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Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?
They want to be rich and even more than that, they want to be perceived by others as well-heeled!
2. What role does money play in your life?
The great and crucial role of Sir Bruce the Necessary, thanks to whom I may survive and sometimes have some entertainment.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a
They're giving me some possibilities and then I'm about to choose their destination, I mean their good or bad spending.
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)
I don't see myself retired, first I would have to live to a grand old age though... Then I might consider whether I should go across the street when the red light is switched on, or shall I just continue trying not to laugh in the face of death pretending that I'm still able to do everything.
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?
I would build a house of my dreams...Łukasz Klejment edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.04.09 o godzinie 11:39
Szymon Flaka

Szymon Flaka "The harder I
practice, the
luckier I get"

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
This weeks questions from the man named after a popular Polish
dish ...
Thanks for this genuine welcome ;)
1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?
From what I have seen so far it depends on their age. True be told: its much better to be rich.
2. What role does money play in your life?
Rather crucial one! It's worthwhile to underline that factor.
If you say that something is not importand in your life, that will disappear from you life quicker than rabbit gets fu.ked. Apologies for that expression but that is strong enough ;)
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?
this question determines how much money you are able to earn and keep :). Choice of course!
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired
and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)
I simply cannot afford to let it happen :). Setting up a business (not only one) ensures that Simon's going to join rentierclub
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?
As money makes money I would invest it first and than support education in my area
Agnieszka O.

Agnieszka O. Nauczyciel języka
polskiego, Zespół

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

1.I think that many Poles want to be rich but not for some idea of enrichment but for some aim. They want to have a lot of money because they are going to realize their dreams. I also know some people who don't want to be rich because they think that the wealthy damages personality and doesn't give happiness.-

2. What role does money play in your life?

Money are very important, but it doesn't mean that they are aim rather tool which I need to realize my dreams.

Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?

It depends on every human. Decision depends only on us. We have a
free will. If we don't allow the money to take control of our life we can't lose our humanity.-

What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland.

It's very sad perspective and I don't want think about it. It's a
serious anjustice.-

-5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

I would like to make dual doctoral degree from The Humanities Sciences in English at the Jagiellonian University. I could build beautiful cottage in the country and I would like to learn a few other foreign languages.Agnieszka O. edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.04.09 o godzinie 15:04

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?
They certainly want to have enough money to feel safe fr the future.
Among all of us you can find those who want to look rich as well and those who just don't give shite.
2. What role does money play in your life?
Money pay bills, rent, buy food. I like having then but don't respect the value.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?

Money give you choice and some options which is good thing.
As for root of all evil I would name that GRID.
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?
I would get drunk as usual when I win 1 mln PLN ;-)

Następna dyskusja:

Five for friday (08.05.2009...

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