Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!

Hoooooooraaaayy.....!!!! Thank you for an attention :)

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

First of all, before "intelligencing" my home I'd made it energetically efficient. I mean sun collectors, using energy from the ground (so from sun too) and using "warm" materials.
Then I'd welcomed energy management as an "intellifeature".
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

There is no treasure for me to cherish in face of an Absoluteness.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

No. Accordingly to Godel's theorem - there are lots of exceptions to all given rules.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

No. I live in peace and harmony :) No accidents, no famine, no tornados, etc.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

West part of London :) Which place exactly? I don't know :)

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!

You go girl, with your bad self!

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal
house to have?

Surround sound and a set of turntables in every room.
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

Absolutely ... just like the worse question is one that you don't ask.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

All of the above.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

Home... jeez.. hard to define home when one moves as often as I do... If I say that home is Poland, then California would do the trick... If I feel that NYC is home... then Warsaw would be the best point of reference.

Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

I want to have a frickin' robot. Nothing more.
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

Yhm... the most valuable ones.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

Nope. It bs created for reasons of rationalisation. Obaviously there are decisions that shoot you in the ocean of shitiness - I would call them "bad decisions".
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

Yep. I've probably saved a life once. Never been rescued thou... ungrateful bastards...
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

I've been to parts of the US that are not even googlemapped in decent resolutions. I remember thinking "Shit, I'm far away from home". The feeling was boosted by some pleasant person who had decided to steal my wallet and documents, so it was more like "Shit, I'm far away from home with 3 bucks and no id".

Additional question: Do you read answers to FFF?;>

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

I've never heard of intelligent houses but I would most like a house to have an open fire. With logs. And crackling noises. I recently rented a house in Belgium and when I arrived the tv had what appeared to be a fire in it. And there were crackling log noises too. It turned out to be an artificial log fire DVD!
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?
I don't understand this question.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?
Yes that sounds really good. I have to move flats and I just cannot decide where to move to. But in fact any decision I make would be better than the current indecision.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?
I once had to rescue a sheep that had fallen into a river. A wet adult sheep is a heavy thing.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.
Possibly Minneapolis. I found a motel and got a room. Then it slowly dawned on me that the other rooms were being used as a brothel. I could hear frenzied shagging noises all around me. I ended up jamming a chair against the door handle and escaping very quickly the next morning.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!
I'm no gentleman, can I still answer the q's?
1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?
My "dream home" can even be stupid, I don't care, as long as it can clean itself.
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?
Not sure if this will count: my brains.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?
In my case (so far): yes.
Generally: not entirely.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?
I've saved an old lady's life once. I stopped kicking her ass.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.
Texas. Pretty fekking far away from home.
Defining home: Europe.


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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’.
What features would you like your ideal house to have?
- an automatic machine that presses out the oranges in the morning
- an intelligent refrigerator, that ordered immediately what I've
taken out.
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?
my health
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you
No... everybody has sometimes the idea ... that was a bad decision/idea.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued
not that I remember
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If
necessary, define 'home'.
Dominican Republic.Guy C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.12.08 o godzinie 19:15

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

What I value more is home and family than mere house. But.... well, my house sholud clean itself, be hot in winter and chilly during the summer, coook for me, organize parties for my friends, exercise for me so than I'm slim, slender and always in shape bla bla bla bla....
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

Memories, family and friends.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

10000000000000028 % YES
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

I was rescued by my best friend Karolina (my guardian angel since then)
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

the States (great adventure)

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

Energy efficient, with intelligent lights, and as wireless as possible.
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?


edited: OK. Then I say the bracelet my son wore for the first few days of his life. It reminds me of a wonderful day when...

