Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!

1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?
3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes
5. Why did the duck cross the road?

And a brief commercial: Negotiation Skills in English details on

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Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!

1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P
Good. Full stomach (just finished lunch). Sleepy (digesting lunch and tired from the concert last night).
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?
1.Someone's gonna get fired.
2.Cheeky gits are spawning like locust!
3.I've just been told I'll be travelling A LOT in March :S
3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?
This changes daily for me. DT are hip atm. Or Devin Townsend+Anneke.
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes
5. Why did the duck cross the road?
oh boy... 'cos the chicken dared it to ?
And a brief commercial: Annoucement removed due to breaching of Friday/weekend rules

Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Thanks Andrzej :)
1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P
Tired. Got up at 5 am to drive from Gdansk to Wroclaw this morning… still looking forward to a fun evening with some friends tonight…
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?
Its warmer, its sunny, and TGIF!
3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist > would you like to perform at your place?
The Doors
4. Whats yur flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix
of tastes
Never thought about this…
5. Why did the duck cross the road?
The grass always seems greener on the other side of the... road? :)Klaudia J. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.02.10 o godzinie 12:17
Anna Żylińska

Anna Żylińska mFaktoring, Senior

Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!
Thanks Andrzej
1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P
exhausted after past 5 inhumane days at work
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?

1. It's Friday! At last!
2. Producing 1 ton of paper from a freshly cut trees causes decapitation of 10 to 18 trees, consumption of 7600 KW of energy, and pollution of 440000,00 liters of fresh water! So be careful what you print :)
3. In a minute I'm going to have a cup of nice green jasmine tea (CNN live broadcast of my sipping starts in 15 minutes)

3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?

Today? Ella Fitzgerald, tomorrow maybe Led Zeppelin or RHCP
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes

In cuisine my favorite mix of tastes is mediterranean or oriental.

Besides cuisine I don't have any favorites tastes (i usualy don't like having favorites of any kind. It narrows the horizon,I guess). I just have some I really dislike
5. Why did the duck cross the road?
Because it was a kamikaze duck

May the Lord (of any religion) bless you all with a great weekend!

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Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!

1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P
Briefly??? I am today!
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?
3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?
JIM MORRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes
Oh, you can have a favourite one??? I kind'a like them all...
5. Why did the duck cross the road?
Why did the road cross the duck's environment??

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Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!

1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P

Fine. Spring is coming.
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?

You can do it.
Your voice matters.
Teaching others you are teaching yourself.
3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan !!! and Peter Gabriel
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes

Garlic. Best against AH1N1 and vampires.
5. Why did the duck cross the road?

Grass is always better on the other side? I join others in this claim. If I were duck this would be the reason.
>Jacek Kotowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.02.10 o godzinie 16:32

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Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!
Thank you, Andrzej. :)
1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P
I'm in a pleasant mood, and I'm grateful. Thanks :)
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?
Hmm...impromptu: Don't smoke. Be generous (not necessarily about money when you can't). Ask for help if you don't know what to do.
3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?
I forgot her name. The maid who worked in the home of some childhood friends. The kitchen looks like ground zero. I remember she used to sing a lot.
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix
I probably taste like olive oil. It's presently being stored on my stomach.
5. Why did the duck cross the road?
She's meeting Tiffany and Amber at a club. They're hard-living, bad-ass hip-hop credit card girls from the suburbs. But when she's knocked down in the street by a cab. "Mommy!" "Call my mommy!"

And a brief commercial: Negotiation Skills in English details on
Congratulations. It's a good idea. :)Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.02.10 o godzinie 18:57
Marcin Jasiński

Marcin Jasiński Global Leader | CEO
Advisor | Management
Consultant | mjt...

Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!

1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?
3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes
5. Why did the duck cross the road?

Cheers Andrzej & Steve!

1. Splendid! Started leading an exciting & important project.
2. a) smile; b) you can do it; c) life is too short to be little
3. Michael Jackson
4. Bordeaux
5. Having watched the NIKE commercial, the duck thought - what the heck!?...and just did it!


MJMarcin Jasiński edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.02.10 o godzinie 19:33
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!

1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P

tired and anxious... playing tomorrow...

2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?

Kill your television!

3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?

I'd love to perform myself
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes

I'll ask my wife
5. Why did the duck cross the road?

