Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?

2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?

3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?

4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?

5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?
Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you...
1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
I'm totally apolitical and not interested in politics, 'cause I have my right not to be
2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?
I would wor in McDonald's if I had to
4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?
polish cousine is good in general so don't ask me to choose only one dish, please
5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?
dunno if it's real, though


konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

1. No longer. It's soooo f*ckin' disappointing :/
2. Icelandic, if it may be considered "exotic".
3. Aye, nuff said, as long as we mean jobs that do not break the law!
4. Pierogi ruskie, barszcz ukraiński and chłodnik litewski :)
5. Kubusia Puchatka o_O

PS: Tatiana, Obi Wan Kenobi St. is friggin' real, it's in Lubicz near Toruń :)
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!

Thank you!

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
Roughly - not. All of them are goddamn liars and none will speak what he truly thinks. It's a bucket full of crap with a mixing crane inserted in.
2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
Finnish I guess.
3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?

I do agree - but then again, I would rather do something I like, not I have to do.
4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?

By jolly, bigos of course.
5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?

Butts Wynd


there has to be some story behind it...

konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?

2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
Morse code plus associated abbreviations like xyl-wife, qrp - low power.
Interlingua, language that makes you understood by millions of people who do not have to learn interlingua themselves.

3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?
It is good to work but it is important to use your head. I've heard some management guru say: Ask yourself the right question. Not "what to do?", but rather "what x to do so that you do not have to do y?" or "do you really need to do x to have y done?"...
4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?
I repeat after Magda: Ruskie pierogi. Hungarian goulash, Ukrainian bortsch...
5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?
ul. Misia Uszatka, Flappity Teddy Street.Jacek Kotowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.02.10 o godzinie 10:38

konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
Not interested.
2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?
Are you on about "Żadna praca nie hańbi"? No I do not fully agree with that - while one person might be OK with wiping somebody else's ass for money, someone else could find it humiliating.
4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?
Magda's got it spot on.
5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?
Too many to list them all. Obi-Wan street would be in the top 3.Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.02.10 o godzinie 13:35
Aneta W.

Aneta W. "People are better
than no people..."

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!
Thanks :)
1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
not really... I simply don't have that much time to follow the news.

2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?

3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?
No. There are definitely some jobs that I wouldn't ever want to have.

4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?
pierogi, placki ziemniaczane
5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?
ul. Samogłoski
Dawid Biały

Dawid Biały HR Advisor UK
(Downstream and

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?

Yes!! I'm very interested in politics.I'm student of political science.It's my hobby:)Everything what happens every day around us is connected with politics- you have to pay tax, you buy fuel, you cross the border etc.

2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?


3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?

Yes.Of corse the best is when you do something you like

4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?

Pierogi ruskie(;p!)

5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard?

List of bizare names of streets is very long. For example: Szparagowa, Kijankowa, Psia Buda, Boża Góra Prawa, Boża Góra Lewa
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
I'm interested in politics as a topic but do not believe that any one party has all the answers.
2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?
In principle, yes, although I wouldn't want to wipe arses for a living
4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?
5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?

Solikowskiego because it sounds silly!

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Thanks Krzysztof – a great set of questions!

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not)?

Yeah sure! It affects so much of my life. Were it not for Solidarność, what would Poland be like and would I be here? Poland has benefited in many ways from being in the EU, but I’m disappointed in some of the changes she is being been forced to make – such as the smoking ban. It just aint possible (as the Americans say) to think about these things without thinking about politics.

2. What is the most exotic language you would like to learn?

3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble?

Naturally, it is best to find something that matches your interests, and is rewarding and challenging, but in the past, when push came to shove, I took up some pretty humble positions. I hope I don’t have to again.

4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine?

Polish cuisine is great, but I prefer Italian, French and Spanish

5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of?

Wong Way – in California (in that country between Canada and Mexico)

konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
as for the Polish mess...well...still like to be updated what's going on unless I can see twin brothers on TV...then the TV is out!

2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
like European languages, sorry:)

3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?
well, the more educated/ambitious are, the less willing to perform certain things you, not really.however, if there was no other alternative but to take such a job, I would have to accept it. at least for a while.

4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?
potatoes! (guess what is my hometown...:)

5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?
don't recall:(
Anna Żylińska

Anna Żylińska mFaktoring, Senior

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!
Thank you!
1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
Not really - just in the most important headlines. It's just simply too boring, I guess.
2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
Arabic (exotic to me but not to over 200mio people in the world:))
3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?

Yep. I also agree with another saying: shit happens. So you never know what might happen in your life and you should be prepared to be forced to do sth you're not proud of.
Wiping arses for living is what nurses do (among other things) and I don't find their job humiliating.
But another question is whether you would take a humiliating job for a whopping salary...

