Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Welcome everyone!

Questions courtesy of Dave Andrew.

1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?

2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?

3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?

4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?

5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar outlook on life to you?

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Steve Jones:
Welcome everyone!

Questions courtesy of Dave Andrew.

1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?

I'm in seventh heaven, we spend romantic evenings listening to our idols together ;)))
Jokes aside, as music preferences show in our personality I bet I wouldn't get attracted to a person listening to such crap.

2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?

Why not? World is full of diversities, thank god. The answer is: moderation :)

3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?

I love fish, so it's a difficult choice, but I think salmon. Then tuna or maybe just ordinary cod from the "Fish&Chips" Shop.

4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?

I don't think my lifestyle would change a lot - I like my job and it occupies just the right amount of time. I wouldn't be happy if I didn't have any responsibilities, any aim - I guess I would start suffering from depression very quickly. And if I had loads - I mean LOADS - of money I would definitely get engaged in some kind of charity work.

5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar outlook on life to you?

A nice, unprejudiced Polish woman living in the south of the UK ;))) Just kidding, of course. Marcin Barszczewski is definitely my kind. And I dare say he'll confirm that :)Patrycja P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.08.08 o godzinie 10:12

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Steve Jones:
1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?.
Nothing. What can I do?

2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?
You mean smalec as a dish or smalec as money? If the first one - because it's so good. If the second - well, you need money don't you?

3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?
Red mullet. Nothing beats it.

4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?
I would dive, read books and spend more time working for my charity foundation.

5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar outlook on life to you?
Tatiana. She is also the one I would date If I were a men :)))

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Steve Jones:
Welcome everyone!

Questions courtesy of Dave Andrew.

1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?

Ditch her after the physical fascination ends.
2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?
Don't like it but got nothing against it, as long as they don't try to use it as car fuel.

3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?

4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?
The same stuff, but only for two hours per day. Perhaps I'd buy a faster sports car or - if it was a really considerable amount - move to Monaco.
5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar outlook on life to you?
It's hard to tell, I like all outlooks on life provided they're different, interesting, bizarre.
Jerzy Andrzej Gzula

Jerzy Andrzej Gzula Wiedza + Organizacja
+ Jakość

Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?

It is fine with me as long as she does not want me to travel to their concerts together.

2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?

Personally, it made me puke in the 20th century and nothing has changed in the 21st. I can tolerate someone being a fan of Celine Dion but I can't imagine myself being in a relationship with a smalec lover.

3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?

I don't have one. I'm a vegetarian.

4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?

I would work. There are so many things to do.

5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar outlook on life to you?

Hmm. I don't know. Could you go to my profile and tell me?Jerzy Andrzej Gzula edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.08.08 o godzinie 12:05

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

.Marek K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.08.11 o godzinie 07:52

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

hello everyone! :)
1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?

nothing. I'm very tolerant of others interests and hobbies ;)
2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?

because it's tasty, nothing keeps flavours and aromas such well as grease ;)
(don't you remember Suskind's "Perfume: the story of a murderer"?)

even Italians, known for a healthy cuisine, appreciate and eat grease, they call it "il lardo"...
3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?

tuna fish, raw or fried with sesame
4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?

Provided that I had loads of money, I would travel around the world
5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar outlook on life to you?

I'm new here, so I haven't had a chance yet to know other members. You tell me?? ;)

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

A nice, unprejudiced Polish woman living in the south of the UK ;))) Just kidding, of course.

warmest greetings from the south of the UK to a nice, frank, good mannered woman in the north of the UK! ;)Grazyna N. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.08.08 o godzinie 14:01
Agnieszka Fernandez

Agnieszka Fernandez Specjalista ds.
rekrutacji IT
Professionals sp. z

Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?

I accept that :)

2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?

the same like 'bigos' :) tradition and taste. Anyway, I hate smalec.

3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?

panga, karp ;)

4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?

I would dance. Dancing all the time ;)

5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar outlook on life to you?

I don't know yet...
Marcin Stanowski

Marcin Stanowski nauczyciel j. ang./
psycholog/ trener

Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?

Who cares what she listenes to ?
2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?

