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Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

1. How many countries have you lived in?

2. What is your hidden talent?

3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?

4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?

5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

1. How many countries have you lived in?

two: Poland and the UK

2. What is your hidden talent?

baking scones ;)

3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?

Christian Catholic would probably be the one I know best, as I was brought up in it. For a year I'd go to Sunday services in my local church in Surrey, which belonged to the Church of England and I didn't notice too many differences apart from the fact that the vicar was married with a kid and you didn't have to confess before a priest to receive a communion. But that is obviously a very superficial look at it. Having lived among the Hindus and Muslims I can say I'm familiar with their religions to some extent but then again I wouldn't go as far as to say I know them well. For me the most mysterious of all faiths is Jewish religion, I'd like to get to know it better.

4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?

Nope. I've spent years deciding on whether to have it or not and then got tired by my own indecisiveness. If anything, I'd like to have a Mendhi-type of tatoo on my upper arm.

5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?

As in completely naked? I can't recall anything but an operation theatre in a hospital when my appendix was removed (and I was about ten).Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.02.08 o godzinie 00:56

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Joj Y.:
1. How many countries have you lived in?

Two - Poland and US

2. What is your hidden talent?

I can scare people with my choices of music!

3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?

Few... used to be into theology and philosophy... then I figured out that music is more fun.

4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?

Comedy and Tragedy on my right leg. I am also in the process of drawing up a full sleve for my right arm... should start on that pretty soon.

5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?

im trying to figure out which one is more weird and if I really want to share that ...
i have a choice of three pretty weird places... ill have to pass on this one thou.. hehe

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

1. How many countries have you lived in?

3 - UK, France and Poland (though 7 cities in total)

2. What is your hidden talent?

I don't know, I haven't found it yet, though like Sylwia I sometimes make cakes (like sernik wiedenski).
I've been told a couple of times I'm a good kisser, but I suspect that those girls hadn't been around much.

3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?
Having gone to a Church of England primary school I guess I can only say 1. Being C of E is quite simple, you just have to be a nice person.
I remember quite a few stories from the bible.

4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it
be and where?

Tatoos are one of my pet hates. Nothing, and no preferences, last forever, so I wouldn't want permanently scratched onto my skin.
Maybe my name and date of birth.

5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and
would you care to elaborate?

I scored low in the 'sex fine' questionnaire, remember, so there's nothing strange that I can remember. I skinny-dipped once in the Lake District in the UK.Steven H. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.02.08 o godzinie 09:09

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Joj Y.:
1. How many countries have you lived in?
Two - Poland and Italy
2. What is your hidden talent?
Just one that IS hidden: I can sing, but I never do in public.
3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?
I know Christian Catholic quite well (born 'n raised in it).
I'm a curious cat and in my teen years I used to read on various religions, so I can say I've a pretty clear general overwiev on most of them.
4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?
No, no tats for me, but again in my rebel teen years I was planning to get a tattoo. It was supposed to be a sketch of the Earth floating in clouds. As to where I would have put it: I was undecided between my right shoulder and right inner forearm.
5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?
I actually scored even less than Steven on the sex fine quiz. No weird places for me. Go figure...
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Joj Y.:
1. How many countries have you lived in?

2. What is your hidden talent?

Maybe I haven't found it yet;)

Quite possibly it's hypnosis...
3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?

A reasonable knowledge of Christianity, that's about it. I'm not a very religious person nor do I find the topic particularly interesting. There's a strong place for spirituality in life; however, there is no place for organised religion. That's my take on it.
4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?

Yup, got one. Where is it? Come and see for yourself! ho ho:)
5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?

I'm not really a prance around in the buff kind of guy. I've been semi naked in plenty of strange places, though I suspect I've never really gone completely kit-off in afore-mentioned places.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

1. How many countries have you lived in?

Longer periods of time - three: Poland, US, France.

Spent a month to half a year in Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands - and NOT on vacation.

2. What is your hidden talent?

I have psychic powers. Often predict what people will do/say.

3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?

Most as am a declared atheist and wanted to readd all about religions to be able to make my point most of the times.

4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?

I used to have one of those temporary tattoos. A cactus on my left arm.
I don't think I'd get a permanent one though. And definitely not a monkey on my belly that would eventually stretch to look like King Kong (ok, I stole this one from Adrian Mole's sister Rosie)

5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?

Oil rig. No, I wouldn't care to elaborate. Go figure.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Joj Y.:
1. How many countries have you lived in?

3: Poland, Nigeria, UK and plan to move down under at some point:)
2. What is your hidden talent?
apart from plying on people'd nerves, as we say in Poland? ;-p

art (love drawing, computer graphics, etc) - would love to make a profession out of it sometime :D
3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?

most about Christianity as I am a born-again Christian, member of the local Baptist Church:) The key, however, is to live what one believes and not just know about it....
I know lots about Catholicism as I was born and brought up in Poland. In my rebellious teenage years I was very much into Hinduism, but didn't find what I was looking for in it! I have some theory about Islam and Buddism, but not any extensive knowledge.
I like theology and Bible studies:)
4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?
no, am not into this at all! don't like it on people and would not like it on myself....
5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?

on an operating table - nothing exciting, I'm afraid! My first son was born through an emergency c-section. A bit less undressed with the second boy as he was born naturally:)
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Joj Y.:
1. How many countries have you lived in?

