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Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

1. Have you ever hit anyone?
no...maybe in my dreams

2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?

3. Have you ever been unfaithful?

4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?
No, I was the first to leave

5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?

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Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)


warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.12.08 o godzinie 21:46

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Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)


no Warren ... I'm a blue eagle

Guy C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.12.08 o godzinie 22:00

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

1. Have you ever hit anyone?
Oh, yes. And when I think of it (slapping, of course) I'm really satisfied. It was at a party. He was not my partner, just a friend (and even this word is too much for him) and he said some words he shouldn't have, and kept getting on my nerves on purpose. I still remember his face surprised after the slap. It was beautiful. And my hand did hurt so I did it properly.

2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?
No. Just like Joj, GL is the only one I'm in.

3. Have you ever been unfaithful?
Well, yes. But it was my husband with whom I treated on my former boyfriend so I think I'm excused... aren't I? :)

4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?
Say, I was not hired again when the contract expired. And we, the employee and me, were really happy about that. He's a despot and I hated it.

5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?
Must admit. Yes. Marihuana. But nothing else.

Warren, did I elaborate enough? ...

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Joj Y.:
At our military entrance processing stations, they tell you when asked, to deny ever having used ANY illegal substance - wink, wink. They also tell you to deny ever having been hospitalized even during a two-hour wait for a broken finger.

But then: "I want holes in that airport big enough so I can walk through them, and if you encounter any resistance, shoot them in the face." "Be polite, be professional, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

Just don't say you have ever had a broken bone, though, or smoked a joint. hehe :)

I just... What came up to my mind is Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'... - 'Hej! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!'...

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Guy C.:

no Warren ... I'm a blue eagle

Guy C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.12.08 o godzinie 22:00

The one in the pic is so unnatural.. Are you?

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Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

The one in the pic is so unnatural.. Are you?
that's only a picture .... the real one is always better :))

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks Warren for these!

Oh goody!
1. Have you ever hit anyone?

In my childhood years I did a lot, even had to go to therapy, but I was so small I don't even remember that. I only know what my parents told me, and that's not much.

In adult life - once. I punched some drunkard in the face after he hit my ex-boyfriend in the back of his head, sneaky little fuck. I remember how my fist hurt after I've done it - what you see in films is bullshit, it hurts like hell.

And then this twat wanted to fight back, though he was so drunk he didn't even know who hit him. So the owner of the pub where it happend put him down saying 'you were punched by a girl, so I'd stay where you are'.

I'm not proud of it, but also not ashamed. 'Twas just reflex, but a damn well-aimed one :D. And I never slap, not my thing... Prefer spanking ;-).

2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?

Nah, yet to come.
3. Have you ever been unfaithful?

Yes, in regard with the above-mentioned ex. I'd never do it to someone I'd love and he doesn't know about it so he wasn't hurt by it. Still - I felt like scum after that and I'll never do it again.
4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?

No. The only time I lost some work was when my lg school was screwed over by a corporation and lost majority of classes. My boss didn't include any security clauses in the contract that would protect her from shit like that, so in one day my salary went from 2,5k to about 800PLN. Good thing I always have my fingers in many pies :-).
5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?

No again. I find smoking disgusting, so joints are out and none of my friends were determined enough to find a bong just for me :-). Never did any probably won't.

Cheers Warren, that was fun :-).

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Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks Warren for these!

Pump am DDydd Gwener:


1. Have you ever hit anyone?

Yes! In a feat of madness I kept hitting my ex. I'm sory for that Ch....!

2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?

No, never. I did not take part in many of those. I post on some here on GL, I have one favourite.

3. Have you ever been unfaithful?

Hmmm, shame on me. Yes, I was, a long time ago.

4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?

Never! So far it was me who was making the choice and I hope it'll stay that way.

5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?

Yes. Do I regret it? The feeling-NO (though I'm not too much into any of the substances we all have in mind), the consequences- YES!

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Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks Warren for these!

High five! Those are pretty kickass, although I highly doubt that many people will answer truthfully. :)

1. Have you ever hit anyone?

Yeah, back in school days. Let's just say that the words "your mother" and "slut" in one sentence didn't quite rub me in the right way, oh well.

Just for your information - no usual trash talk involved, just plain aggression towards me. The guy even landed a punch or two on me a couple of times earlier on. One day I had enough and kinda raped his face with my brutal fists of fury - Shaolin style. OK, in truth I was a fat bastard so he didn't stand a chance, but still... :)

Got in a lot of shit afterwards, had to see the principal constantly etc.

Funny thing is, I always remembered this "bully" to be a fuckin' giant, kinda like Grendel. Years later I've met him and he's a bit of a shorty nowadays. Didn't take my revenge though, lol.
2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?

Yup, but that was because of an automated forum script rather than any individual moderator interference and whatnot. Just for a short time and I settled the matter, but still... :)
3. Have you ever been unfaithful?