I finally saw my feet after two months :)
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

I think we've had it here already. I have no idea, actually, because how would you know the decision would have been good or bad?
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

My dad and I saved a dog and seven cats. We used to have a deranged neighbor (summer house), who once wanted to shoot the dog, and then, next summer, drown seven kittens. They were all orange cats, and about a couple weeks old. I took them home and my mom fed them milk and cream. They pooped all over the place.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

I guess Tokyo.Tatiana S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.12.08 o godzinie 23:06

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Tatiana S.:
I think we've had it here already.
We have, but this time I kept my trap shut ><

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Additional question: Do you read answers to FFF?;>
Affirmative. ... makes me smile. :)

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Possibly Minneapolis. I found a motel and got a room. Then it slowly dawned on me that the other rooms were being used as a brothel. I could hear frenzied shagging noises all around me. I ended up jamming a chair against the door handle and escaping very quickly the next morning.
If I wouldn't have been wearing my boots you wouldn't have gotten away. See you next time your around ;)

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

Same as Starship Enterprise please. That would do just fine.
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

My wife is quite a treasure :)
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

"It is in the moment of decision that destiny is shaped". Make them often. Make lots of them and who cares if they're wrong.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

Rescued my dog from drowning. Stripped by the river in March.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

Home is where we hang the hat. Isn't it? :)

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

A spiral staircase, a secret room (like the opening bookcase or fireplace)
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

Its a charcoal drawing by Picasso (one of many hundreds which he is reported to have drawn) given to me by my late grandmother. Yes its authentic but artistically its just average.

3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

Make up your mind and then stick to it and do all in your power to support that decision whatever it may be. Thats my motto and it works well.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

Needed rescuing from Shisha Pangma in Tibet which is just over 850 metres higher than Everest. I rescued 2 chinese people in a swimming pool (they are pretty lousy swimmers) and all I got was some gawky grin from both of them for my troubles.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

Deep in the Nullabor Desert in Western Australia on route to Adelaide by bicycle and just red sand as far as the eye can see in all directions. Now its a great memory but back then I wanted it to be over so much.
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:

1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?

Intelligent house would serve me cold beer whenever I want it and do the dish washing. Simple... but simple things make me happy.
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?

Life's experiences no doubt.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?

I do agree pretty much, I also do regret making some ...
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?

I rescued my now huge cat when it was still a tiny kitten, I also had to rescue my brother after an accident about 9 years ago.
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.

That would be some place in western UK. I was very young and can't really recall well. I regret i haven't been outside Europe yet.Andrzej S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.12.08 o godzinie 22:10

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to the one and only ... all the way from Olsztyn .... let's give a big hand, ladies and gentelmen for ..... Sylwia Łubkowska!!!!!
Thank you, Sylwia.
1.You’ve probably heard of the so-called ‘intelligent houses’. What features would you like your ideal house to have?
Invisible to whomever processes the tax assesments.
2.What treasure do you cherish the most?
Loved ones.
3.“The only bad decision is the one you haven’t made.” Do you agree?
Not in my case. Believe me.
4.Have you ever rescued anything / anyone or been rescued yourself?
Yes to the first part, no to the second, and let's keep it that way. :)
5.What is the furthest place away from home you've ever been? If necessary, define 'home'.
Home is Michigan and Chicago. So, Honolulu; Hel; and Helsinski, are all right around the same, I think. Plus, I get 1000 USD from Steve J. for each alliteration I make. Some other places.

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Joj Y.:
>Honolulu; Hel; and Helsinski,
are all right around the same, I think. Plus, I get 1000 USD from Steve J. for each alliteration I make. Some other places.
1000 USD? OK - my places are Halifax, Halmstad, Hamilton, Hammerfest, Hangzhou, Hanoi, Hanover, Harare, Heidelberg, Helsingborg, Heraklion, High Wycombe, Hong Kong, Houston, Hudson Bay and Hyderabad!

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Joj Y.:
If I wouldn't have been wearing my boots you wouldn't have gotten away. See you next time your around ;)
I'm not going back there :-)

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Dave Andrew:
Plus, I get 1000 USD
from Steve J. for each alliteration I make. Some other places.
1000 USD? OK - my places are Halifax, Halmstad, Hamilton, Hammerfest, Hangzhou, Hanoi, Hanover, Harare, Heidelberg, Helsingborg, Heraklion, High Wycombe, Hong Kong, Houston, Hudson Bay and Hyderabad!
hehehe :)

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Temat: Fiiiiiive for Friday! (05.12.2008)

Duplicate post :)Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.12.08 o godzinie 22:16

Następna dyskusja:

Five for Friday 15.08.2008

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