Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

A question to the women who said they slapped someone... I presume (might be wrong, of course) that you slapped a partner/ husband?

so my question is this:

- did you feel you were justified in slapping?

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Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)


1. Have you ever hit anyone?

2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?

3. Have you ever been unfaithful?

4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?

5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?
Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
A question to the women who said they slapped someone... I presume (might be wrong, of course) that you slapped a partner/ husband?

so my question is this:

- did you feel you were justified in slapping?

As far as my answer is concerned... It was my partner and, damn he deserved it! I feel fully justified!

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Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Warren, dos i ffwcio dy hun y cont (Thank you, Warren).

1. Have I ever hit someone: Well, under sanctioned conditions, yes. A lot. But there is nothing you can do short of a physical threat or assaulting a loved one (throw a drink in my face, nothing. Push me, shove me, nothing) that would ever make me hit someone. I don't want to break a nail. :)

2. No, I have never been banned from an internet forum. I've never been on any others apart from here. So no.
3. No, I have never been unfaithful. It's not in me, but I have other faults to make up for it, I'm sure.
4. I have been sacked (we call it fired). I was about 17, I think at the first time and it was about attendance as I recall. Missing work since I only cared about three things then. 1. Girls; 2. my sports, and 3. girls.
5. Illegal substances were always around, but I was in my sports and I didn't need an escape. They were never in any of my plans for the day. I tried cocaine at a wedding in Florida, but I may as well have been snorting laundry detergent. I felt nothing different beyond the aversion up putting something up my nose, and the unpleasant feeling at the back of my throat. I have smoked marijuana, hash, opium, and a few other things, and all those times were to recognize their effects, and also under more or less controlled conditions. Not my thing, but after all, I've been around some.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.12.08 o godzinie 18:43

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Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks Warren for these!

Pump am DDydd Gwener:


1. Have you ever hit anyone?

Yes, last time it was in 2005. A drunken party. The victim was a graphic designer who was kissing the female lawyer we were both courting.

2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?
No, but probably some leftist/gay/non-white forums have already imposed a pre-emptive ban on me :)
3. Have you ever been unfaithful?
No, I hate cheating, so I don't get involved in regular relationships.
4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?
No, but I've quit once.
5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?
Marijuana has no effect on me but smells like burnt lard. Yuck.
I've tried escasy, the export variety with the heart embossed on the pill - a hit in Israel, it contains some cocaine. I had some physical symptoms but my mind failed to tune in. Waste of cash.Adam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.12.08 o godzinie 18:29
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Maria B.:
Rafal W.:
6. Do you think less of people who did experiment with illegal substances and if so - why?
Nope. And I don't believe those saying they never ever had a joint ...c'mon, don't give me this bullshit ...
Are you serious?
I know many people who haven't tried any drugs although they work in entertainment business... you know, artists playing in bars, band managers, writers etc.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

At our military entrance processing stations, they tell you when asked, to deny ever having used ANY illegal substance - wink, wink. They also tell you to deny ever having been hospitalized even during a two-hour wait for a broken finger.

But then: "I want holes in that airport big enough so I can walk through them, and if you encounter any resistance, shoot them in the face." "Be polite, be professional, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

Just don't say you have ever had a broken bone, though, or smoked a joint. hehe :)
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

i'm. I could say they are divided into two groups. Those who smoke/ smoked and those who simply don't admit doing so
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
A question to the women who said they slapped someone... I presume (might be wrong, of course) that you slapped a partner/ husband?

so my question is this:

- did you feel you were justified in slapping?

I think you cannot, never, feel satisfied slapping another human being. Exeption is though that the other human being attacked you or threatened you in a serious way.'s what I THINK...

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Joj Y.:
At our military entrance processing stations, they tell you when asked, to deny ever having used ANY illegal substance - wink, wink. They also tell you to deny ever having been hospitalized even during a two-hour wait for a broken finger.

But then: "I want holes in that airport big enough so I can walk through them, and if you encounter any resistance, shoot them in the face." "Be polite, be professional, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

Just don't say you have ever had a broken bone, though, or smoked a joint. hehe :)

hahaha... yea.. another thing that always got me was - 18 years old - old enough to shoot someone in their face with a M16... not old enough to drink!
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

well, i never slapped my partner. I slapped a guy who in the bus was keeping his hand on my butt, and despite my requests kept doing so. And lately i slapped 2 guys who were fighting with each other during the party i was responsible for. So i slapped both of them and asked, not very nicely, to leave the place :-)) it worked!

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Rafal W.:
hahaha... yea.. another thing that always got me was - 18 years old - old enough to shoot someone in their face with a M16... not old enough to drink!
True, and it's almost all boredom. "Hurry up!" ...and wait. :)))

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Maria B.:
I slapped a guy who in the bus was keeping his hand on my butt, and despite my requests kept doing so.
Slapped malo :)
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

1. Have you ever hit anyone?

2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?

3. Have you ever been unfaithful?

4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?

5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?

Aaah. Nice and short.
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Joj Y.:
Maria B.:
I slapped a guy who in the bus was keeping his hand on my butt, and despite my requests kept doing so.
Slapped malo :)
it was a decent slap. My fingers were clearly visible on his face :-)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Kari Wolk:
Aaah. Nice and short.

You're more than welcome to elaborate further.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks Warren for these!
Pump am DDydd Gwener:
Diolch yn fawr iawn!
1. Have you ever hit anyone?
Yes, unintentionally... sorta...
I was 14-16 y.o., was taking karate classes. Was sparring with a guy two levels higher than me. Hit him straight in the face.

I've never done so many push ups after that...
2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?
3. Have you ever been unfaithful?
4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?
5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?
Alcohol is illegal in Saudi Arabia, so yes.
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Pump am DDydd Gwener:


1. Have you ever hit anyone?

Yeah, I used to have these snow fights with my best friend when we were at school... which wasn't just about throwing snowballs, we would roll in snow, rub it in our necks and, he he, loads of kicking & hitting was involved. I'm sure loads of innocent passers-by found it really entertaining ;)

But, seriously, no slapping or anything like that ;)

2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?


3. Have you ever been unfaithful?

Technically speaking, no. Not me.

4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?

Yeah. Never on paper, though. People would just let me know very politely that, erm, this isn't a job for me. And most of the time I knew it even before I took the job. Really frustrating.

5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?

He he, yeah. I used to have a Moroccan flatmate who once gave me pinches of some kind of greenish substance to stick behind my gums for half an hour. It made me feel dizzy and he was laughing his head off at me ;)) He swore it's legal in Morocco and all men chew it.
Taking part in a London parade for decriminalisation of cannabis was also fun, I was completely off my face ;) This is what it looked like:
Anna A.

Anna A. Product Manager,
zakupy- stal
nierdzewna, produkty

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks Warren for these!

Pump am DDydd Gwener:


1. Have you ever hit anyone?
Once, few years ago... I wouldn't do it again, but I'm not sorry.

2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?
No, never. I'm a nice person ;)

3. Have you ever been unfaithful?
No, but sometimes I wish I had been...

4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?
Again - no:)
5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?
Once upon a time...

Are these questions some kind of psychological test?
I hope not:)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks Warren for these!

Pump am DDydd Gwener:


1. Have you ever hit anyone?


2. Have you ever been banned from an internet forum?


3. Have you ever been unfaithful?

4. Have you ever been sacked from your job?

5. Have you ever indulged in illegal substances?

Następna dyskusja:

Five for Friday - 09.05.2008

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