4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?
Beegees (bigos) :)
5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?
All these numeric ones in the US - that's bizarre :)
Łukasz Jędrzejczak

Łukasz Jędrzejczak "Be the change you
want to see in the

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
No, it's sucks
2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
Maybe bulgarian
4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?
5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?
Teleexpress street :)
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
I am, but not domestic. Because I have to know everything about the areas I travel and resarch.

2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
Hindi, and I am in progress.
I also learn Korean.

3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?
To some extent I do, but there are jobs we are better and less fitted to in terms of gift/ call whatever it's called. I will not be an office worker if I am a journalist. Just does not come together.

4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?

Oh, I will have my say now. I HATE bigos and I also claim that nothing worse than those farmers dishes was invented and promoted as "traditional" polish cuisine. So let me be sophisticated here and say game dishes with delicious sauces and stuff of the kind. NO POTATOES though I like them, yet they should not be advertized!. NO BIGOS. I like Żurek though :)

And everyone who adverts disgusting stuff as traditional polish cuisine deserves to be hanged and to be hanged immediately!

5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?

Don't remember :(Agnieszka Piasecka edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.02.10 o godzinie 18:30
Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?

Yeah, i'm not an expert in politics but generally wanna know what's up. Moreover, sometimes it's funny, sometimes spooky...
2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?

3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?

If it is called 'a job'... helll, yeah.
4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?

5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?

Lenina, Waryńskiego, Rewolucji Październikowej, Armii Czerwonej, itd.

konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Thank you, Krzysztof.

1. I would not be interested in going into politics. Almost all of the politicians I know of aren't leaders. They're followers. I do pay attention to political news.

2. Chinese (Mandarin).

3. I don't know that saying but I suppose no job would be too humble for me.

4. Ryba po grecku sounds good right now.

5. It's just before Gonorrhea Road:

Marcin Jasiński

Marcin Jasiński Global Leader | CEO
Advisor | Management
Consultant | mjt...

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?

2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?

3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?

4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?

5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?

Cheers Krzysztof! Nice one!

1. Why not. It has an impact on our life and, most importantly, on the economy.

2. Enough for me in terms of languages. Unless we are talking about C++ and this kind of stuff...

3. Not really or partially. I wouldn't do most of the things people do, yet I believe that unless they enjoy it or have a 'plan' to progress / change the job / save money - it's fine with me. Personally, I would rather 'work my ass off' than settle.

4. Pierogi with meat.

5. Wall Street.

Have a nice weekend guys!


konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
Not really. It's boring. And when you've learnt that politicians don't really make decision, rather do what they're told... Well, the whole idea of politics is somewhat... distorted.

2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
Right now I'm thinking of taking up French.

3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?
No! That's just crap.

4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?
potatoes, chicken breasts or fish, surówka :)

5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?
Don't recall.Agnieszka C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.02.10 o godzinie 20:17
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
I am intetested in it. Both as a passive or an active person. One day I might even consider to be a politician, but I need a treatment to be a successful one I guess... my problem is, there are MANY people in politics who could try my temperament hard, and I currently find it difficult to not comment on some of the things.
Which I believe, a successful politician should always behave professionally.
I don't know why I am interested in politics, but my guesses are:
1- I believe I am more intelligent than many politicians
2- I think I have the qualities of a good team leader/manager
3- I'd LOVE to make things better for the people
4- Being an exceptionally good politician has a very good side-effect of being immortal (you know... your name being written to history books 100 years after you are dead or such), just like in being a very creative and successful musician (but I do nothing just to be an immortal person)
2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
Polish (fully)
3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?
I guess I agree, but not sure what exactly it is supposed to mean.
People can be humble or not... not the jobs, to me. But yes. I guess.
4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?
Barszcz czerwony is not bad at all.
But pierogi comes to my mind first, unfortunately :)
5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?
The "street name" or the name of a street?
I've heard many weird surnames in Poland, but I can't recall a weird street name. Sorry.
Anna A.

Anna A. Product Manager,
zakupy- stal
nierdzewna, produkty

Temat: FFF 26.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Krzysztof Obidziński!
Thank you
1. Are you interested in politics and why (or why not) ?
I'm trying to be updated, this knowledge can be useful someday...
2. What is the most exotic languague you would like to learn ?
Portuguese -European but sounds exotic ;)
3. Do you agree with the old saying: no job is too humble ?
There are some jobs I wouldn't take, so I can't agree.
4. What is your favourite dish from traditional Polish cuisine ?
Placki ziemniaczane- every quantity, every time, everywhere ;D
5. What was the most bizarre street name you've ever heard of ?
There are three street in Torun, respectively: Lecha, Czecha, Rusa.
Are they our national heroes or what? ;)Anna G. edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.02.10 o godzinie 14:01

Następna dyskusja:

FFF 12.03.2010

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