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Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

(1) What keeps you awake at night?

(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?

(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.

(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?

(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

warren whitmore:
(1) What keeps you awake at night?

Too much of the internet ;)
(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?

I get up, drink some water and grab a book.
(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have

I just realized I haven't dreamt since... don't even know since when. But for looong.
(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?

In my bed, all by myself.
(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?

Soo many choices, so little time... :DGrzegorz P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.04.08 o godzinie 00:24
Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @
Fangol.pl | Blogger
@ Fitback.pl

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

warren whitmore:
(1) What keeps you awake at night?
officialy - work :)
un-officialy - .... cenzored.... ;]

(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?
I'm thinkin "yey! so if I'm not falling asleep then I can work more! yey!"

(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.
dude, no way..

(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?
I ain't gonna wake up...

(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?
the same place I always do (maybe somewhere nicer...) with the same person I always do..
Daniel Gravel

Daniel Gravel Human Resources
Business Consultant

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

warren whitmore:
(1) What keeps you awake at night?

work, family, money.
(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?

Sleep-EZ extra strength.

(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.

Dream? Nightmare? I can't recall the last one I had.
(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?

Home in bed with my wife and probably my cat.
(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?

At home with my wife.

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Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

warren whitmore:
(1) What keeps you awake at night?
(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?
I have some imagery techniques
(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.
Nothing now... but I have lucid dreams...what a riot. I'm serious.
(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?
(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?
On the front porch of the house where I grew up...laying on my dad's arm in the summer and listening to the Tiger's baseball game on the radio...he's passed away now, so: what's real: down on the beach in front of my present home with my brothers...we often dip for smelt and shoot salmon with bows and arrows and make a fire. Tomorrow again. Springtime. Sometimes we wake up there :)Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.04.08 o godzinie 04:13

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Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

warren whitmore:
(1) What keeps you awake at night?


(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?

I get them drunk. If that fails, TV usually does the trick.

(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.

I can't say that I have had any in a while. There was a time at one point, where I had those typical imigration related dreams, left to visit, unable to come back... but those are long gone.

(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?

Couch with my daughter.

(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?

Big ass bed on some exotic beach with my wife.

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Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

(1) What keeps you awake at night?

It's usually work, but sometimes life's troubles. Oh, and Goldenline ;)

(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?

I try to relax, get a glass of warm milk, and if it's real bad, I just go get a book.

(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.

I once had a dream in which I was standing by an open grave with a group of close friends, and there was one missing. The next afternoon I got a call from a friend who said that the one guy'd had an accident and was in a hospital, badly hurt. He died within a week. Since then, I haven't really remembered dreams.
(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?

My bed, with my son poking my neck with his nose or finger. (He tiptoes to my bed at night) Unless something unexpected comes up (though it never does)

(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?

A log cabin somewhereoff the beaten track. Company? I'd rather not voice that as it might as well happen by some weird chance. Or maybe Bruce Willis, if he volunteered to make coffee ;)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

(1) What keeps you awake at night?
Lately, only work can keep me awake at night.
(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to > nod off?
Surfing in the net, checking out my "underground" scene/community. After 2 hours, I start to get bored looking at a dull screen.
(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you
have had.
I'm sitting on the only seat carved into a spinning concrete cylinder leaving only my head out (just like sitting in a cockpit of an old fighter plane). Cylinder starts to spin counter colock-wise, and the ceiling starts to get lower.
When the cylinder reaches to an unbearable speed and when the ceiling starts to shave off my hair, nightmare ends.
I had this recurring dream for at least a year, twice a week when I was 10 years old.
(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?
In my bed, and probably alone. Because I don't see my wife around often. She leaves without "disturbing" me. I don't know what that means, but that's the case :)
(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in
whose company?
I'd like to wake up in a house with a view to mediterranean sea and olive trees, with a loved one. I'll do it one day.ilter Kalkanci edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.04.08 o godzinie 07:57

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

(1) What keeps you awake at night?
My little boy's crying.

(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?
Watch TV or read.

(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.
A war. I was imprisoned in a building next to my house and couldn't get to my house because it had become a 'war zone'... Don't know why...

(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?
After a hard day, going back late at night from the theater in Gdynia, I'll wake up in my bed next to my husband. Love it.

(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?
Well... Maybe I'm boring but it would be my husband, in a hot tropical place, far away from computers and work and the rest of the family... and everybody but my son, who would come as usual in the morning, put his head on my pillow and say 'ma-ma brrrr' :)
Maria G.

Maria G. Senior Treasury
Support Analyst
Philip Morris

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

(1) What keeps you awake at night?
The car making a noise, I mean a noise of alarm.
(2) If you can't manage to get to sleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?
Start to imagine being myself in a very pleasent situation, for example.... on vacation.

