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Temat: Five 4 Friday 20.06.2008

Steven H.:
1 Would you 'sell' your Significant Other for any amount of money (£, €, $, PLN, …) for one night, if it could solve all your financial problems forever? If yes – how much money would that have to be? If no – why? If you’re single… pretend you're not.

I wouldn't even think about it unless the offer came first. Of course it sounds harmless, but could later open a Pandora's box (no pun intended). Let's go for a million GBP ;)

Who gets your pun anyway? ;)

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Temat: Five 4 Friday 20.06.2008

Jarek A.:
Be creative.

1 Would you 'sell' your Significant Other for any amount of money (£, €, $, PLN, …) for one night, if it could solve all your financial problems forever? If yes – how much money would that have to be? If no – why? If you’re single… pretend you're not.

No - if I did this my relationship would be over. I couldn't live with my second part after something like that.
2 Do you get offended by race jokes?
Do you tell race jokes?
>I don’t mean horse race, mind you.

3 You run your own business. Someone else starts a competitive business just down the street, offering better merchendise, prices, etc. How do you react? Do you fight back? How 'dirty' will you play?
It depends on the situation. If my businnes was succesfull and competitive business did't endanger me (I mean I will still have a money for live) I would do nothing dirty but i would start improving my offer. But if I that competitive business could make me bankrupt - It would't be mercy.
4 Let’s assume that time machine exists, works and is safe to use. You are offered a chance to travel in time. Would you rather go to the past or to the future? And of course: Why?

I would go to the past - I don't want to know the future :)
5 What did Materazzi say to Zidane in the match for gold during the 2006 football (soccer – that’s for you Joj and Andre) world championships, between France and Italy, to deserve the infamous headbutt from the French player?

He said - I feel something like fly under my shirt. Can You help me to kill her - but use Your head - It will be more fun :)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five 4 Friday 20.06.2008

1 Would you 'sell' your Significant Other for any amount of money (£, €, $, PLN, …) for one night, if it could solve all your financial problems forever?..
2 Do you get offended by race jokes? Do you tell race jokes?
a) No
b) Not often
3 You run your own business. Someone else starts a competitive business just down the street, offering better merchendise, prices, etc. How do you react? Do you fight back? How 'dirty' will you play?
If I am to run my own bussiness, probably I'd have enough connections and clients to feed myself and an assistant.
Luckily I am not a grocer.
4 Let’s assume that time machine exists, works and is safe to use. You are offered a chance to travel in time. Would you rather go to the past or to the future? And of course: Why?
I would go 1 year forward. To see what my current decisions are leading to. It could be fun.
5 What did Materazzi say to Zidane in the match for gold during the 2006 football (soccer – that’s for you Joj and Andre) world championships, between France and Italy, to deserve the infamous headbutt from the French player?
I don't know. Did you want me to be creative?
Edit. Oh you did...
He said: "I think your shoe laces..."ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.06.08 o godzinie 12:32

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Temat: Five 4 Friday 20.06.2008

Jarek A.:
Be creative.

1 Would you 'sell' your Significant Other for any amount of money (£, €, $, PLN, …) for one night, if it could solve all your financial problems forever? If yes – how much money would that have to be? If no – why? If you’re single… pretend you're not.

Never. I guess I would be able to forgive if my partner were unfaithful (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but a financial deal? Sex in exchange for money? Me as a pimp? Selling my beloved's body - and what's more important - his soul? My soul? Never. I know, I'm a naive goose lost in a modern, so well developed world..

2 Do you get offended by race jokes? Do you tell race jokes? I don’t mean horse race, mind you.

I don't get offended and I don't really pay too much attention whether a joke is a race one or not. A joke is a joke. Full stop.

3 You run your own business. Someone else starts a competitive business just down the street, offering better merchendise, prices, etc. How do you react? Do you fight back? How 'dirty' will you play?

I can't imagine me myself playing dirty, but pushed into the corner?? Who knows?? :) I believe I would run my business the way I have run it so far and try to make my company more competitive - I would treat the appearance of the competition as a challenge not a treat - an impulse to develop.

4 Let’s assume that time machine exists, works and is safe to use. You are offered a chance to travel in time. Would you rather go to the past or to the future? And of course: Why?

To the past - just out of curiosity - would like to see my parents at my age. Future? No. I might be afraid to live ever after. I don't want to know what's waiting round the corner. The essence of happiness lies in the lack of knowledge about the future.

5 What did Materazzi say to Zidane in the match for gold during the 2006 football (soccer – that’s for you Joj and Andre) world championships, between France and Italy, to deserve the infamous headbutt from the French player?

There aren't many things I care less about than about what one jerk tells another jerk during a football match. And they have to be jerks if they were unable to control themselves during such an important event but I do remember a joke that Materazzi said: You are as good as Tomasz Kuszczak.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five 4 Friday 20.06.2008

1 Would you 'sell' your Significant Other for any amount of money (£, €, $, PLN, …) for one night, if it could solve all your financial problems forever? If yes – how much money would that have to be? If no – why? If you’re single… pretend you're not.

I'm not sure that such hypothetical questions make sense.

You never know what you would do unless faced with the actual situation.

Take Germany after the Nazis were defeated. Your average German woman started prostituting herself to allied soldiers.

It's what many of us would do in desperate circumstances.

