Temat: Five for Friday, 20th September, 2013
1. 'Nationalism is the measles of mankind' (Albert Einstein). Would you agree?
I don't know but thanks for the topic to think about while peeling small scraps of wallpaper oooover and oooover and ooover....already named as many countries as I can; already mentally listed best and worst Presidents...
2, Does religion do more harm than good?
I doubt civilization would've ever existed without it. Would we forfeit our own experience and loved ones in order to obliterate it from ever being? Same with wars and all the other monkey shows. There's the question about whether we're human beings having a spiritual experience or spiritual beings having a human experience. The latter for me, but religions aren't invited because they would just fuck it up. No cleric in the world is more spiritual than I am or you. So no thanks. I'm not saying I'm right.
3 Do you regret more the things that you did or the things that you didn't do?
"Did." For sure (but also, same as what Ilter wrote concerning most of it).
4. Is miscegenation (race mixing) a good or bad thing?
Geeez!. I Sleep with ONE sheep! Gossip questions appear even on GL?
5. Could you have a relationship with a trans-gendered person?
Ain't got NO plans with the mans.