To get to the other side

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Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!

1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P
forget the weather, I'm in the weekend spirit:)
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?
1. make sure u have some warm clothes while jogging:)
2. it's never 2 late 2 start something new...especially on Monday:)
3. try to live your life to the fullest, it's so short!:(
3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?
sorry, I still go for MJ-he's a legend!:)
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes
Mexiccccana:) and Italia...
5. Why did the duck cross the road?
love those questions I have no idea what to answer to!

btw, have an awesome weekend Anglo friends!:)
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P

Fine thanks. Procrastinating.

2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?

Stacey killed Archie Mitchell.
I'm going to leave Poland after ten years here,
Spring is in the air.

3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?

A theatre troupe from the late 16th early 17th centuries, The King's Men.

4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes

Chilli and coffee. Or maybe smoked salmon.

5. Why did the duck cross the road?

Because it was stalking the chicken.Jon M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.02.10 o godzinie 13:38
Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!
1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P
I'm easy like Sunday morning :)
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?

Actually I think there are no such news today. All in all it's weekend, and ppl shouldn't be disturbed.
3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?
(dead)Dissection with Jon Notveidt.
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes

I like too many of them to choose 1.
5. Why did the duck cross the road?
Becose there was a read.

And a brief commercial: Negotiation Skills in English details on

Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Thanks Andrzej!!

1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P
Just looking forward to the Spring.

2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?
- The most successful propaganda ever in the world is the anti-smoking campaign.
- Most of what we have been led to believe about smoking is exaggerated or just plain false!
- Anyone who genuinely wants to get to the truth of the matter should start by reading this Article by Joe Jackson

3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead, what band or artist would you like to perform at your place?
It could be a number of friends who work as DJs – some of whom have already performed at private parties at my place.

4. What’s your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes

5. Why did the duck cross the road?
To chase the drake for goodness sake,
Beyond the road they found a toad.
The chicken was there by mistake
Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!
thanks, A!
1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P
the sun is shining and my boss is not here today
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?
I like drawing,
but I'm awful in doing this
so I always destroy everything I draw or paint
3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?
bob marley
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes
can't remember, my taste buds are totally destroyed by alcohol
5. Why did the duck cross the road?
'cause the road couldn't cross the chicken?

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Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Kevin D'Arcy:
should start by reading this Article by Joe Jackson
I don't think it's conducive to the fun spirit of F4F to be ferocious against points we write in it.

So: That's a more intelligent paper than I thought it would be (if I can say so while not being the sharpest knife in the drawer myslef). :)

Still, smoking, in general, is probably hard on a brutha, and secondarily so on others sharing confined spaces with a smoker.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.02.10 o godzinie 20:14

Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Dear Joj,

Although I remember reading and very much enjoying your comments about the bad-ass, hip-hop credit card girls, somehow I completely missed your comment about smoking. So please don’t take my different position personally.

Anyway, I’m glad you took the time to read and enjoy Jackson’s article – personally, I don’t think he takes the issue far enough and there is a lot of other literature available, which I hope to contribute to. Feel free to contact me personally if you would like to discuss it further.
Either way I look forward to your responses to other questions on the forum.

KevinKevin D'Arcy edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.02.10 o godzinie 22:15

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Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Kevin, I would commend your stance on smoking.

Of course it is dangerous, but the passive smoking issue is greatly exaggerated.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.02.10 o godzinie 23:31
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Andrzej Starzyński!

weeee my own q's (I think i made em up before Placebo performance in November :D)
1. How are you today? Briefly describe :P

Very fine. I woke up a bit late, but still managed to get to the office before 10 am. First daily achievement made.
2. What are 3 things/news everyone should be told about today?

February ends on sunday, thats a good reason for a friday/saturday party :P

Sun isn't shining and the weather is not sweet, but the day is still pretty great.

Champions League.
3. If you could choose anyone alive or dead,What band or artist would you like to perform at your place?

Led Zeppelin
4. Whats your flavour? Be it how you taste or your favourite mix of tastes

hot and sour
5. Why did the duck cross the road?

Cause it didn't want to be any worse than chicken.

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Temat: FFF 19.02.2010

5. Why did the duck cross the road?
On a second thought, that's why:


Następna dyskusja:

FFF 12.03.2010

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