Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Questions all the way from New York courtesy of the one and only Rafał Wolk!

1. If you were selected to show the extra terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you pick and why?

2. What is the one thing in your daily routine that you simply hate doing and why?

3. With out using their name, take this opportunity to say something to one of the Anglo members that you've always wanted to say.

4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven to be completely false?

5. If you were left with a choice between being blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

1. Jack Nicholson's smile. I would paint it on the nose of a space probe and send it far into the unknown. Why? It's certain to draw attention.

2. Waking up at 5:30 am.

3. There are no other prophets before thee.

4. I would still flaunt them in order to provoke others; Poles love lost causes anyway.

5. Deaf. I would still be able to appreciate the lady, without having to bear with excessively noisy orgasms.

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

1. A couple turned 98 living in peace through all their life. Or a mother giving her life for her child. Or a man giving up with meeting the love of his life to save her marriage with beloved husband.
Because this is the only true power we have.
There might be someone better, someone smarter than you - in 2, 5 or 50 years will surely exist someone that will beat all your achievements.
But if you truely love.. Noone will beat you. Can be only equal.
This is the greatest strenght and power of humanity.

2. Negotiating with weak minded people

3. I never use such oportunities. If I need to tell anything to anyone - I just do. Using his name. Directly. No fakes, just life.

4. Argue. It's not the deal to keep your believes no matter what - it's a big deal to have the right one. If the other person is right, and the proof he gives is 100% sure - why not to change believes?

5. Deaf. I can't play the piano anyway and I'm the only person in the world that finds myself a good singer ;)
Honestly: science is developed much further in fighting ears deaseases than the eyes ones.

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

5. Deaf. I would still be able to appreciate the lady, without having to bear with excessively noisy orgasms.

Oh, you can hear your neighbours through the walls too? ;)

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Steve Jones:
Questions all the way from New York courtesy of the one and only Rafał Wolk!

1. If you were selected to show the extra terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you pick and why?
If they knew where they were going they would have already perceived the history of human kind (speed of light/distance)...and yes, I'm messin' with you, Raf.
Brains if they were nice, maybe some agriculture and some principles of economics (to the extent of my ability) ...BUT: some infections, Strep A, i.e., necrotizing fascitis, Ebola, English sweating sickness, etc. if they were not nice...e.g., if they came around touting their book "To Serve Man," and it wasn't benevolent at all, but a COOKBOOK.
2. What is the one thing in your daily routine that you simply hate doing and why?
mmmm...maybe shaving. Why: 1). It's just a drag in general, and 2). in the cold months "about half of" my face peels off.
3. With out using their name, take this opportunity to say something to one of the Anglo members that you've always wanted to say.
4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven to be completely false?
I don't think I have the greatest insight in the world. I'm suggestible. I would probably just scratch my head and give it the old "huh?"
5. If you were left with a choice between being blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?
Deaf, man. I suppose you could appreciate music by use of an oscilliscope. For example, middle C = 256 megahertz, which is depicted by the graph along with the other tones, so I think I could still appreciate some rhythms. I would miss the sound the red winged blackbird makes in the very first weeks of spring, though...I like it. I like to hear babies laugh but you can see it too...but deaf. (I almost had a blindness conversion reaction the other day, though, when I saw a 400+ pound man lose his pants almost to his knees in the parking lot of the grocery store...sweet blindness).Joj Yambrick edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.08.08 o godzinie 07:28
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Joj Yambrick:
Nice to see you back here, Joj!!

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Now look who's crawled his way back in GL!

Good to see ya again J-man!

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Thank you, Steve. It's nice to see you and everyone else too.

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Jarek A.:
Now look who's crawled his way back in GL!
Crawl is about right.
Good to see ya again J-man!
Likewise, brutha!Joj Yambrick edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.08.08 o godzinie 07:37

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Steve Jones:
Questions all the way from New York courtesy of the one and only Rafał Wolk!

1. If you were selected to show the extra terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you pick and why?
Either Auschwitz or Hiroshima - don't make our mistakes.
2. What is the one thing in your daily routine that you simply hate doing and why?
Going to work. Does this need any extra explanation?
3. With out using their name, take this opportunity to say something to one of the Anglo members that you've always wanted to say.
Flash me ! lol

I'm joking. Like Dorota I don't really approve of talking behind people's back. If you wanna tell me something - say it. I'll do the same.
4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven to be completely false?
It's already happened to me. I was devastated. Still am. Didn't do shit about it, though, which may have been a mistake.
5. If you were left with a choice between being blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?
Deaf. I'd never give up the possibility to watch porn!