(3) Describe any memorable or recurrent dream you have had.
Once I had a dream, that I was in a spaceship of newcomers of other planet. It was an around spaceship, I was staying in a corrridor and waiting for something. Unfortunatelly I wasn't seeing anyone, I was alone.
(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning and with whom?
Tommorow I'll wake up in my place alone.

(5) If you had the choice, where would you most like to wake up tomorrow morning, and in whose company?
If I had the choice, I would like to wake up in a very nice flat with great view on huge lake, it's rather looks like a see in one country of Europe. In whose company? .... it's a very private question :-)Maria Gałka edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.04.08 o godzinie 08:59
Lidia Kozieł

Lidia Kozieł Study Associate

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

1) my boyfriend snoring:)
2) usually i start reading some super not interesting book and after 15 minutes i m done:)
3)thats weird but i dont remember any of my dreams
4)in my bed I hope but still not sure (i m out with a friend tonight so everything can happened!!!)
5)in my parents house place when i grew up:)usually with my little dog in my bed :)Lidia Koziel edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.04.08 o godzinie 09:45

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Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

>(1) What keeps you awake at night?
Not many things. I love sleeping

(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?
Reading or having a cigarette works

(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.
Nightmare - my "matura" (high school final exam). This exam had an impact on me because I'm still having (so many years after) nightmares about it.

(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?
At home, in my bed, with my dog (dog owners are divided into two groups - one that sleeps in bed with their dogs, second simply don't admit it) :P

(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?
This is easy. At home, in my bed with my boyfriend (he is not from Warsaw unfortunately)
Szymon Flaka

Szymon Flaka "The harder I
practice, the
luckier I get"

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

warren whitmore:
(1) What keeps you awake at night?
A good partner :)
(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to
nod off?
Even the most exciting book would do the job
(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.
I am more than happy not to be bothered by any of the above
(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?
you never know what is gonna happen
(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in
whose company?
Mornings are particulary tricky and works as a potential relationship idicator... but trully I have never though about whose company would be desirable ...

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Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

(1) What keeps you awake at night?
Thoughts that there is still so much to do today
(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?
Read a boring book ;)
(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.
When I was little I kept dreaming that somebody was chasing me and I always made it as close as to the last step before my house's front door, but in between the step and the door there was a hole in the ground which I could not cross.
(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?
Hopefully in my own bed by myself, however Im arranging a suprise birthday party for my friend at her house, so.... ;)
(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?
Where? Wherever in Poland
With whom? with my husband
But its impossible. In not in Poland and dont have a husband ;)

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

1) What keeps you awake at night?
nothing, I usually sleep like a baby
unless it's some emergency work which happens less and less often
or am I being better organized?

2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?
amateurish self-psychoanalysis
or meditation
writing my diary

(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.
I'm not in a mood to describe it. It's too sad. I woke up sobbing and had this bizarre feeling the whole day.

(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?
It will be an early morning, as somebody has to collect my work on Saturday morning at 8 AM!!
With nobody.

(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?
In a nice cottage in the mountains with somebody who is a great chef and a great lover and is only mine.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

(1) What keeps you awake at night?
13th April 2007 my wife gave birth to our twins, Mia and James. Since then, there isn't a thing on God's earth that can keep either of us awake at night!
(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?
See (1)
(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have
When I was at school, I used to dream of hanging out at recess, only to look down and find I wS still wearing my slippers. TYhe rest of the dream was spent worrying if anybody else noticed. I have since checked a dreambook, and apparently this dream means you are really cool.
(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?
In my bed, alone, or with my eldest, Sean, who'ds three and a bit
(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?
My wife has gone to London for a weekend away from everything. There, and with her, would be brilliant. Feck it, anywhere with her!

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

warren whitmore:
(1) What keeps you awake at night?
GoldenLine ;)

(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?
Reading, or nothing ;)

(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.
I usually don't remember my dreams... and the ones I remember shouldn't be revealed to public ;)

(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?
In my bed, alone :(

(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?
Where? Probably in some bigger bed than mine... with whom? Today I can think only of Damien Sargue... very cute french actor... ;)Agnieszka S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.04.08 o godzinie 00:36

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Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

Your image somehow fits the thread, Agnieszka.

Welcome to Anglosphere.

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

It's my weekend image ;)
Piotr Kurowski

Piotr Kurowski Dyrektor Działu
Produktami, MODECOM

Temat: Five for Friday 25th April 2008 Post here please:

warren whitmore:
(1) What keeps you awake at night?

An afternoon nap would keep me awake late at night... just like tonight.
(2) If you can't fall asleep, what do you do to get yourself to nod off?

Nothing really works on me.
(3) Describe a memorable or recurrent dream or nightmare you have had.

I've dreamt that I died and was so surprised that there was absolutely nothing special about it.
(4) Where will you wake up tomorrow morning, and with whom?

Alone, either on the coach or in my bed...
(5) If given the choice, where would you like to wake up and in whose company?

In my bed with my love.

Następna dyskusja:

Five for Friday 18th April....

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