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Temat: Fish Fingers

But was it Polski Twix, Steve? Cos, damn it! I'm in Britain and I demand my POLSKI TWIX!!!!

Erm.... I think it said "Nowość - with added poppy seeds".
And my mistake, it was a Twiks
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Fish Fingers


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Temat: Fish Fingers

Dammit, yes!

I need more lessons as I'm obviously not thinking like a native.

Temat: Fish Fingers

Can you tell me if you learnt to enjoy our cabbage dishes like bigos, mloda kapusta, pierogi/krokiety z kapusta and the like?

At first I couldn't imagine that some people find it disgusting :D :D
Maciej Kulig

Maciej Kulig adventurer

Temat: Fish Fingers

Lidia K.:
Can you tell me if you learnt to enjoy our cabbage dishes like bigos, mloda kapusta, pierogi/krokiety z kapusta and the like?

At first I couldn't imagine that some people find it disgusting :D :D

What?! Disgustin?! No way! Bigos? Those foreigners are freaks ;)
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Fish Fingers

I physically can't keep down śledź or galareta. I mean, dinner-flavoured jelly, who's the sick bastard who invented that?

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Temat: Fish Fingers

Keith Byrne:
I physically can't keep down śledź or galareta. I mean, dinner-flavoured jelly, who's the sick bastard who invented that?

The same one who thought tripe would be a great family reunion dish?

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Temat: Fish Fingers

Lidia K.:
Can you tell me if you learnt to enjoy our cabbage dishes like bigos, mloda kapusta, pierogi/krokiety z kapusta and the like?

At first I couldn't imagine that some people find it disgusting :D :D
For me, "enjoy" isn't strong enough :)

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Temat: Fish Fingers

Tatiana S.:
Keith Byrne:
I physically can't keep down śledź or galareta. I mean, dinner-flavoured jelly, who's the sick bastard who invented that?

The same one who thought tripe would be a great family reunion dish?

My dad? :D

Temat: Fish Fingers

Personally I do love tripe /flaki/ by my mum!
But I also eat fatty food like bacon and smalec; no mention of galareta (with vinegar!) and zupa ogorkowa. Zupa ogonowa, kaszanka and mozdzek however are off my menu.

Do you foreigners from the country of haggis, blood pudding etc. like to order mozdzek as a starter at times?

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Temat: Fish Fingers

Lidia K.:
Can you tell me if you learnt to enjoy our cabbage dishes like
bigos, mloda kapusta, pierogi/krokiety z kapusta and the like?

At first I couldn't imagine that some people find it disgusting :D :D

We do have cabbage in the UK. I don't know if my family is unusual but we eat it quite a bit.
Yes, it is true that the pickled/fermented type is a bit alien to our taste-buds, but if you are hungry you get used to it quickly.

I agree with Keith though that savoury jelly is the work of Satan.

... a bit like sweet pierogi.
I once bought pierogi z serem. Imagine my surprise when I stuffed the first pierogi into my mouth with a load of cabbage.

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Temat: Fish Fingers

I hate fish pudding... It is not a Polish dish. I had to smile to the last drop of this vomit-like dish: fish, potatoe puree, boiled and chopped eggs.... Aj.... The Norwegian invention..

The most awfull things I love: galareta based on beef ;), tripes, sour cabbage with onion, cummin, sugar, olive oil..as a salad; sweet and salty black candy. Sweet pierogi are on my top list, especially with fruits and covered with vanilla spiced whipped cream. Lidia!!! Zupa ogorkowa - my favourite.. next to minestrone :)

The worst pierogi are pierogi ruskie.... potato, cheese and onion in one pocket.

I guess English haggis tastes like Polish kaszanka. Not bad, however I don't eat 'Transilvanian' dish ;)) Vampires and company.Magdalena C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.02.08 o godzinie 17:00
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Fish Fingers

Marcin B.:
Tatiana S.:
Keith Byrne:
I physically can't keep down śledź or galareta. I mean, dinner-flavoured jelly, who's the sick bastard who invented that?

The same one who thought tripe would be a great family reunion dish?

My dad? :D

Marcin, you might be onto something, my dad is a tripe-man himself (in that he likes the odd bowl of tripe, not in that he is a man made of animal intestines). maybe it's a dad-thing?

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Temat: Fish Fingers

Keith Byrne:
maybe it's a dad-thing?
Does this mean I will never be a dad?

Temat: Fish Fingers

Keith Byrne:
Marcin B.:
Tatiana S.:
Keith Byrne:
I physically can't keep down śledź or galareta. I mean, dinner-flavoured jelly, who's the sick bastard who invented that?

The same one who thought tripe would be a great family reunion dish?

My dad? :D

Marcin, you might be onto something, my dad is a tripe-man himself (in that he likes the odd bowl of tripe, not in that he is a man made of animal intestines). maybe it's a dad-thing?

My grandpa used to like tripe. I don't know about dad thou.
Anyway: I agree that making fish into jelly is sick. I guess all you have to do is take a life one and squeeze really hard.

Although dinner flavoured jelly is good when it is a regular 'galareta wieprzowa'. Of course if you prepare it yourself. I wouldnt trust people I dont know to cook me something like that.

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Temat: Fish Fingers

I'm probably repeating myself but the weirdest thing I ever tasted was goat cheese icecream served with apple pie. Valadolid, Spain. And, again, it was a bit like Steven's idea of pierogi - for god's sake, ice cream is supposed to be effing sweet! I put a spoonful in my mouth and had the weirdest sensation in my life :)

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Temat: Fish Fingers

Keith Byrne:
Marcin B.:
Tatiana S.:
Keith Byrne:
I physically can't keep down śledź or galareta. I mean, dinner-flavoured jelly, who's the sick bastard who invented that?

The same one who thought tripe would be a great family reunion dish?

My dad? :D

Marcin, you might be onto something, my dad is a tripe-man himself (in that he likes the odd bowl of tripe, not in that he is a man made of animal intestines). maybe it's a dad-thing?

Who knows - my dad likes some really odd stuff - tripe, black pudding, head cheese, liver sausages etc... Whereas I stick to red striated muscle tissue and certain crustaceans and mollusks :)

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Temat: Fish Fingers

Tatiana S.:
I'm probably repeating myself but the weirdest thing I ever tasted was goat cheese icecream served with apple pie. Valadolid, Spain. And, again, it was a bit like Steven's idea of pierogi - for god's sake, ice cream is supposed to be effing sweet! I put a spoonful in my mouth and had the weirdest sensation in my life :)

Somewhere in the US they have a place called Homeland of Garlic and once a year you can get garlic ice cream there. Now, I totally adore garlic but this in ice cream form, hmmmm.....
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Fish Fingers

Head-cheese, Marcin? I'm intrigued. Please elaborate

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Temat: Fish Fingers

Keith Byrne:
Head-cheese, Marcin? I'm intrigued. Please elaborate

It is called salceson in Poland - head-cheese was the closest linguistic match I know of :)


Headcheese may be American English :) Dictionary.com says it may be called brawn in the UK :) It is equally disgusting anyway :DMarcin B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.02.08 o godzinie 18:42

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