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Steven H.:
5. Deaf. I would still be able to appreciate the lady, without having to bear with excessively noisy orgasms.

Oh, you can hear your neighbours through the walls too? ;)

I can hear my neighbour's accursed dog - a bitch called Szlufka :(

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Steve Jones:
1. If you were selected to show the extra terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you pick and why?

I was going to say the A-bomb, for the same reason as Jarek. Other than that, ZUS - don't repeat our mistakes!
2. What is the one thing in your daily routine that you simply hate doing and why?


3. With out using their name, take this opportunity to say something to one of the Anglo members that you've always wanted to say.

Thank you, Rafał W.

4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven to be completely false?

More research, I guess, just to see if there was a possibility of the "false" being "true".

5. If you were left with a choice between being blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?

Deaf. I could still watch my son grow; also, as am near sighted, I can appreciate not being completely blind. I would also be able not to notice the snoring... Ahem. Thank you.

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Tatiana S.:
I would also be able not to notice the snoring... Ahem. Thank you.

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

Jarek A.:
Tatiana S.:
I would also be able not to notice the snoring... Ahem. Thank you.

It's the worst sound in the world!

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

1. If you were selected to show the extra terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you pick and why?
I have no idea. Never thought about it. Probably war - in general.

2. What is the one thing in your daily routine that you simply hate doing and why?
Getting up in the morning

3. With out using their name, take this opportunity to say something to one of the Anglo members that you've always wanted to say.
I think you are an extremly interesting person. I wish I was a men

4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven to be completely false?
Gee, this one is difficult. Changing believes in my case is a very difficult thing. I don't know what would I do.

5. If you were left with a choice between being blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?
Deaf. I love seeing things. I don't need to hear them, though.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

1. If you were selected to show the extra terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you pick and why?
My penis, as a sample.
Although it is not from history (yet), its alikes caused a lot of trouble. The world turns areound it actually.
I wish it would turn around mine.
2. What is the one thing in your daily routine that you simply hate doing and why?
I think I don't have a daily routine that I hate.
But the closest one is to get rid of pubic hair weekly. I wish it would stop growing.
3. With out using their name, take this opportunity to say something to one of the Anglo members that you've always wanted to say.
Grow up.
4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven to be completely false?
I'd keep doing the things the way that I've done.
5. If you were left with a choice between being blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?
I'd pick being blind.
I don't want to imagine a world without being able to listen to music, sweet voice of a woman, the laugh of a baby and the sound of rain on the soil.
Oh, how romantic.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

ilter K.:
I wish it would turn around mine.
Now Dave Andrew will come and say:

"You mean you wish your penis would turn around itself?"

And we all are going to laugh.

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

1. If you were selected to show the extra terrestrials one thing from the history of human kind, what would you pick and why?
Life cycle - a child being born, growing up, getting old and passing away.

2. What is the one thing in your daily routine that you simply hate doing and why?
Getting to work. The traffic jams, the time that is wasted on driving.

4. What would you do, if your beliefs were proven to be completely false?
It`s already happened to me. I`m still alive but I wouldn`t like to go through something like that again.
5. If you were left with a choice between being blind or deaf, which one would you pick and why?

Being deaf. I can`t imagine living in the dark.

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

ilter K.:
ilter K.:
I wish it would turn around mine.
Now Dave Andrew will come and say:

"You mean you wish your penis would turn around itself?"

And we all are going to laugh.

I didnt even understand it! :-)
You remove your pubic hair???

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Temat: Five for Friday 29.08.2008

1 - (can't think of anything worth showing ETs - will come back to this later)
2 - Going to bed - the idea of having to get up again the next morning - what a waste of time going to bed anyway!
3 - Cheers!
4 - I'd be stunned - won't happen though ;) If I believe in something - it is true and does exist :D
5 - deaf - I'd appreciate the world the way I like - cutting out the noises of disgusting human beings. And seeing things would evoke sounds from memory :)

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Five for Friday 12.09.2008

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