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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Anna Svetozarov:
my home town in Macedonia

It's beautiful.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Adam L.:
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

The smell of Powiśle after the rain.
mmm-MMM-mmm Bottle that.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Joj Y.:
Adam L.:
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

The smell of Powiśle after the rain.
mmm-MMM-mmm Bottle that.

Wow, we have a romantic soul here!!!

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

About Adam? ech...maybe a little. I meant the smell, though :)))

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Adam is my dad. Dad are you romantic???

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Not any longer, but I've retained some aesthetic sensitivity.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

I was expecting the to hear (read) the most romantic line of all times:

Come to daddy!!!


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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Paw - Lolita:
Lolita, spread your pretty legs
So daddy can see just where he wants to pray
The sun shines through your flimsy dress
Put your little body on display

Speaking of "daddy"... :)Michał G. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.12.08 o godzinie 14:32

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

OK, it should have been my "dad is Adam" and he doesn't speak English
No futher comments!

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

still sounds the same to me.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

think harder, there's a HUUUUUUUge difference in meaning! in sound as well!

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Michał G.:
Paw - Lolita:
Lolita, spread your pretty legs
So daddy can see just where he wants to pray
The sun shines through your flimsy dress
Put your little body on display

Speaking of "daddy"... :)Michał G. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.12.08 o godzinie 14:32

Hopefully you won't be a daddy yourself!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Ouch, Justyna...

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Justyna O.:
Hopefully you won't be a daddy yourself!

What a great comeback...


For me to poop on!

PS. Chill the fuck out, seriously now... :)

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

not today

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

So I can be a mafia "padrino", should the need arise.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

You should enjoy this pillow then:


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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Great! But I prefer a good bottle of wine as my bedfellow :)

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

I've missed you people...

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!
Big hand for Sylwia and a big hand for Amy for picking me up at the train, and taking me to my brother's in bad weather.
1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?
I would like to be able to control appliances remotely, especially the oven (and I would like to keep a towel boy).
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?
My family.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?
Not as far as I am concerned.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?
I have never rescued anyone. Have I ever been rescued? More like avenged. Whoa.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.
Home is in Michigan. I live in Chicago. I am a rookie. Washington D.C., which is not far.

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Five for Friday 15.08.2008

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