Smalec yesterday, smalec today, smalec forever. The taste, nutrition plus cucumber. I would give half of my life for it.

3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?

4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?

I would defintely work to kill time.

5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar outlook on life to you?

Hard to say.

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Steve Jones:
Welcome everyone!

Questions courtesy of Dave Andrew.

1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?

I run for the hills... haha... I don't think that anyone who listens to .. erm.. that sort of stuff, would ever even come near me.

2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?

Man... it's a Polish thing, you wouldn't get it hahaha... I love it, with bacon bits!

3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?

That's a hard one, I like a lot of fish... fried flounder, salmon, ell, some sharks are pretty good too… anchovies… I’d say almost all fish.

4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?

Travel... as much as I could.

5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t
already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar
outlook on life to you?

Jarek and Warren.

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Ewa K.:

(don't you remember Suskind's "Perfume: the story of a murderer"?)
AWESOME movie too!

Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?

Great we’ ll have common area to discussion and spending romantic evenings filled with powerful ballads and amazing lyrics in the background..:)

2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?

I'm not particularly keen on it…

3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?

Definitely my favourite fish right now is a trout but then again nothing bets freshly smoked salmon.

4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?

I would take more time off and travel more, experience other cultures their customs, traditions and definitely do more charitable work, start a foundation. I'd spend a lot more time pampering myself as well..:)

5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar outlook on life to you?

Because we are all individuals who respond to situations and experiences differently I think that every outlook on life is interesting...

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Rafal W.:

AWESOME movie too!

this movie sucks!! :)

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Patrycja P.:
Rafal W.:

AWESOME movie too!

this movie sucks!! :)

oh oh oh ... a fight a fight! Pick your words wisely! You don't insult my pretentious intelligence.

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Rafal W.:

oh oh oh ... a fight a fight! Pick your words wisely! You don't insult my pretentious intelligence.

Your pretentious what??

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Intelligence – you know, that thing you so often try to emanate yet fail to fool even those forced to dumb down their lingual skills to comprehend your senseless babble.

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Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Rafal W.:
Intelligence – you know, that thing you so often try to emanate yet fail to fool even those forced to dumb down their lingual skills to comprehend your senseless babble.

Sorry, I don't understand...

P.S. Let's get out of here. WW alas BB is getting cross I guess.Patrycja P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.08.08 o godzinie 15:21
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Questions courtesy of Dave Andrew.

1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?
If we have lots of other music preferences in common, I wouldn't mind, I would just ask him to not listen to it around me.
2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?
In times when the grocery store shelves were empty, smalec was something one always had in the house. When I first met my friend Walter, he came out of his kitchen with a piece of bread with smalec and raw onion. When one of his friends asked him, "why do you still eat that?" he replied, in his thick Polish/good fella accent, "Fuck you". Yeah, that just about sums it up.

3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?
Barbecued eel. (Japanese unagi)

4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?
Homeschool my kids and use world experience instead of text books.
Open a speedcore bar with a koi fish pond. Now that's class.

5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar outlook on life to you?
Jarek on a good day. Tatiana on a bad one. Love you, T!!
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday 15.08.2008

Steve Jones:
Welcome everyone!

Questions courtesy of Dave Andrew.

1. You’re in the very early stages of a relationship and it turns out the other person’s favourite music is Celine Dion and Richard Clayderman. What do you do?
I'd have to bail out of that one asap. Like a parachutist exiting a burning plane. There's no excuse for listening to that kind of shite.
2.Smalec in the 21st century. Why?

Beats me! Masochism??
3. What’s your favourite kind of fish?
probably a flat fish such as plaice or sole
4. What would you do if you didn’t need to work?
this is my ultimate fantasy as I hate work. After the initial orgasm died down, I'd probably write books, travel, spend more time with my kids and devote myself to good things. I'd also initiate a world campaign against stupidity and organize lots of events for this cause.
5. Which member of Anglosphere, that you haven’t already met in real life, would you guess has the most similar outlook on life to you?
Although we dont agree on absolutely everything, probaby Dave AndrewSteve Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.08.08 o godzinie 15:50

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Five for Friday 12.09.2008

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