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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

1. If you were selected to show the extra terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you pick and why?
Cricket. It would take them weeks to figure it out and in the meantime I'd go joyriding in their spaceship.
2. What is the one thing in your daily routine that you simply hate doing and why?
There's nothing I hate but there's nothing I'm excited about either. I'd accept some shit if it was mixed up with brilliant stuff.
3. With out using their name, take this opportunity to say something to one of the Anglo members that you've always wanted to say.
>I quite like you, Mr Turkish man.
4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven to be completely false?
If God existed I would be totally gobsmacked. I would have to rebuild totally.
5. If you were left with a choice between being blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?

Well this isn't theoretical for me. Three times I have had operations on my eyes and each time I could have ended up blind, particularly after the last one two months ago. So I have had to think this one through. And I would definitely prefer to be deaf. Deaf people stay in our world but I cant see how blind people could avoid having to retreat into their own worlds. I'm trying not to think about it - the operation was successful :-)Dave Andrew edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.08.08 o godzinie 11:13

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

1. a small baby

2. answering phones

3. I'm disappointed. That's all.

4. I'd be shattered

5. deaf; being short-sighted helps you appreciate your vision, no matter how blurred ;)
and I'm not into music that much
plus I could still work and wouldn't have to rely on others' help
Paulina Pyrzanowska

Paulina Pyrzanowska nauczyciel języka

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

1. If you were selected to show the extra terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you pick and why?

gosh.... maybe Australopitekus could be a good sample ;)
2. What is the one thing in your daily routine that you simply hate doing and why?

As simple as that ..... It's putting on my clothes everyday morning... I miss Adam and Eve's times....

3. With out using their name, take this opportunity to say something to one of the Anglo members that you've always wanted to say.

ehmm.... Your Majesty you look great in this new hairstyle.... ;)
4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven to be completely false?

I would wait for a rain, because in rain tears are invisiable...
5. If you were left with a choice between being blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?

being beaf.... Every day I meet people to whom I would like to say SHUT UP! ;)Paulina Pyrzanowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.08.08 o godzinie 13:30
Paulina Pyrzanowska

Paulina Pyrzanowska nauczyciel języka

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Well this isn't theoretical for me. Three times I have had operations on my eyes and each time I could have ended up blind, particularly after the last one two months ago. So I have had to think this one through. And I would definitely prefer to be deaf. Deaf people stay in our world but I cant see how blind people could avoid having to retreat into their own worlds. I'm trying not to think about it - the operation was successful :-)Dave Andrew edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.08.08 o godzinie 11:13

Andrew, You are a lucky man! ;) best wishes!!

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

1. Monty Python's Flying Circus, all episodes :)

2. Getting up? <yaaaaaaawn>

3. Errr... That guy with decks and headphones that sometimes appear as a vampire... You know... He's a bloody good fella, definitely!

4. Every disappointment makes my beliefs verified and more reallistic. That's how it works...

5. I'd rather not choose. Yet, as far as I know from some of my psychological readings, it is deafness that isolates people more from the society than blindness (especially when impaired since birth). Being blind, you are still able to speak and listen, and language is the most important mean of human communication. The sign language is more simplified - I don't know whether it is possible to fully express so many nuances with it...

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Paulina Pyrzanowska:
Andrew, You are a lucky man! ;) best wishes!!

Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Magda B.:
5. I'd rather not choose. Yet, as far as I know from some of my psychological readings, it is deafness that isolates people more from the society than blindness (especially when impaired since birth). Being blind, you are still able to speak and listen, and language is the most important mean of human communication. The sign language is more simplified - I don't know whether it is possible to fully express so many nuances with it...
Very good point.
Paulina Pyrzanowska

Paulina Pyrzanowska nauczyciel języka

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Violetta P.:
Paulina Pyrzanowska:
Andrew, You are a lucky man! ;) best wishes!!


Dave Andrew ;) correct Violetta thx!;) and sorry for the inconvenience...
By the way... isn't Andrew a beautiful name ;)
greetings for @ll

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Steve Jones:
Questions all the way from New York courtesy of the one and only Rafał Wolk!

1. If you were selected to show the extra
terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you
pick and why?

The 50 000 nuclear warheads that the US and Russia are stockpiling. Why? Any civilization capable of crossing such vast distances in space would have a hard time understanding human’s definition of total fucking stupidity; I think that would paint a pretty vivid picture.