Ireland, Germany, Poland makes three

2. What is your hidden talent?

I have premonitions about deja vu. I know when I'm going to remember something!

3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?

If I know as much about C of E as Steve, does that count? If yes, then the main 5

4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?

I don't have a tattoo, but I was going to get my name in chinese once, until I realized that I wold never know if the dude was writing something like "Best Before September 2001", (which by the way is true!)

5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?

I can't really think of anywhere wierd, except for the usual places
I wasn't even naked on an operating table, as it was always headwounds!

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Keith Byrne:
4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?

I don't have a tattoo, but I was going to get my name in chinese once, until I realized that I wold never know if the dude was writing something like "Best Before September 2001", (which by the way is true!)
I take it you got married in Sept. 2001? ;)
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Steven H.:

Being C of E is quite simple, you just have to be a
nice person.

That reminds me of the 'tea afternoons' I'd attend after the mass, which were held in a big canteen next to the church and you could have a cup of tea / coffee and some biscuits for under a pound. Then - as the mass was attended almost entirely by old ladies, and perhaps some mothers with children (there was a playground over there too) - they would come to your table and entertain you with the most old-fashioned of small talks (they talked about weather quite a lot!:). I liked these snack times a lot, I felt I belonged to the community and I remembered thinking 'why wouldn't they do that in Poland? Church actually CAN be a nice place.'

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Joj Y.:
1. How many countries have you lived in?

2. What is your hidden talent?

Photographic memory
3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?

Good knowledge? None. Even though I'm Catholic I was never interested in finding out more about all these canonical rules, which I find utterly boring and detached from real life.
I have some knowledge of Islam, Christianity and Judaism plus a handful of others.
4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?

No, and no, there won't be one so it wouldn't be anywhere.
5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?

A place where majors check privates a.k.a. military draft point - I'm not sure how this is called in English.Marcin B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.02.08 o godzinie 12:28
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Jarek Adamowski:
Keith Byrne:
4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?

I don't have a tattoo, but I was going to get my name in chinese once, until I realized that I wold never know if the dude was writing something like "Best Before September 2001", (which by the way is true!)
I take it you got married in Sept. 2001? ;)

No, I just lost the plot for a while - but I like the way you think ;-)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Keith Byrne:
Jarek Adamowski:
I take it you got married in Sept. 2001? ;)

No, I just lost the plot for a while - but I like the way you think ;-)
You know what they say: Great minds think alike.

PS: I gotta start thinking someday soon.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

1. How many countries have you lived in?


2. What is your hidden talent?

Pyroflatulent divination.

I am an acredited tantric deviational technologist.

I'm skilled in acubeating and psychic surgery, and have run frop enhancement workshops and private sex hurt seminars.

Finally, I'm something of a dab hand at chicken entrails analysis.

Oh, and I have some knowledge of the Cornish language. (True, btw).

3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?

I am an ordained minister of the Church of the Subgenius.


The only religion which offers:


Bob be praised!

4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?

Funnily enough, I haven't.

If I had one, it would be the Portsmouth F.C. club crest, an English rose, or my wife's name.

Dull, eh.

5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?

Don't particularly like appearing naked anywhere except for obvious reasons, tho I once went skinny dipping in Poland.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.03.08 o godzinie 13:21

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

1. How many countries have you lived in?

One with some extended out trips.

2. What is your hidden talent?

I can write ambidextrously in two languages simultaneously (just think of the broad spectrum of applications for THAT :))) ...and I can juggle. Also, I could get us where we wanted to go at night by stars. They make GPSs, though.

3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?

I'm completely mystified, and I believe in God more than I believe I'm sitting here, or even that time exists. But I've never been academic about religions, and I don't go out of my way to hear the dogmas....do pay attention to the lives of my friends so I know a few. I'm just tryin' to get by.

4. Do you have any tattoos, and if so, where? If not what WOULD it be and where?

I have pre'90s tattoos from the tip of my right shoulder down to my elbow...seems like a lifetime ago. I wouldn't have one now. I sho' 'nuf do though, Sun with rays, Moon, some other stars, some unit insignias that stand for some "charming" mottos.

5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?

An oil rig.

(not really).
Nothing special. Skinny dipping alone.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.03.08 o godzinie 04:34

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Joj Y.:
1. How many countries have you lived in?
geee, to many to count quickly and I have a hangover :))
But let's try:
Poland, Italy, UK, US, Iraq, Mexico, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Sudan - although in some I stayed for longer periods. Some were only like 3 - 5 months.

2. What is your hidden talent?
Embroidery. I really love doing this

3. How many religions to you have a good knowledge of?
4 - Roman Catholic, Jewish, Islam, Christianity

4. Do you have a tattoo, and if so, where? If not, what WOULD it be and where?
Don't have

5. Where was the weirdest place you've ever been undressed, and would you care to elaborate?
swimming pool in the hotel in Rodos. At 2 am I decided I want to have a swim and I love swimming naked. The problem was that there were hotel rooms around the pool and guests were not sleeping :)Maria B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.03.08 o godzinie 12:19
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

Maria B.:

Embroidery. I really love doing this
Sew what?

Temat: Five for Friday 29.2.08

:)Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.03.08 o godzinie 23:30

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