important is the peer group, at least from the age of 10 or so. Then children tend to change "and my father said" to "and my friend said" what clearly shows, that their school- or paly- group starts to be more important: in morality issues and behavioral issues (including the roles). Men tend to take on the role of macho, as showed by more popular macho types in the group and women show their flirtious and idle side, that are required by these macho types. Only the self-evolved tend to think over what's good and how that all should look like.
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?

I never thought of that. I believe there might be some other race. They might look completely different because of being adapted to different environments. Including being so small that they are invisible to our eyes or so big that the Milky Way is a swirl in their morning bowl of cereal. :)
3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?

I'm in favour of full disclosure. The children should know that they came out of someone else's belly but these people will take care of them for their whole lives.
4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?

I'm rather an original specimen. :) By being a person that does not drink alcohol, does not smoke, tend to prioritize a movie at home over a full-of-smoke pub and having few good friends over a few acquintances that we barely know.

All in all - I never yield under peer pressure and never have.
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)

My favourite toys while I was a kid were: Lego, Konstruktor (metal slates with holes in them, screws and stuff like that) and a bike probably.

Now they are a graphics tablet + my computer + Corel Painter, PS3 (I play seldom but still) and music equipment.
Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Steve Jones:
Tatiana Saternus came up with these!
1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?

Society and Family... fortunately :)
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?

Guess there should be something intelligent somewhere in space. There's a nice thread bout it on my group - unfortunately in Polish:
3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?

Think they should have. Cannot really find why they shouldn't. Freedom rulez, yeah!
4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?

It's ok for me, feel only positive pressure. When i was a kid it was more difficult, but fortunately learned how 2 cope with this stuff.
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)

My kitchen aids, loev cooking and eating :)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?

I'd go along with the common wisdom here:

First: family
Second: society
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?

I think, essentially, we're all alone...
3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?


We've all got the right to know where we came from!
4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?

I suppose I conform to some extent to the norms of social interaction.

I suppose I find myself influenced along lines which might be appealing to me...

I don't tend to bend to peer pressure in terms of stuff I don't like.

When I was a young kid I had long hair (due to hard rock affiliation) when all the other lads had short hair. At Primary School I rocked. As Secondary School, the bigger lads weren't impressed. I took a year of piss taking during my first year. In the end I got my hair cut. I suppose I bowed to peer pressure...
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)

IPhone and laptop
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Steve Jones:
Tatiana Saternus came up with these!
thanks Tatiana :-)
1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?
carers I'd say :-)
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?
I feel that we're not alone :-) How do they look like? I don't know. is it really important?
3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?
I think that they should have a right to check information about their biological parents. why not?
4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?
Jarek's answers suits me :-)
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)
will it be an extraordinary answer if I say my husband's mobile?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Katarzyna M.:
will it be an extraordinary answer if I say my husband's mobile?

Your husband's mobile what?
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Keith Byrne:
Katarzyna M.:
will it be an extraordinary answer if I say my husband's mobile?

Your husband's mobile what?
OH, sorry, it was late and I was sure I was answering my question "what is your favourite toy?", so I've answered my husband's mobile... phone of course :-DDD
what to describe? :-P his mobile phone is black and silver, has got a big screen, and a lot of tools i.e. a great quality camera. looks like an ordinary mobile phone but it's my favourite toy :-)Katarzyna M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.08.09 o godzinie 11:06
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?
I'd extend on Steve's answer
1. Family
2. Family's interpretation of Society
3. Society
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes,how do you imagine "the Others"?
Well, I know I'm not alone in the universe, and that's enough for me! If you've seen the '70's film "The Martian Chronicles", there is a wonderful philosophy to alients, foreigners etc. at the end of that.
3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?
I think kids should have a right to see their adoption records. Not knowing what information is in the records, it's difficult to say when. I think all kids should be aware from the beginning that children come in different ways, either out of Mummy's tummy, or Mummy and Daddy go to a hospital and look for a baby until they find the one that's right for them, the rest is just filling in the gaps, really.
4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?
I don't know, what do you guys think? I was susceptible to peer pressure asa kid, but as we lived in the sticks, and had an over-protective mother, my peers were my parents.
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)
Back then -Lego. Now -my mobile phone.
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Keith Byrne:
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)
Back then -Lego. Now -my mobile phone.

the question was - describe your toy, Keith :-DDDKatarzyna M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.08.09 o godzinie 10:06

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Steve Jones:
Tatiana Saternus came up with these!

1. From which sources do we learn our gender roles?

From Snoop Dogg
2. Do you believe we are not alone in the universe? If yes, how do you imagine "the Others"?

Yes I believe that we are not alone... and I think that they are the complete opposite of us.


3. Why do you/don't you think adoptive children should have a right to see their adoption records?

Once they are old enough... sure, why not. I think everyone should know who their parents are.
4. How do you react to peer pressure? How was it different when you were a kid?

I laugh in the face of peer pressure... muahahahaha... what was that? beer? Suuuure...
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)
Turn tables, vinyl, music software, LEGOs!Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.08.09 o godzinie 10:10
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Five for Friday 31.07.2009

Katarzyna M.:
Keith Byrne:
5. Describe your favorite toys :) (yes, now and back then as well)
Back then -Lego. Now -my mobile phone.

the question was - describe your toy, Keith :-DDDKatarzyna M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.08.09 o godzinie 10:06

Sorry, Kasia,
plastic, tiny, and my kids still love playing with it now, although the youngest does tend to throw it around. The exact same description goes for the Lego, too :-)

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Five for Friday 12.06.2009

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