2 Do you get offended by race jokes? Do you tell race jokes? I don’t mean horse race, mind you.

I'm not one for political correctness.

A joke is either intelligent or it isn't.

I suspect most 'race jokes' to be crass and stupid.

3 You run your own business. Someone else starts a competitive business just down the street, offering better merchendise, prices, etc. How do you react? Do you fight back? How 'dirty' will you play?

This is everday life for me.

Profi Lingua are on the same street.

They even got their minions to photograph people entering and leaving the school.

You have to focus on your own business and not worry too much about the competition.

Otherwise you'll go insane.

4 Let’s assume that time machine exists, works and is safe to use. You are offered a chance to travel in time. Would you rather go to the past or to the future? And of course: Why?

I'd go to the future as it would be more interesting.

I'd have little idea of what I might find.

5 What did Materazzi say to Zidane in the match for gold during the 2006 football (soccer – that’s for you Joj and Andre) world championships, between France and Italy, to deserve the infamous headbutt from the French player?

"Are ye calling wor lass a hoor?"

konto usunięte

Temat: Five 4 Friday 20.06.2008

Jarek A.:
Be creative.
Yes sir!
1 Would you 'sell' your Significant Other for any amount of money (£, €, $, PLN, …) for one night, if it could solve all your financial problems forever? If yes – how much money would that have to be? If no – why? If you’re single… pretend you're not.
If I did such a thing I'd never be able to look meself or anybody else in the eyes, ever again! I'm already a sellout (working for an employer, doing things I don't always agree with), but that would be, like, unacceptable.
2 Do you get offended by race jokes? Do you tell race jokes? I don’t mean horse race, mind you.
I'm not too good at telling jokes, mainly because I can never remember any when they could come handy. I can take race jokes and dish them out too. Most jokes can be funny - it's all down to the right audience and timing.
3 You run your own business. Someone else starts a competitive business just down the street, offering better merchendise, prices, etc. How do you react? Do you fight back? How 'dirty' will you play?
I'd get pissed off initially. Then I'd try to understand what it is that makes his offer more interesting than mine. Then I'd try to start a cooperation. Then, should that not work, there would be a dead horse's head in the guys bed.
4 Let’s assume that time machine exists, works and is safe to use. You are offered a chance to travel in time. Would you rather go to the past or to the future? And of course: Why?
Been to the past already. Future it is - I could learn the results of my present decisions then go back and change or fine tune them if necessary.
5 What did Materazzi say to Zidane in the match for gold during the 2006 football (soccer – that’s for you Joj and Andre) world championships, between France and Italy, to deserve the infamous headbutt from the French player?
"Your face, my ass - match made in heaven." Zidane's italian (years spent in Juventus) had already gotten pretty rusty by then, so he misunderstood face for head and ass for chest.Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.06.08 o godzinie 18:25

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Temat: Five 4 Friday 20.06.2008

Anna E.:
2. Don't get offended and tell them. But within reason. (fuck, got me confused here)
I tend to do that to people.

Wait, or is it the 'people' who do that to me? Damn, I'm confused.
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Five 4 Friday 20.06.2008

Jarek A.:
Be creative.

1 Would you 'sell' your Significant Other for any amount of money (£, €, $, PLN, …) for one night, if it could solve all your financial problems forever? If yes – how much money would that have to be? If no – why? If you’re single… pretend you're not.

No. It just doesn't agree with me. Love is one of the few things money can't buy, so selling it would be sheer stupidity.

2 Do you get offended by race jokes?

Not really, but I don't like it when I can sense that the person telling them doesn't see the inverted commas and actually believes in the stereotype he's describing.
Do you tell race jokes? I don’t mean horse race, mind you.

Sometimes I do.

3 You run your own business. Someone else starts a competitive business just down the street, offering better merchendise, prices, etc. How do you react? Do you fight back? How 'dirty' will you play?

I'd take the 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' strategy.

4 Let’s assume that time machine exists, works and is safe to use. You are offered a chance to travel in time. Would you rather go to the past or to the future? And of course: Why?

I've always wanted to check what would have happened if I prevented my grandfather from meeting my gran - what would have happened 3 generations down the line? What would have happened to me? Would I be lost in a different dimension forever?

5 What did Materazzi say to Zidane in the match for gold during the 2006 football (soccer – that’s for you Joj and Andre) world championships, between France and Italy, to deserve the infamous headbutt from the French player?

I don't think anything I'd say would beat Keith's answer to this ;)

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Temat: Five 4 Friday 20.06.2008

1. I say 'no, no, no'...

2. Being a Jewish culture admirer, I have to admit I love these old-fashioned Jewish jokes (not those awful ones about Holocaust!) that refer to their wisdom, smartness and entrepreneurship. If you watched "Fiddler On The Roof", "The Train Of Life" or Woody Allen's films, then you know what I mean. As for race jokes, they are usually trash and boorish and therefore not very likely to draw my attention.

3. I'd fight back, of course! Don't really know how "dirty" could it be, but seriously - I would consider enhancing the list of goods and services to stay competitive and attract customers.

4. Being a 20th century history enthusiast, I would use it to see all the glorious and disastrous moments of it, especially to recall the fall of communism in Europe that happened when I was just 9-10. I wish I could experience it more consciously.

5. "Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries!"

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Five for Friday 27.11.2008

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