Yes. At least when we're speaking about religion... or friendship. Once I've made something "slip" and lost a good friend, but that has taught me a very important lesson, a lesson which I'll remember till the end of my days probably.

That would be stitching my mouth should the need to do so ever arise.

In a relationship? No, never. I'm just old-school and cool like that. ;)
4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?

Nope, but hey - I've still got plenty of time for that! :)
5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?

Yes. Rolled a few joints, tried a couple of other things. I experimented a lot. Never craved for more, never felt guilty about trying out.

The only thing which I might have been (and I guess I still am) addicted to are cigarettes. Mind the "might"! I have this feeling that I could stop smoking any time, but then I say to myself "why should I do that now, huh?" and I guess I'm kinda falling into a giant trap here.

-Man, I could quit any time!
-Ok, why don't you quit right about now?
-What a goddamn retarted idea! Blah blah blah, douche-bag, blah blah, mind your own business...
6. Do you think less of people who did experiment with illegal substances and if so - why?

No, I don't really care. I try not to judge books by their cover, as they say. Again, mind the "try" part. Sometimes I do it - hell, everyone does, but at least I'm trying to stop for a moment and reconsider. ;)

In this particular case, I don't really mind, as it's a matter of preference.

It's not my life, is it?

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

1. Have you ever hit anyone?
Yes. Not a partner. Someone very dear to me but I don`t want to elaborate.

2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?

3. Have you ever been unfaithful?
No. I`m old-fashioned in this respect. Love is love, as somebody, who I respect very much, said here a while ago.

4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?

5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks Warren for these!

Pump am DDydd Gwener:


1. Have you ever hit anyone?
Yes. Don't want to talk about it.

2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?

3. Have you ever been unfaithful?

4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?
No, although I made a big, big mistake once. The consequences of my actions were really serious and I sweat every time I recall the situation.

5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?
No. I wanted to try marihuana and had occasions to do it, but can't stand the smell. It makes me sick.
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

warren whitmore:
Kari Wolk:
Aaah. Nice and short.

You're more than welcome to elaborate further.

I know. Good one..

I remember one night, about 2002-3, I went out with my friend Will, aka DJ Church Shoes, and we got trashed on Jameson and Wild Turkey. We were supposed to go to a roof top party in Bklyn but we got sidetracked and, well lost. We ended up on the platform of a local train station spewing derogatory remarks at each other, slapping each other in the face and getting rough which caused quite a scene - he's a tall black guy and I'm a short, pale white chick. He started it up with, "Don't you owe me thirteen dollars?"
"Nah - get the f%$k outta here, cheap ass nigga."
"Bitch, don't make me come over there and set you straight..."

One of my fondest memories to date, I woke up with a twisted ankle and raw, cut knuckles on both hands. Good times.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Tatiana Z.:
Steve Jones:
A question to the women who said they slapped someone... I presume (might be wrong, of course) that you slapped a partner/ husband?

so my question is this:

- did you feel you were justified in slapping?

As far as my answer is concerned... It was my partner and, damn he deserved it! I feel fully justified!

maybe you could expand on this a little more on the violence thread? I'd be interested in your contribution:)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Karolina W.:
Steve Jones:
Thanks Warren for these!

Pump am DDydd Gwener:


1. Have you ever hit anyone?


2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?


3. Have you ever been unfaithful?

4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?

5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?

6. Can you write an answer longer than "yes" or "no"?Steve Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.12.08 o godzinie 11:00
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Maria B.:
i'm. I could say they are divided into two groups. Those who smoke/ smoked and those who simply don't admit doing so
People that I was talking about are not kind of people you see on the streets though. They ARE in the ENTERTAINMENT business. Nobody cares if they tried/smoked illegal substances. They don't have the need to lie.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Jarek A.:
5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?
Alcohol is illegal in Saudi Arabia, so yes.
Were you in Saudia Arabia while doing that? ;)
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

ilter K.:
Maria B.:
i'm. I could say they are divided into two groups. Those who smoke/ smoked and those who simply don't admit doing so
People that I was talking about are not kind of people you see on the streets though. They ARE in the ENTERTAINMENT business. Nobody cares if they tried/smoked illegal substances. They don't have the need to lie.
Well, I do know just a small bit of show business. None of those I know have the need to lie. But some simply don't admit doing some things. I wouldn't call it a lie.
It's a bit "Clinton style" - had but didn't inhale...
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Isabela M.:


1. Have you ever hit anyone?


2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?


3. Have you ever been unfaithful?


4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?


5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?


Great questions.

then make better ones, smarty.

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Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

ilter K.:
Were you in Saudia Arabia while doing that? ;)
nope, but the question had a wide interpretation margin

Następna dyskusja:

Five for Friday - 09.05.2008

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