2. What is the one thing in your daily routine
that you simply hate doing and why?

Toilet usage … it’s just such a flaw in our design…. I mean it’s so damn nasty, there must be a better way to get rid of our waste.

3. With out using their name, take this
opportunity to say something to one of the Anglo members that you've > always wanted to say.

Ralf... grow the fuck up homeboy.

4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven > to be completely false?

According to Zen theology, it would mean that I’ve achieved the highest level of enlightenment. It would be a reason to celebrate.

5. If you were left with a choice between being
blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?

Blind… it’s a tough choice but not being able to hear music, or my daughter’s sweet laughter and voice saying “I love you too daddy” or hearing her sing her favorite songs and laughing… saying things like “you are so silly dada!” or “come chill on the couch with me dada!” or better yet “I can’t hear you… the music is too loud!”
Yea.. blind would be the definite choice.

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Joj Y.:

Joj... it's good to have you back.

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Tatiana S.:

Thank you, Rafał W.

It was really nothing... I mean... I didn't even leave my seat ;)

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Rafal W.:
Tatiana S.:

Thank you, Rafał W.

It was really nothing... I mean... I didn't even leave my seat ;)

Now we're both going to have a lot of explaining to do ;)

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Tatiana S.:
Rafal W.:
Tatiana S.:

Thank you, Rafał W.

It was really nothing... I mean... I didn't even leave my seat ;)

Now we're both going to have a lot of explaining to do ;)

hahahaha... shit... ooook... how about this, my phone is by my PC so all I had to do is reach out and dial while searching .. hahahha... that's better!

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Makes me wonder who the rest of the comments were meant for. Hmm...
Malgorzata F.

Malgorzata F. Project Manager

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Steve Jones:

1. If you were selected to show the extra terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you pick and why?

Probably Little Britain, How not to live your life and Monthy Python and many, many more. So they laugh their socks off - they've probably seen all other stuff already from above :)
2. What is the one thing in your daily routine that you simply hate doing and why?

I eliminated all these things apart from one - getting up not when I want but when I have to.
3. With out using their name, take this opportunity to say something to one of the Anglo members that you've always wanted to say.

You're great - would've said it anyway.
4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven to be completely false?

In most cases just change them if it was really proven. Depends what it would be really - I guess some things could be hard to accept or even scary :)

5. If you were left with a choice between being blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?

Deaf definitely. I can't imagine not be able to be independent and be able to do whatever I fancy to do like riding my bike, walking alone, driving, seeing colours, my cats playing etc, etc

I hear voices in my head anyway... :))))))
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Steve Jones:
Questions all the way from New York courtesy of the one and only Rafał Wolk!

1. If you were selected to show the extra terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you pick and why?

A Chemical Brothers live gig show. Pretty self-explanatory.

2. What is the one thing in your daily routine that you simply hate doing and why?

I feel for you Adam, I have to get up at 5.30 about 2-3 times a week so I know how it hurts. The only thing that's worse is having to work all through the night to meet a tight deadline. I only do it when it really pays off, though.

3. With out using their name, take this opportunity to say something to one of the Anglo members that you've always wanted to say.

I want your life! ;)

4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven to be completely false?

I'd bang my head against the wall.


5. If you were left with a choice between being blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?

I'd rather not make this kind of choice. I've had retinitis once which left one of my eyes blind for about three weeks and it seemed like eternity. I really like to see things. And hear. I can't imagine not being able to listen to music, it fills the best part of my life.
That said, I know once I'd lose one of my senses, I'd probably make up for it with the others being more sensitive. There are plenty of great blind musicians and deaf painters. Or even deaf musicians (Evelyn Glennie) and blind painters (Esref Armagan) . But generally, I don't like the idea of losing my senses.Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.08.08 o godzinie 18:55
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Lidia K.:

3. I'm disappointed. That's all.
That sounded like Miranda Preistley! ;)

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Sylwia Łubkowska:
Lidia K.:

3. I'm disappointed. That's all.
That sounded like Miranda Preistley! ;)
Can you spell it correctly, will you, young lady?

[great association, thx!)
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Lidia K.:
Sylwia Łubkowska:
Lidia K.:

3. I'm disappointed. That's all.
That sounded like Miranda Preistley! ;)
Can you spell it correctly, will you, young lady?

[great association, thx!)

This is just getting ridilucous! How dear you! ;PP

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Paulina Pyrzanowska:
You are a lucky man! ;) best wishes!!

Yes I am - thanks :-)

Następna dyskusja:

Five for Friday 12.09.2008

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