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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?
Not in my case. Believe me.

so all your decision were/are/will be wrong??????
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Tatiana S.:
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?


Anything material or non-material. I expected thoughts & memories to be an obvious one, but maybe someone's got an old coin that once belonged to their great granddad?
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

I think we've had it here already.

Have we? Oh.

Alternative announcement: I can't be bothered to answer my own q's today - off to bed presto!

Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Jarek A.:
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?
Not sure if this will count: my brains.
I absolutely agree :D
If necessary, define 'home'.
Texas. Pretty fekking far away from home.
Defining home: Europe.
So no UEA????Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.12.08 o godzinie 23:26

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Lidia K.:
Jarek A.:
Defining home: Europe.
So no UEA????
No ma'am.


Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Jarek A.:
Europe where?

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

Fully automatic sound system. Coming home after a hard day, only to be greeted by your favorite tunes... That's pretty nice, isn't it? :)
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

Hard currency... Or jewelry! Now seriously though - I'd say experience with various kinds of really different people. I learned not to take life too seriously and at least try to respect other people views and ideals.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

Not entirely. Usually - yes, but sometimes (as much as I hate it) plain apathy is just better.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

My brother rescued me when I was just a wee toddler. Apparently I've somehow escaped from my cradle and climbed to a great height. When he entered the room I was supposed to be sleeping in, I was already on my way to the ground. Fortunately, he caught me just in time.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been?If necessary, define 'home'.

Germany, I guess. I didn't really have too much opportunities in life to become a globetrotter as of yet. Quiet sad actually, as I'd love to do some traveling.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.


1. Huge powder room with a lot of closets and mirrors.

2. My marriage to wonderful man.

3. Yes

5. New Zealand

Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

Beer in the fridge
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

My two sons and the watch on my wrist that belonged to my Grandfather, one of the few things he didn't gamble away.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

Not at all. I've made a lot of decisions, some good some bad.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

I once rescued a drunk man who'd fallen asleep outside at night in February. He probably would have frozen to death.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

If home is where the heart is, then the furthest away I've been was a very lonely place

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

What a lovely question!!! I would like to have three things installed: automatic-cleaner; fridge-fulfiller and the very entertainment room- where I would have swimming pool, sauna and my own DOJO.

2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

My lovely wife.

3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

No, I am a human being like you guys!!! That’s why I ought to make decisions those good and sometimes those bad too and it’s a part of my life. In order to discover something, gain some knowledge or even lesson we have to make mistakes or make wrong decisions, as only than we do have our very chance to go over our complicated personality trying to fix those slips. Furthermore I believe in such a statement, that I won’t regret any choices which I had made or anything what I did in the past.

4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

We do that every time while we are truly helping somebody even in some simple matters, as those so simple situations are always so damn hard for us.

5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.


Mediterranean see, Crete, Vai beach astonishing place

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Lars Saabye Christensen:
Needed rescuing from Shisha Pangma in Tibet which is just over 850 metres higher than Everest.
Unless some undetected geological activity has taken place in the last few days I'm pretty sure there ain't no higher place on Earth than Mt. Everest.

I might be rrrrong here though. I often am.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Lidia K.:
Jarek A.:
Europe where?
Outside EU.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Jarek A.:
Lars Saabye Christensen:
Needed rescuing from Shisha Pangma in Tibet which is just over 850 metres higher than Everest.
Unless some undetected geological activity has taken place in the last few days I'm pretty sure there ain't no higher place on Earth than Mt. Everest.

Yes it should of been Everest which is 850 metres higher - wrong order.Thanks.

Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?
It could do food shopping for me. And prepare a relaxing bath. And.. predict my other wishes ;)
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?
The painting made by my grandfather, the beads left by my grandma. And first of all - my family including my son, husband, parents and my bro.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?
I think that there's no such thing like not making a decision. Even if you don't make a decision you actually decide to stay at the level you are. So, no, i don't agree.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?
I don't remember so probably neither of those.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.
Rome. And my home is Poland.
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!

1. Hmm...I'm not sure I would like to live in a house that is more intelligent than I'm (not too difficult to achieve. The one I'm living in now is probably more intelligent than I:)))

2. Friendship

3. Nope. All my man were bad decisions :))))
4. Yes to both
5. Home - Warsaw. I don't know which one is the furthest - South Africa, Japan, US or South America?
But I can easily pointh the most God Forsaken place I've been to :))))Maria B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.12.08 o godzinie 14:50

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Jarek A.:
Lars Saabye Christensen:
Needed rescuing from Shisha Pangma in Tibet which is just over 850 metres higher than Everest.
Unless some undetected geological activity has taken place in the last few days I'm pretty sure there ain't no higher place on Earth than Mt. Everest.

hehe.. remember the old joke from kindergarten? What's taller than Mt. Everest?

A pile of shit on K-2

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?
self-cleaning and self-repairing
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?
Oh, no! Please! I hope it`s not true.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?
Three cats, one dog and a hare.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!
tadam! ;)
1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?
empathy. which i lack, so it would do "what's ought to be done" when I don't ;) plus, it could soothe me with music and temperature according to my actual mood. and it should me environment-friendly.
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?
i don't. things are goods acquired, memmories fade - so, carpe diem and let the past go.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?
no, i don't agree.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?
yes, someone grabbed me last second when i was crossing Marszalkowska running for a bus to get to a party. i didn't notice the tram coming. don't drink and run, folks.
haven't had a chance to pay that back though.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.
on a night bus once. i felt sooo far away from home. it was dark, i was alone, and i had a mile or so still to walk. even in the US have i ever felt the distance so badly.
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

Self-cleaning, no bills, makes breakfast.
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

The best day of my life was when I got rid of nearly all possessions. But a tobacco pouch that someone smuggled out of a jail is special.

3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

Yes. Always better to do something rathe than notjing.

4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

I rescued someone once. A nasty situation.

5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

Quite. Where is home? What does this mean? I should find out some day.
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at Vm.pl

Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

self-cleaning,with a button for changing the view from the windows

2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

sounds lame, my family:)
actually - my Zune (yeah, I am a PC)
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

definitely, but I am not that sort of person, I always make decisions but very often the wrong ones...

4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

can't remember,so I think I have't....nothing serious anyway

5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

Raipur, Chattisgarh in India - the furthest place on east-west axis:). Don't go there it sucks!

Home - where your friends and family live and where you have a memory of every street - Wroclaw and my home town in Macedonia


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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

Smart buildings? It's the same as with cars - I can tolerate all the gadgetry as long as there is an override button.
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

The smell of Powiśle after the rain. Pre-war family photos.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

Yes, there's nothing better than the good old "yes or no", Bogart style. Although sometimes I'm so disinterested that I assume a passive "let's wait and see and have fun" attitude. Usually at someone's expense.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

Oh yes, a taxi driver rescued me tonight. He saw me doing doughnuts in Książęca Street, wound down the window and shouted "there are cops under the bridge and a next patrol 500 metres after".
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

Warsaw. It's within me wherever I go, so I don't feel the distance.Adam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.12.08 o godzinie 01:41

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Five for Friday 15.08.2008

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